Abstract Scientific and technical progress of modern surgical treatment of foot pathology poses new diagnostic tasks for radiologists. Opening of the functional MSCT (fMSCT) of the foot with weight-bearing significantly changed the treatment protocol of patients with acquired foot deformities. Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis of the angular parameters on x-ray images anc weight-bearing fMSCT images of the foot in patients with acquired adult flat feet. Materials and methods: 45 patients (88 feet) were examined, who underwent x-ray examination of the foot with weight-bearing and weight-bearing fMSCT of the foot. On the received images were examined angular indicators of a foot and was carried out statistical comparison of the received results. Results: after processing the measurement data of fMSCT and x-ray examination it was found that statistically significant differences in the standard definition of the angular parameters of the foot is not determined. To compare the values obtained by radiographic method and fMSCT was used paired Student's t-test. To determine the presence or absence of dependence of the difference of measurements obtained by the two methods from the average values of these measurements were constructed graphs of Bland-Altman. Evaluation of the longitudinal arch angle of the foot showed that all measurements are within the 95% predictive interval. The index of the calcaneal inclination angle, the individual values of the difference were outside the borders of the 95% predictive interval, but do not depend on the measurements. Conclusion: comparative analysis showed the statistical insignificance of differences in the average values of individual angular indicators measured in the two groups (radiography and fMSCT) The data obtained in the course of the study allow us to assert the possibility of using the fMSCT of the foot with the load as a modern reliable method for assessing the angular parameters of the foot in order to determine the degree of flat deformation. References 1. Orthopaedia: national guide. (Under S.P. Mironov, G. P. Kotelnikov). М.: GEOTAR-Media, 2008; 642-646 [In Russ]. 2. Bock P. et al. The inter- and intraobserver reliability for the radiological parameters of flatfoot, before and after surgery. Bone Joint J. 2018; 100: 596-602. 3. Neri T, Barthelemy R, Tourne Y Radiologic analysis of hindfoot alignment: comparison of Meary, long axial and hindfoot alignment views. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2016. 4. Saltzman CL, El-Khoury GY The hindfoot alignment view. 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Abstract: Methods of beam diagnostics play an important role in examination of patients with dental anomalies. Reliably establish dental anomaly is possible due to radiological examination. However, according to orthopantomography not always possible to identify the true cause of the anomaly, correct localization of abnormal tooth, preservation of periodontal ligament. All this leads to an incorrect treatment planning and the occurance of complications; in this regard all of our patients underwent addition cone-beam computed tomography Under our observation were 60 patients aged 15-30 years with a complex form anomaly of the position and the eruption of teeth. Half of patients had an anomaly of upper canines, remaining patients, the anomaly of upper premolars, canines and premolars in the mandible. The main cause of anomalies of teeth was due to lack of space in the dentition, less abnormalities were associated with the presence of obstacles in the way of the eruption, with congenital abnormalities of the maxillofacial region. Possibilities of orthodontic and surgical interventions are limited and therefore it is very important accurate and reliable diagnosis of abnormalities. Cone-beam computed tomography allows to obtain all necessary information about the position of the tooth in the bone, its structure, shape, spatial relationship with roots of adjacent teeth and important anatomic structures, which makes it possible to properly plan for the further treatment strategy and reduce the risk of possible complications. References 1. Persii L.S. Vidy zubocheljustnyh anomalij i ih klassificirovanie. [Types of dentoalveolar anomalies and their classification]. M.: MGMSU. 2002: 32 [In Russ]. 2. Uiljam R. Profit. Sovremennaja ortodontija. Per. s angl. jaz.: (Pod red. Persina L.S.) [Contemporary orthodontics] M.: MEDpress-inform, 2006; 95-123 [In Russ]. 