Abstract: Aim: was to assess the frequency, predominant localization and severity of atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries according to multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in patients with suspicion on coronary heart disease (CHD). Materials and methods: analysis of results of CT of coronary arteries (CT-CA) was carried out in 1590 patients. The average age was 53,9 ± 10,7 years. The number of men was 1133 (71,3%). Studies were carried out on 64- and 256-slice CT scanners. Results: in patients with suspicion on coronary artery disease, atherosclerotic lesions of coronary arteries (CA) were not detected in 582 (36,6%) cases. Minimal and initial CA stenoses were observed in 80 (5%) and 416 (26,2%) patients, respectively. Moderate CA stenoses were found in 236 (14,8%) patients. Severe coronary artery stenoses were detected in 183 patients (11,5%). CA occlusions were observed in 84 (5,3%) cases. Most often, the stenotic process was detected in proximal segments of coronary arteries, in particular, in the left anterior descending artery. Conclusions: MDCT makes it possible to determine in detail the severity and nature of atherosclerotic coronary lesions, as well as to assess the predominant location of plaques. References 1. Барбараш Л.С. Двадцатипятилетний итог развития кардиологии Кузбасса. Актуал. пробл. кардиол. и серд-сосуд. хир. 2016; 1: 6-13. Barbash LS. The twenty-five-year result of the development of cardiology in Kuzbass. Actual problems of cardiology and cardiovascular surgery. 2016; 1: 6-13 [In Russ]. 2. Benjamin EJ, Muntner P, Flonso F, еt al. Heart disease and stroke statistics-2019 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2019; 139: 526-528. 3. Островский Ю.П. и др. Сердечная недостаточность. Минск: Белорусcкая наука. 2016; 503. Ostrovskiy YuP et al. Heart failure. Minsk: Belarusian science. 2016; 503 [In Russ]. 4. 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Abstract: Aim: was to analyze own experience of differential diagnostics of cardiac tumors by using cardiac CT. Materials and methods: 354 cardiac CT were made in «Fedorovich Klinikasi» in 2011-2017. The age of patients ranged from 5 month to 69 years (mean 27,2). There were 200(56,5%) men and 154 (43.5%) women. The study was carried out on MDCT scanners Brilliance 64 and Brilliance i-CT 256 (PHILIPS). Iodine containing contrast agent «Unihexol 350» was injected intravenously by means of «Ulrich» automatic injector. Results: primary benign cardiac masses were detected in 10(2,8%) cases. Most of them were myxomas - 6 cases (60%), located in the left atrial cavity in 2 cases, in the mitral valve region - in ventricle (1 case) also occurred in our study Intracardiac spreading of malignant neoplasms was noted in 5(1,4%) patients. Thrombosis of cardiac chambers was found in 7(2%) patients. Conclusion: cardiac CT provides useful anatomical and functional information in evaluating cardiac masses, providing an accurate picture of the disease, allowing to assess localization and structure of the tumor, the condition of the tumor-free heart chambers, mediastinum, and lungs. References 1. Yuan SM, Shinfeld A, Lavee J, Kuperstein R, Haizler R, Raanani E. Imaging morphology of cardiac tumors. Cardiology Journal. 2009; 16 (1): 26-35. 2. Puchkova EN, Sibirskiy VY Goncharova MA, Gajonova VE. Imaging diagnostics of the primary cardiac tumors. Kremlyovskaya meditsina. Klinicheskiyvestnik. 2009; 3: 7476 [In Russ]. 3. Colucci WS, Schoen FJ, Braunwald E. Primary tumors of the heart. 5th ed In: Brauwald E, editor., Heart Disease. A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; (1998). p. 1464-78. 4. Roever L, Dourado PM, Resende ES, Chagas AC. Cardiac Tumors: A Brief Commentary Front Public Health. 2014; 2:264. 5. Konradi YV, Ryzhkova DV. Imaging diagnostics of cardiac tumors. Translyatsionnaya meditsina. 2015; 2(4): 28-40 [In Russ]. 6. Kassop D, Donovan MS, Cheezum MK, Nguyen BT, Gambill NB, Blankstein R, Villines TC. Cardiac Masses on Cardiac CT: A Review. Curr Cardiovasc Imaging Rep. 2014; 7:9281 7. Angulo CD, Diaz CM, Garcia ER, Fernandez RS, Siso AR, Diaz MM. Imaging findings in cardiac masses (Part I): Study protocol and benign tumors. Radiologia. 