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Aim: was to compare fabric mineral density in women after bilateral ovarioectomy with hormonal replacement therapy and without it after 10 years of monitoring.

Materials and methods: we have examined 87 women after bilateral ovarioectomy with hysterectomy Patients were divided into 2 groups: 50 women with hormonal replacement therapy (1st group) and 37 patients without it (2nd group). All the patients were comparable by age at the moment of operation. Patients from the 1st group underwent examination twice: before operation and 13,1+5,6 years after the operation. Patients from the first group were examined once -11,4±4,1 yrs after the operation. Bone fabric mineral density was measured in 3 regions: lumbar department of a backbone, in a neck of a hip and in proximal department of a femur.

Results: on the base of obtained data it was found out that decreasement of bone fabric mineral density is different due to region of skeleton. Hormonal replacement therapy can decrease the speed of osteoporosis in women after hysterectomy, and that leads to decreased level of fractures in the postoperative period. 





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