3. Horoshilkina FJa. Ortodontija. Defekty zubov, zubnyh rjadov, anomalii prikusa, morfofunkcional'nye narushenija v cheljustno-licevoj oblasti i ih kompleksnoe lechenie [The defects of teeth, dentition, abnormal bite, morpho-functional disorders in the maxillofacial region, and their combined treatment]. M.: Medicinskoe informacionnoe agentstvo. 2006: 544 [In Russ]. 4. Shuk Mazen. Kliniko-rentgenologicheskaja diagnostika i apparaturno-hirurgicheskoe lechenie retencii klykov [Clinical and radiographic diagnosis and surgical treatment for hardware-retention canines]:Avtoref. Dis. kand. med. Nauk [thesis PhD] Tver'. 2004: 102 [In Russ]. 5. 6. Vasil'ev AJu., Vorob'ev Ju.I., Serova N.S. Luchevaja diagnostika v stomatologii [Radiodiagnostics in dentistry.] M.: GJeOTAR-Media. 2008: 201-220 [In Russ]. 7. Minjaeva V.A. Posledstvija rannej utraty zubov u detej bez zamewenija defektov ortopedicheskimi apparatami [The consequences of early loss of teeth in children without defects in replacement orthopedic devices]. Stomatologija detskogo vozrasta i profilaktika. 2003; 1(2): 61-64 [In Russ]. 8. Sergeeva L.B. Peremewenie treh retinirovannyh klykov v zubnoj rjad s pomowju nesemnoj ortodon gicheskoj tehnikoj [Moving the three impacted canine tooth in the series with non-removable orthodontic appliances]. Ortodontija. 2001; 3: 40-41. [In Russ]. 9. Fridrih A. Pasler, Hajko Vissler. Rentgenodiagnostika v praktike stomaloga. Per. s nem. jaz. (Pod red. Rabuhinoj N.A.) [X-ray diagnostics in the practice of stomaloga. (Translated from German. lang. (Eds. Rabuhinoy NA)] M.: MED- press-inform. 2007: 118-131 [In Russ]. 10. Chaushu S. The use of panoramic radiographs to localize displaced maxillary canines. Oral Surg.Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 1999; 88(4): 511-516. 11. Garcia M.A.S., Wolf U., Heinicke F. Cone-beam computed tomography for routine orthodontic treatment planning: A radiation dose evaluation. American Journal ofOrthodontics and Dentofacial (Orthopedics. 2008; 133(5): 640.e1-640.e5. 12. Haney E., Gansky 13. Volchek D.A. Sovremennye metody obsledovanija pacientov s retenciej klykov verhnej cheljusti [Modern methods of examination of patients with retentions canines of the upper jaw.] Ortodontija. 2006; 1: 24-26 [In Russ]. 14. Chibisova M.A. Algoritmy obsledovanija pacientov pri primenenie dental'noj ob#emnoj tomografii v ambulatornoj stomatologicheskoj praktike [Algorithms for evaluation of patients with the use of dental volumetric imaging in ambulatory dental practice]. Dental Market. 2010; 76-78 [In Russ]. 15. Danforth R.A. Cone beam volume tomography: an imaging option for diagnosis of complex mandibular third molar anatomical relationships. J. Calif. Dent Assoc. 2003; 31(11): 847- 852. 16. Dodson T.B. Role of computerized tomography in management of impacted mandibular third molars. NY State Dent. J. 2005; 71(6): 32-35. 17. Mah J.K., Alexandroni S. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in the Management of Impacted Canines. Seminars in Orthodontics. 2010; 16(3): 199-204.
Abstract: Aim: was to increase efficacy of diagnostics of oculomotor muscles injury in pre- and postoperative period with use of multislice computed tomography (MSCT). Material and methods: for the petiod 2015-2016, 63 patients with maxillofacial trauma were admitted to the I.M.Sechenov hospital, within 24-48 hours after injury (55 males and 8 females, aged 18-59 years). All patients underwent MSCT of facial skeleton at the day of admittion and on 7-10 day after surgical treatment. Patients examination was made on 640-slice CT scanner and was added by multiplannar and 3D-reconstruction Results: preoperative MSCT revealed oculomotor muscles injury in 29 patients (46%). Muscles injuries were presented with herniation into the maxillary sinus (n=20, 32%), damaged lateral, inferior and medial muscles by small bone fragments (n=17, 27%), unilateral thickening of muscles in 13 patients (21%). Postoperative MSCT revealed oculomotor muscle damage caused by incorrectly implantation of prostheses of inferior orbital wall in 7 cases (11%). Conclusion: MSCT is the modality of choice in pre- and postoperative diagnostics in patients with oculomotor muscles injury. MSCT provides the effective diagnostic solution in prevention of possible ocular movement impairment. References 1. Natsional’nie rukovodstva po luchevoi diagnostike i terapii (pod red.S.K.Ternovogo). [National guidance of radiology and radiotherapy. (Ed. By S.K. Ternovoy)] М.: GEOTAR- Media, 2013; 1000S. [In Russ]. 2. Nikolaenko V.P., Astakhov Yu.S. Orbital’nie perelomi: rukovodstvo dlya vrachei [Orbital fractures: guidance for the clinicians.] St. Petersburg: Eco-Vector; 2012; 303-328 [In Russ]. 3. Serova N.S. Luchevaya diagnostika sochetannikh povrezhdeniy kostey litsevogo cherepa i orbiti. [Radiodiagnostics of complex trauma of facial skeleton and orbit.] Cand. Diss. О. 2006 [In Russ]. 