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Scientific and technical progress of modern surgical treatment of foot pathology poses new diagnostic tasks for radiologists. Opening of the functional MSCT (fMSCT) of the foot with weight-bearing significantly changed the treatment protocol of patients with acquired foot deformities.

Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis of the angular parameters on x-ray images anc weight-bearing fMSCT images of the foot in patients with acquired adult flat feet.

Materials and methods: 45 patients (88 feet) were examined, who underwent x-ray examination of the foot with weight-bearing and weight-bearing fMSCT of the foot. On the received images were examined angular indicators of a foot and was carried out statistical comparison of the received results.

Results: after processing the measurement data of fMSCT and x-ray examination it was found that statistically significant differences in the standard definition of the angular parameters of the foot is not determined. To compare the values obtained by radiographic method and fMSCT was used paired Student's t-test. To determine the presence or absence of dependence of the difference of measurements obtained by the two methods from the average values of these measurements were constructed graphs of Bland-Altman. Evaluation of the longitudinal arch angle of the foot showed that all measurements are within the 95% predictive interval. The index of the calcaneal inclination angle, the individual values of the difference were outside the borders of the 95% predictive interval, but do not depend on the measurements.

Conclusion: comparative analysis showed the statistical insignificance of differences in the average values of individual angular indicators measured in the two groups (radiography and fMSCT) The data obtained in the course of the study allow us to assert the possibility of using the fMSCT of the foot with the load as a modern reliable method for assessing the angular parameters of the foot in order to determine the degree of flat deformation.



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