2015; 57(6):480-488. 8. Grebenc ML, Rosado-De-Christenson ML, Green CE, et al. Cardiac myxoma: imaging features in 83 patients. Radiographics. 2002; 22: 673-89. 9. Yu K, LiuY Wang H, Hu Sh, Long C. Epidemiological and pathological characteristics of cardiac tumors: a clinical study of 242 cases. Interactive Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery. 2007; 6: 636-639. 10. Butany J, Nair V, Naseemuddin A, Nair G, Catton C, Yau T. Cardiac tumors: diagnosis and management. Lancet Oncol. 2005; 6:219-228. 11. Cheezum MK, Jezior MR, Carbonaro S, Villines TC. Lipomatous hypertrophy presenting as superior vena cava syndrome. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2014. 12. Howard RA, Aldea GS, Shapira O.M, et al. Papillary fibroelastoma: Increasing recognition of a surgical disease. Ann Thorac Surg. 1999;68:1881-5. 13. Ghadimi Mahani M, Lu JC, Rigsby CK, Krishnamurthy R, Dorfman AL, Agarwal PP. MRI of pediatric cardiac masses. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2014;202:971-81. 14. Bussani R, De-Giorgio F, Abbate A, Silvestri F. Cardiac metastases. J Clin Pathol 2007; 60:27-34. 15. Goldberg AD, Blankstein R, Padera RF Tumors metastatic to the heart. Circulation. 2013; 128: 1790-4. 16. Kim DH, Choi S, Choi JA, Chang JH, Choi DJ, Lim C. Various findings of cardiac thrombi on MDCT and MRI. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2006;30:572-577. 17. Scheffel H., Baumueller S., Stolzmann P., et al. Atrial myxomas and thrombi: comparison of imaging features on CT. Am J Roentgenol. 2009;192: 639-45.
Abstract: In this study the potentialities of quantitative computed tomography (QCT) in bone densitometry is reported. QCT was performed in patients receiving glucocorticoid therapy and in postmenopausal women (55 patients all in all). Special software was used for the mineral density loss assessment: surrounding tissues were automatically subtracted, and calculating of the vertebral body density done in cross-sectional view. QCT allows specifying pathological changes in any vertebral structures and so serves as a good contribution to the diagnosis of osteoporosis.
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Abstract: Aim: was to give a literature review normal coronary anatomy, described patterns of anomalous coronary arteries by using multislice computed tomography (MSCT). Materials and methods: 1104 computed tomography coronary angiography (CCTA) was made in «Fedorovich Clinikasi» for the period of 2011-2016. The age of patients ranged from 7 to 82 years. Men were 790 (71.5%), women - 314 (28.5%). The study was carried out on the multislice spiral CT scanners Brilliance 64 and Brilliance i-CT 256 (PHILIPS). Results. In 32 (2,9%) cases we detected anatomical variations as conus artery high take-off of a coronary ostium, myocardial bridging, shepherd's crook deformation of right coronary artery 23 (2%) patients had coronary artery anomaly (CAA) as a single coronary artery, absence of circumflex artery, hypoplasia of coronary artery, intra-atrial location, origin from the opposite coronary sinus of Valsalva, separate discharge of the LAD and circumflex from aorta, Blunt-White-Garland syndrome, coronary fistulas, aneurysms of coronary arteries. When a CAA is found, the exact origin, course and its position with other cardiac structures must be described in detail. References 1. Belozerov Yu.M. Detskaya kardiologiya [Pediatric cardiology]. MEDpress-inform. 2004; 600 [In Russ]. 2. Villa A., Sammut E., Nair A., Rajani R., Bonamini R. and Chiribiri A. Coronary artery anomalies overview: The normal and the abnormal. World J Radiol. 2016; 8(6): 537-555. 3. Braat H.J.M. A coronary anomaly. Neth. Heart J. 2007; 15:267-268. 4. Loukas M., Groat C., Khangura R. et al. The normal and abnormal anatomy of the coronary arteries. Clin. Anat. 2009; 22:114-128. 5. Cheitlin, Mac Gregor J. Congenital Anomalies of coronary arteries: role in the pathogenesis of sudden cardiac death. Herz. 2009; 34:268-279. 6. Ferreira M., Santos-Silva PR., de Abreu L.C. et al. Sudden cardiac death athlets: a systematic review. Sports Med. Arthrosc. Rehabil. Ther. Technol. 2010; 2:19. 7. Frommelt PC. Congenital coronary artery abnormal ities predisposing to sudden cardiac death. Pacing Clin. Electrophysiol. 