4. Pavlova O.Yu, Serova N.S. Protokol multispiral’noi komp’uternoi tomografii v diagnotike travm srednei zoni litsa. [MSCT diagnostic protocol in trauma of mid-face.] REJR 2016; 6(3):48-53. [In Russ]. 5. Chupova N.A. Funktsional’naya multispiralnaya komp’uternaya tomografia v otsenke mishts glaza pri mehanicheskom povrezhdenii. [Functional multislice computed tomography in assessment of oculomotor muscles within trauma.] Cand. Diss. М. 2013; 141S. [In Russ]. 6. Pavlova O.Y., Serova N.S. Mnogosrezovaya komp’uternaya tomografia v diagnostike perelomov glaznits. [Multislice computed tomography in the diagnosis of orbital fractures.] Journal of radiology. 2015; 3:12-17 [In Russ]. 7. Stuchilov V.A., Nikitin A.A. Optimizatsia diagnostiki I hirurgicheskogo lechenia bol’nikh pri perelomakh glaznits. Posobie dlya vrachei [Optimization of diagnostics and surgical treatment in orbital fractures. Guidance for the clinicians.] М.: 2015, 36S. [In Russ]. 8. Mikhaylyukov V.M., Davidov D.V., Levchenko O.V. Posttravmaticheskie defekti I deformatsii glaznitsi. Osobennosti diagnostiki I printsipi lechenia (obzor literaturi). Golova I sheya. [Posttraumatic orbital defects and deformations. Diagnostics features and treatment principles (literature review). Head and neck.] Rossijskoe izdanie. Zhurnal Obsherossijskoi obshestvennoi organizatsii «Federatsia spetsialistov po lecheniyu zabolevaniy golovi I shei». 2013; 2: 40-48 [In Russ]. 9. Wayne S. Kubal. Imaging of Orbital Trauma. RadioGraphics. 2008; 28:1729-1739. 10. Nastri A.L., Gurney B. Current concepts in midface fracture management. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016; 24(4):368-75.
Abstract: Aim: was to estimate possibilities of the CT in patients with anomalies of dental system and asymmetric jaws and to offer a protocol analysis of CT data. Materials and Methods: 100 patients with anomalies of dental system were examined. They were divided into 4 groups: - 22 patients with II class without asymmetry of jaws (22%) - 8 patients with II class with the asymmetry of jaws (8%) - 52 patients with III class without asymmetry of jaws (52%) - 18 patients with III class with asymmetry of jaws (18%) At the stage of preoperative planning, computed tomography was performed. CT protocol of jaws symmetry estimation was developed. Results: with the help of developed СТ protocol, asymmetry of the maxilla was determined in 11 patients (11.0%): 5 patents (5.0%) with II class, 6 patients (6.0%) with III class. The number of patients with signs of asymmetry of the mandible of II class was 9 patients (9.0%), III class — 13 patients (13.0%). Obtained measurements allowed to analyze degree of asymmetry and calculate required excision and moving of jaws. For planning of surgical stage, CT data of all patients was uploaded into special program «Surgicase CMF». Conclusions: CT gives possibilities to estimate the anatomy of the facial skeleton and its symmetry; that allows to make plan of further orthognathic surgery. References 1. Posnick J.C. Orthognathic surgery: principles and practice. Elsevier. 2014; 1864 p. 2. Persin L.S. Ortodontija. Sovremennye metody diagnostiki zubocheljustno-licevyh anomalij [Orthodontics. Modern methods of diagnosis maxillodental-facial anomalies.]. Moskva: OOO «IZPC «Informkniga». 2007; 248 s [In Russ]. 3. Proffit U.R. Sovremennaja ortodontija. Perevod s anglijskogo pod redakciej prof. L.S. Persina[Modern orthodontics. Under editio of prof. L.S. Persina]. M.: Medpress-inform, 2006; S559 [In Russ]. 4. Дробышев А.Ю., Анастассов Г. Основы ортогнатической хирургии. М.: Печатный город, 2007; С 55. Drobyshev A.Ju., Anastassov G. Osnovy ortognaticheskoj hirurgii[Basics of orthognathic surgery]. M.: Pechatnyj gorod, 2007; S55 [In Russ] 5. Mani V. Surgical correction of facial deformities. JP Medical Ltd, 2010; 290 p. 6. Ko E.W.C., Huang C.S., Chen YR.J. Characteristics and corrective outcome of face asymmetry by orthognathic surgery. J. Oral. Maxillofac. Surg. 2009; 67: 2201-2209. 7. Bishara S.E., Burkey PS., Kharouf J.G. Dental and facial asymmetries: A review. Angle Orthod. 1994; 64: 89-98. 8. Gordina G.S., Glushko A.V., Klipa I.A., Drobyshev A.Ju., Serova N.S., Fominyh E.V. Primenenie dannyh kompjuternoj tomografii v diagnostike i lechenii pacientov s anomalijami zubocheljustnoj sistemy, soprovozhdajushhimisja suzheniem verhnej cheljusti [The use of computed tomography data in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with anomalies of dental system, accompanied by a narrowing maxilla.]. Medicinskaja vizualizacija. 2014; 3: 104-113 [In Russ]. 9. Gateno J., