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1.     Bergert H., Dobrowolski E, Caffier S., Bloomenthal A., Hinterseher I., Saeger H.D. Prevalence and treatment of bleeding complications in chronic pancreatitis. Langenbecks.Arch. Surg. 2004; 389: 504-510.



2.     Ikeda O., Kume S., Torigoe Y., Iryou Y., Tamura Y., Kawanaka K., Yamashita Y. Hemorrhageinto pancreatic pseudocyst. Abdom. Imaging.2006; 20: 1-4.



3.     Iwama Y, Sugimoto K., Zamora C.A., Yamaguchi M., Tsurusaki M., Taniguchi T., Mori T.,Sugimura K. Transcatheter Embolization ofSplenic Artery Pseudo-Aneurysm Rupturinginto Colon After Post-Operative Pancreatitis.Cardiovasc. Interv. Radiol. 2006; 29: 133-136.



4.     Sparrow P., Asquith J., Chalmers N. Ultrasonic-Guided Percutaneous Injection of Pancreatic Pseudoaneurysm with Thrombin. Cardiovasc. Interv. Radiol. 2003; 26: 312-315.



5.     Masatsugu T., Yamaguchi K., Yokohata K.,Mizumoto K., Chijiiwa K., Tanaka M.Hemorrhagic pseudocyst and pseudocyst withpseudoaneurysm successfully treated by pancreatectomy: report of three cases. /. Hepatobiliary Pancreat. Surg. 2000; 7: 432-437.



6.     Ogino H., Banno Т., Sato Y, Нага М., Shibamoto Y. Superior mesenteric artery stent-graftplacement in patient with pseudoaneurysmdeveloping from a pancreatic pseudocyst.Cardiovasc. Interv. Radiol. 2004; 27: 68-70.



7.     Hsu J.-T., Yeh Ch.-N., Hung Ch.-E, Chen H.-M., Hwang T.-L., Jan Y.-Y, Chen M.-E Management and outcome of bleeding pseudoaneurysm associated with chronic pancreatitis. Gastroenterol. 2006; 6: 3-6.



8.     Kapoor S., Rao P., Pal S., Chattopadhyay T.K.Hemosuccus Pancreaticus: An UncommonCause of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage. ACase Report.J. Pancreas (Online). 2004; 5 (5):373-376.



9.     Brook O.R., Ghersin E., Guralnik L., IsraelitS.H., Engel A. Abdominal apoplexy due tospontaneous rupture of an aberrant visceralartery pseudoaneurysm. Emergency Radiology.2005; 11: 228-230.



10.   Raimondo M., Ashby A.M., York E.A., DerfusG.A., Farnell M.B., Clain J.E. PancreaticPseudocyst with Fistula to the Common BileDuct Presenting with GastrointestinalBleeding. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 1998;43 (12): 2622-2626.



11.   Schoder M., Cejna M., Langle F., HittmaierK., LammerJ. Glue embolization of a ruptured celiac trunk pseudoaneurysm via thegastroduodenal artery. Eur.Radiol. 2000; 10:1335-1337.



12.   Brountzos E.N., Vagenas K., ApostolopoulouS.C., Panagiotou I., Lymberopoulou D., Kelekis DA. Pancreatitis-Associated Splenic ArteryPseudoaneurysm: Endovascular Treatmentwith Self-Expandable Stent-Grafts. Cardiovasc.Interv. Radiol. 2003; 26: 88-91.



13.   Weber C.H., Pfeifer K.J., Tato F., Reiser M.,Rieger J. Transcatheter coil embolization ofan aneurysm of the pancreatico-duodenalartery with occluded celiac trunk. Cardiovasc.Interv. Radiol. 2005; 2: 259-261.



14.   Carr S.C., Mahvi D.M., Hoch J.R., ArcherC.W., Turnipseed W.D. Visceral arteryaneurysm rupture.J. Vasc. Surg. 2001; 33 (4):806-811.



15.   Покровский А.В. Клиническая ангиология.Руководство в 2-х томах. М.: Медицина.2004;2: 117-128.



16.   Sessa C., Tinelli G., Porcu P., Aubert A., ThonyF., Magne J.L. Treatment of visceral arteryaneurysms: description of a retrospectiveseries of 42 aneurysms in 34 patients. Ann.Vasc. Surg. 2004; 18 (6): 695-703.



17.   Mihara Y., Kubota K., Nemoto T., RokkakuK., Yamamoto S., Tachibana M. Successfultreatment for rupture of pancreaticoduo-denal artery aneurysm: two case reports.Hepatogastroenterology. 2005; 52 (61): 264-269.



18.   Guijt M., van Delden O.M., Koedam N.A., vanKeulen E., Reekers J.A. Rupture of trueaneurysms of the pancreaticoduodenalarcade: treatment with transcatheterarterial embolization. Cardiovasc. Interv.Radiol. 2004; 27 (2): 166-168. (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы