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We have analyzed long-term results of different revascularization strategies in 171 patients with multivessel coronary artery defeat. Duration of follow up observation ranged from 12 to 18 months. Complete revascularization of the myocardium was performed in 63 pts, culprit vessel revascularization - in 86 and incomplete revascularization - in 22 patients. All patients undervwent SYNTAX scoring analysis to find out possible risks of transcutaneus coronary interventions. Survival rate, incidence of myocardial infarction, repeat myocardial revascularization procedures and major adverse cardiac events were comparable among the patients with low and intermediate SYNTAX Score. Among the patients with high SYNTAX Score the incidence of myocardial infarction (8,82%, р = 0,002), repeat PCI procedure (32,35%, р = 0,001) and major adverse cardiac events (32,35%, р = 0,002) was reliably higher compared to patients with low and intermediate SYNTAX Score. The mpact of the SYNTAX Score rate on the long-term results in the different revascularization strategy groups was also analyzed. In the 1st group the incidence of major adverse cardiac events among the patients was comparable. In the 2nd group patients with the high SYNTAX Score rate had reliably higher rate of major adverse cardiac events (43,75%, р = 0,002). The rate of major adverse cardiac events were higher in the 3rd group of patients with the high SYNTAX Score rate compared in patients with low and intermediate SYNTAX Score rate, but this difference didn't reach statistically reliable difference. Use of the strategy of culprit vessel revascularization in the patients with high SYNTAX Score rate, leads to increased rate of major adverse cardiac events and repeat PCI procedures in the long-term follow up period.



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