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This case describes successful combined treatment of patient with large hepatocellular carcinoma BCLC «B», occupying the entire right lobe of the liver, extending to the fourth segment and occupying the right lateral flank till small pelvis. As the first stage, selective tumor chemoembolization, mechanical chemoembolization of right portal vein branches with the aim of vicarious hypertrophy of remaining liver segments were performed. One and half months after performed procedure, the volume of remnant parenchyma was 31% of the total volume. According to the test with indocyanine green, the plasma elimination rate (ICG-PDR) was 12,2%/min, and the residual concentration at 15 minutes was 16%. Subsequently, was performed surgical intervention: Starzl laparotomy, revision of abdominal organs, cholecystectomy, right-sided hemihepatectomy + SI, drainage of the common bile duct according to Vishnevsky, lymphadenectomy of the hepatoduodenal ligament, drainage of abdominal cavity. Postoperative period was complicated by formation of an external biliary fistula and hepatic failure, regarded as class «B» according to criteria of the International Research Group for Liver Surgery (ISGLS), which required medical correction of patient's condition without use of extracorporeal detoxification methods. Later, patient was diagnosed with foci of recurrence of disease in the remaining parenchyma of the liver, for which endovascular treatment was carried out. Currently, patient is alive (6 years after surgery) and is receiving systemic treatment for the extrahepatic spread of the underlying disease.



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