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Aim. Was to investigate phase-parameters of renal arteries blood flow in hypertensive patients.

Material and methods. We have examined 173 patients with arterial hypertension, aged 38-78 years, including associated ischemic heart disease or heart stroke in the past. Control group consisted of 27 almost healthy patients aged 39-76 yrs. Acceleration phase index AT/RR, systolic phase index ET/R-R, and flow propagation index RA/R-R (RA is the time from R wave of ECG to the beginning of the systolic flow in the main renal artery at the hilus of kidney) were derived from the Doppler ultrasound.

Results and conclusions. Acceleration phase index in hypertensive patients was higher and systolic phase index was lower than in healthy subjects. Changing in the phase parameters of renal flow depends on associated clinical conditions. The most expressed changes occur in hypertensive patients with old myocardial infarction. Correlations between the phase parameters, the age and the serum lipids were analyzed. Age dependent normal values of the phase indices of renal flow were established. 



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