2009; 32 63-66. 8. Tseluyko V.I., Mishuk N.E., Kinoshenko K.Yu. Anomalii stroeniya koronarnyh arteriy. [Coronary artery anomalies]. Diabet i serdtse. 2012; 10(166):44-51 [In Russ]. 9. Angelini P. Coronary artery anomalies: an entity in search of an identity. Circulation. 2007; 115:1296-1305. 10. Angelini P. Coronary Artery Anomalies - Current Clinical Issues. Definitions, Classification, Incidence, Clinical Relevance and Treatment Guiedlines. Tex. Heart Inst. J. 2002; 29:271-278. 11. Chiu I.S., Anderson R.H. Can we better understand the known variations in coronary arterial anatomy? Ann Thorac Surg. 2012; 94:1751-1760. 12. Vatutin N.T., Bahteeva T.D., Kalinkina N.V., Perueva I.A. Vrojdennye anomalii koronarnyh arteriy. [Congenital anomalies of coronary arteries]. Serdtse isosudy. 2011; 3: 94-99 [In Russ]. 13. Hlavacek A., Loukas M., Spicer D. et al. Anomalous origin and course of the coronary arteries. Cardiol. Young. 2010; Vol.3:20-25. 14. Rigatelli G., Docali G., Rossi P. et al. Validation of a clinical-significance-based classification of coronary artery anomalies. Angiology. 2005; 56:25-34. 15. Joshi S.D., Joshi S.S., Anthavale SA. Origins of the coronary arteries and their significance. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2010; 65:79-84. 16. Young P.M., Gerber T.C., Williamson E.E., Julsrud P.R., Herfkens R.J. Cardiac imaging: Part 2, normal, variant, and anomalous configurations of the coronary vasculature. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011; 197:816-826. 17. Fujibayashi, Daisuke, Morino, Yoshihiro. A case of acute myocardial infarction due to coronary spasm in the myocardial bridge. J. Invasive Cardiol. 2008; 20: 217-219. 18.Morales A.R., Romanelli R., Tate L.G., Boucek R.J., de Marchena E. Intramural left anterior descending coronary artery: significance of the depth of the muscular tunnel. Hum Pathol. 1993; 24:693-701. 19. Roberts W.C. Major anomalies of coronary arterial origin seen in adulthood. Am Heart J. 1986; 11:941-963. 20. Yurtda§ M., Gulen O. Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left anterior descending artery: review of the literature. Cardiol J. 2012;19:122-129. 21. Kuhn A., Kasnar-Samprec J., Schreiber C. Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from pulmonary artery. Int. J. Cardiol. 2010; 39: 27-28.
Abstract: Aim: was to increase diagnostic value of cardiac CTA (CCTA) by estimation of the CCTA informative value in CA (Coronary arteries) diseases and optimization of OOTA procedure for reducing of radiation dose (RD). Materials and methods: CCTA informative value in CA diseases was assessed on the base of data of 200 patients (average age of patients was 60,4 (from 35 to 80 years), men/women ratio: 1.94:1(132/68). Parameters of coronary stenosis severities: its localization, extension, degree and characteristics of coronary stenosis. The study was performed with GE Optima 660 128-slice scanner and Missouri Ulrich injector with bolus injecting 60-100 ml of nonionic contrast media (350 mg/ml) at 4-6 ml/sec injector rate. For data processing used: «Auto Coronary Analysis» and «Auto Ejection Fraction» programs at - AW5 workstation. Results: discovered various severity degrees of atherosclerotic lesions based stenosis intensity up to 50% (46 /23,5%), 50-60% (65/33%), 60-70% (35/17,9%), 70-80% (26/13,5%), 80% and more (23/11,8%). CCTA data coincided with conventional coronary angiography in 89% cases. RD decreasment was achieved by: pitch change depending on heart rate, scan area optimization (reduction), kV and mAc with radiation exposure decline in CCTA to 7,0-8,0 mSv In pitch value increasing to 1,48 - RD decreased to 45% (20 mSv). In prospective synchronization with ECG, RD decreased to 65% (7-12 mSv) as X-Ray tube radiates the highest RD at 70% cardiac cycle phase (120kV/180-200mAc), in other phases (80kV/100 mAc) RD values were lower. Conclusion: CCTA is a valid non-invasive method in CA pathology diagnostics enabling accurate identification of stenosis location, extent, degree and characteristics. Scanning protocol individualization in CCTA enables significant reduce of RD. References 1. 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