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Study presents data about bone quality in patients before and after lengthening of shin by transosseous osteosynthesis method.

Materials and methods: 168 patients with shortening or limb deformity, before treatment and after lengthening, underwent multislice computed tomography, with estimation of anatomical and radiological-morphological features of shin.

Results: according to data of X-ray examination and MSCT, patients with diagnosed achondroplasia, congenital or acquired shortenings - have initial restructuring of meta-diaphyseal tibial bone, that worsen during lengthening. Patients with subjectively insufficient growth, radiological-morphological changes developed in knee joint during lengthening, which appeared as bone density 

reduction, appearence of resorption areas, architectonics change and persisted in late period in patients older 35 years. Cortical plate density of tibial diaphysis in patients with shortening of different etiology, during MSCT, was characterized by age, nosological and topographic features and is one of the important parameter of the bone quality before and during treatment stages. Maximum density is marked in the middle third of diaphysis. Density and structure of cortical plate are changed during lengthening. Severe cortical plate density reduction is up to 350 HU on the line of maternal bone and regenerate.

Conclusion: bone quality in patients with different etiology of shin shortening, is determined by structure of meta-diaphyseal bone and structural and density features of cortical plate anc determine, in the greater degree, strength bone criteria changing during lengthening of shin.



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