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Purpose. Was to reveal atypical MRI-signs of leiomyomas.

Materials and methods. Kinds of degeneration: hyaline (60%), cystous (4%), hemorrhagic and myxomatous. In rare case of 8% myomas can be localized in uterine cervix and its surrounding structure - ligamentum uteri latus, vagina and retroperitoneal area. Connection between uterine and myomatic node can be lost due to torsion and necrosis. Such situation leads to wrong diadnosis ((retroperitoneal tumor with extraorganic localization*. Such tumors displace bladder, rectum and descending colon to the front. Due to surrounding fabrics pressure these tumors have irregular forms. Atypical myomas with extrauterine localization often have cystoid degeneration, necrosis and hemorrahages - such situation needs differential diagnostics firstly with leiomyosarcomas: these malignant newgrowth more often than simple leiomyomas have such localization and structure.

Discussion. We have described two cases of leiomyomas atypical localizations, which had been estimated as an extraorganic tumors during diagnostics' initial stages. It is very important to differentiate leiomyomas from other tumors of the same localization. In case of cancer-tumors - immediate surgical treatment is necessary

Conclusions. Histological structure and clinical current knowledge can help to differentiate this tumor with atypical signs from malignant gynecological new growth. MRI can be used in diagnostics of atypical leiomyomas.  



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