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Aim: was to estimate ultrasound signs of placental insufficiency in women whose pregnancy was the result of extracorporeal fertilization (ECF) and embryo replanting.

Materials and methods: the study involved 84 women who became pregnant as a result of ECF and replanting embryos. Terms of pregnancy were 18-40 weeks. Age of women was from 24 to 46 years. Ultrasound examination was performed by standard methods recommended for pregnant women, with an estimation of basic fetal metric parameters and their compliance with the term of pregnancy, the heart rate of the fetus, the degree of maturity of the placenta, thickness, location and sonographic features of the placenta (calcifications, cysts, heart attacks, expand the intervillous space varying degrees of severity) the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid.

Results: during ultrasound of women whose pregnancy was the result of ECF and embryos replanting, in 38 (35.6%) patients pathological changes in the placenta were diagnosed. It is evident in discrepancy of placenta maturity for a full-term pregnancy The combination of 3 or more of features identified during the ultrasound examination may indicate the development of placental insufficiency in women after ECF. Ultrasound features include: the degree of maturity mismatch placenta given gestational age; the thickness of the placenta; violation of utero-placental or fetus-placental blood flow; fetal growth retardation; amount of water.



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