Abstract: The authors report of 126 patients with organic hyperinsulinism operated on in 1998-2004 (84 males, 42 females, mean age 44,5-4,2 years). Insulinoma was found in 114 patients (90,5%), beta-cells hyperplasiaand microadenomatosis in 12 (9,5%), solitary tumor in 106, and multiple tumors in 8 cases. 46 of 125 insulinomas (36,8%) were localized in pancreatic head, 45 (36,0%) in the body, and 34 (27,2%) in the tail of pancreas. Angiography (highly selective contrast injections to celiac artery, its branches and upper mesenteric artery) with digital subtraction and magnification was performed in all cases. Selective intra-arterial injection of Calcium Gluconate (1,8-3,6 mg) with sampling of right hepatic vein immunoreactive insulin (30 sec, 1 min, 2 min and 3 min after stimulation) was done to 110 patients. Sensitivity of the angio-graphic method was as high as 79,9%. Intra-arterial Calcium stimulation test helped to regionalize 108 of 121 «sources of hyperinsulinism». 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Article exists only in Russian.
Abstract: Radiofrequency (RF) ablation is a minimally invasive method. Application of RF ablation allowed to expand indications for more radical treatment of kidney tumors in patients, whom traditional nephrectomy or kidney resection are impossible, due to extremely adverse somatic status Efficiency and safety of RF ablation are significantly increased if preceded in combination with superselective occlusion of blood vessels, supplying the tumor. We possess the experience of application of superselective embolization in combination with RF ablation of two patients with kidney tumors. In both cases a good result of combined treatment has been observed. This combination (superselective embolization + RF ablation) can be an alternative to open operation on kidney in number of patients, expanding the arsenal of modern minimally invasive kidney tumor's treatment methods. Reference 1. Pavlov AJu., Klimenko A. A., Momdzhan B.K., Ivanov S.A. 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