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Some authors point out that transcatheter arterial embolization is an effective method of hemostasis. In medical literature this method of hemostasis is not covered sufficiently.

The period under analysis is 200412008. During this period 13 patients with gastro1duodenal hemorrhage underwent endovascular interventon. Among those patients there were 6 women and 7 men at 43 to 85.

All the patients were initially in bad condition.

In 2 cases the source of bleeding was duodenal ulcer, in 2 cases it was pancreatolysis in the phase of mattery fusion of parapancre1atic infiltrate, in 1 case it was hemorrhage in the postoperative period after the operation, performed in the case of choledocholithiasis, in 3 cases it was hemorrhage from the cancerous growth of the duodenal mamelon, in 3 cases the source of bleeding was putres1 cent cancer of the head of pancreas, in 1 case it was cancer of gall bladder, attaching dodecadactylon, in 1 case it was ventrical vari1cosity accompanied by left portal hypertension, which developed after previous pancreatolysis.

Actions performed: 10 gastro1duodenal artery embolizations, in 2 cases combined with embolization of the common hepatic artery, in 1 case combined with embolization of the lower pancreaticoduodenal artery; in 1 case isolated infusion of haemostatics into the gastroduodenal artery was performed, in 1 case it was embolization of the lower pancreaticoduodenal artery, in 1 case it was truncal embolization of the splenic artery.

All the patients had hemostasis achieved. No recurrent hemostasis was observed during the whole period of the patient care.





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