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Aim: was to evaluate possibilities of puncture biopsy under ultrasound guidance of parasternal lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer.

Material and methods: study included 34 patients with breast cancer. Criteria for inclusion in the study were: primary breast cancer with a central or medial tumor localization, and patients under observation after previously undergoing surgical treatment. All patients underwent an ultrasound examination of the breast and regional zones, including the parasternal lymphatic collector. All patients underwent biopsy.

Results: in total, 39 parasternal lymph nodes suspicious on secondary lesion were detected, of which 17 (43,5%) lymph nodes had a specific lesion, 22 (56,5%) lymph nodes showed cystological signs of hyperplasia according to results of cytological examination. Parasternal lymph nodes metastases were detected in 16 (47,1%) of 34 patients included in our study. In all cases of specific lesion, lymph nodes were rounded, there was a violation of differentiation of anatomical structures, the absence of a central echo complex, a violation of differentiation and thickening of the cortical layer. In the group of primary patients, 3 (27,3%) patients with metastases in parasternal lymph nodes had distant metastases, remaining 8 (72,7%) patients, due to the lesion of the parasternal lymphatic collector, the stage of the disease were adjusted upwards (stage IIIA).

Conclusion: fine-needle aspiration biopsy under ultrasound-guidance in case of suspected secondary lesion of parasternal lymph nodes, can be successfully used to obtain morphological material with minimal traumatic impact, without the use of anesthesia, which will more adequately assess the state of parasternal lymph nodes at the preoperative stage, correctly set the stage of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.



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