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Aim: was to study features of ultrasonic imaging of local and septic forms of acute hematogenic osteomyelitis (AHO) in children.

Materials and methods: 59 patients with AHO, treated in Children's hospital No. 4 of Tomsk, for the period from 2000 to 2010 - were examined. All patients with suspicion on osteomyelitis (n = 59; 100%) underwent x-ray of defeated area and ultrasonic diagnostics on the Ultrasonix 2,6 with the use of linear sensor of 9-12 MHz. All patients with AHO underwent surgical operation (n=59; 100%).

Results: 47 patients had local form of disease. Each patient had one phase of osteomyelitis. Extramedullary phase, the development of which was due to the disease duration - was prevalencing^^,^. Prevalence of quantity of AHO phases (n=19) over total number of patients with a septic forms of disease (n=12), reflected existence of multiple osteomyelitis in four patients. In each patient with septic form of the AHO we found defeat of several bones in identical or different phases of an inflammation.

Conclusion: obtained results will help the earlier identification of AHO signs and determination of disease phase in patients with local and generalized forms of disease. All that will help to proceed modern sanation of osteomyelitic defeat.



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