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Purpose. Was to investigate the radiodiagnostic features of ASD in different age groups and to evaluate the role of chest X-rays in diagnostics of this disease.

Materials and methods. 48 patients with ASD were studied (aged 15–71 yaers, mean 47,2 ± 15), including 16 men and 32 women. We have diagnosed ostium primum defect (3 pts), ostium secundum defect (42 pts), sinus venosus defect, combined with PAPVD (3 pts). All of them underwent chest x-rays, echocardiography and cardiac MRI (with phase-contrast sequences). Patients were divided into two groups: 1st group – older than 40 years (30 pts) and 2nd group – less than 40 years (18 pts).

Results. In the 1st group, heart failure, valve regurgitations and atypical radiographic findings were more common than in the 2nd group. The size of both atria, pulmonary arteries' diameter and systolic PAP levels were also greater in patients older than 40 yaers. Groups did not differ by the volume of intracardiac shunt and the size of the defect. 6 pts with small defects had no radiographical signs of CHD. 11 patients from the 1st group had signs of hypervolemic CHD, but significant heart chambers’ enlargement impeded more accurate diagnostics. Patients with marked pulmonary arterial hypertension differed significantly from patients with lower PAP levels by radiographical signs.

Conclusions. Specificity of chest x-rays in diagnostics of ASD is lower in patients of 2nd group. Chest x-rays is an effective screening method to reveal abnormalities of pulmonary circulation, such as pulmonary venous hypertension and pulmonary plethora.



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