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The prostate cancer is one of the most widespread forms of malignant new growths at men. Brachytherapy I125 is a modern, hi-tech, effective, rather safe and easily reproduced method of prostate cancer treatment. In the Russian Scientific Center of Roentgenoradiology implantation of microsources I125 in patients with localized and widespread prostate cancer is carried out by since 2003. For the last period 689 implantations of sources I125 were spent. The tumor-specific survival rate after brachytherapy significantly didn't differ from a tumor-specific survival rate after radical prostatectomy. Thus, brachytherapy is a hi-tech, modern method of treatment in patients with prostate cancer and quantity of undesirable postbeam effects is less than after radical prostatectomy.



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2.     Сивков А.В., Ощепков В.Н., Патаки К.В. Интерстициальная лучевая терапия I125 локализованного рака предстательной железы. Урология. 2004; 1: 21–25.

3.     Чиссов В.И., Старинский В.В. Злокачественные новообразования в России в 2008 г. (заболеваемость и смертность). 2010; 256.

4.     Stone N.H. et al. Prospective assessment of patient-reported long-term urinary morbidity and associated quality of life changes after I125 rostate brahytherapy. Brachytherapy. 2003; 2 (1): 32–39.

5.     De Reijke T.M., Laguna M.P. Department of Urology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam. The Netherlands. Long-term complications of brachy-therapy in local prostate cancer. BJU International. 2003; 92 (8): 869–873. (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы