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Since 2001 to 2006 38 patients with inoperable cancer of the pancreas have been treated. They had pancreatic cancer of stage T2-4 N1 MO-l(HEP). Patients with mechanical jaundice (n=28) had beforehand undergone transdermic transhepatic external- internal drainage of the bile ducts. Patients with cancer, which gets its basic source of blood supply out of gastroduodenal artery, got cathete-rization of the celiac trunk with the following intravascular chemotherapy within 2 days. If the basic source of blood supply to pancreas was the inferior pancreatoduodenal artery, then its selective catheterization was carried out together with bolus injection of cytostatics. Chemotherapy was carried out with the help of Gemzar (1 g), Cisplatin (1 OOmg), 5- FU (4g). The level of bilirubin normalized in the blood of the patients with mechanical jaundice due to transdermic endobiliary intervention. As a result of regional chemotherapy, the intensity of the patients' pain syndrome reduced considerably and resumed only in case of the tumor progression.


The best treatment results were achieved in the group of patients with the programmed injections of regional chemotherapetic drugs that enabled to prolong survival of patients up to 19 months and more. Conclusion. The transfemoral selective catheterization of the pancreatic arteries is a simple, non-traumatic and safe operation. The use of programmed regional endarterial chemoinfusion in patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer is a promising method of treatment of these pathology. 










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