Abstract: The aim of the study was to evaluate results of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICMP) - potential candidates for heart transplantation. The study included 37 patients with ICMP. All the patients before PCI and within the 7 days after it undergo ec-hocardiography and ECG-gated SPECT. The amount of irreversibly damaged myocardium of the left ventricle (LV) was about 50 % of its volume. In these patients ECG-gated SPECT did not show sufficient amount of the viable myocardium, capable to restore the heart function after revascularization. The main result of intervention was increase in survival rate of patients with ICMP within 4 years of observation in comparison with traditional methods of conservative therapy. The first clinical effect of PCI was disappearance or reduction of dyspnea, noted in the majority of the patients. These changes had been confirmed by improvement of a functional class of patients (NYHA class score increase to 3,2±0,5 from 1,7+65; p=0,007) and increase of tolerance to physical excersise. Positive changes of a clinical condition after PCI have taken place due to decrease in rigidity of LV myocardium: It became apparent due to decrease of LV end-diastolic pressure (35,7+9,3 vs. 23,5+9,9 Hg mm; p=0,04) and pressure in pulmonary artery (44+1 2 vs. 33+7 Hg mm; p=0,03). No changes of LV volumes and ejection fraction values in the given category of patients were seen.
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Abstract: Lesions of the LCA stem are found in 2,5-4 % of patients with coronary heart disease who endured coronography, and are accompanied by more severe symptomatology, higher morbidity and mortality rates, and difficulty of radical correction. According to the generally accepted guidelines, the operation of coronary artery bypass has up to now been a method of choice in treatment of the LCA stem. Nevertheless, endovascular methods of treatment for LCA stem lesions have relatively long been used, while implementation into clinical practice of drug-eluding stents has considerably improved the remote outcomes, which made it possible to consider LCA stem stenting as a real alternative to ACB. Hence, the problem concerning indications for and contraindications to LCA stem stenting remains unsolved today. We retrospectively analysed a total of 75 endovascular interventions on the LCA stem in 67 patients, with an isolated lesion of the LCA stem being found only in 7,4 % of the patients. The remaining subjects had lesions of the LCA stem on the background of a multivascular lesion of the coronary bed, including occlusion of the RCA observed in 16,4 % of cases. Successive revascularization was performed in 98,64 % of cases, with no lethal outcomes. One patient required urgent ACB due to development of occluding dissection of the circumflex branch. Complications in the immediate postoperative period were observed in two patients and were represented by non-Q myocardial infarction and stroke. LCA stem stenting proved an efficient and safe method of treatment for coronary heart disease. A comparative analysis of the immediate results of LCA stem stenting and ACB revealed advantages of stenting, consisting in no lethal outcomes (in our series) and a lower short-term rate of postoperative complications. Reference 1. Cohen МУ Cohn PF, Herman MV, Gorlin R. Diagnosis and prognosis of main left coronary artery obstructtion. Circulation 1972; 45 (Suppl 1): 57 - 65. 2. 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