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Purpose. For basic, purpose was to develop effective methods of exact diagnostics of an acute pancreatitis (AP), to work out classifications of disease, an establishment of patients' condition definitions, and also productive supervision over dynamics of its process by means of application computed tomography (СТ) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Besides, on the base of obtained data, the optimum tactics of treatment was worked out

Materials and methods. More than 500 patients with AP were underwent CT and MRI with one-stage contrast agents' injection. During the research we have applied different variations of scanning modes and parameters. Results were analyzed in connection with supervision on patients conditions. Treatment tactics depended on obtained data

Results. We have worked out effective methods of AP diagnostics, optimal parameters of research in different clinical currents and we have developed an effective tactics of treatment in patients with severe AP Besides, on the base of obtained data, the optimum tactics of treatment was worked out

Conclusions. CT with intravenous contrasting is the best method of diagnostics or supervision in dynamics, which allows to work out the most productive treatment tactics. Using CT in combination with MRI in some cases can be specifying method of diagnostics.  



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