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Aim: was to estimate the functionality of the nanokoloid drug labeled with technetium-99m for scintigraphy and intraoperative detection of «sentinel» lymph nodes (SLN) in experimental animals.

Materials and methods: the study was performed in 6 series of experiments, including 5 white male rats line «Wistar» weighing 300-350 g. Injection of radiopharmaceuticals (RPh) at a dose of 18-20 MBq were performed between the first and second fingers of the front paws of rats.

Results: in scintigraphic studies STL noted that RPh «Nanocolloid, 99mTc-Al2O3» accumulation reaches a plateau at the node (10.2%) for 2 hour study and its percentage content is stored at this level until 24 h. Intraoperative study, in all cases it was possible to visualize the STL.

Conclusions: results shows functional fitness RPh «Nanocolloids,99mTc-Al2O3» for scintigraphy and intraoperative detection of «sentinel» lymph nodes. 



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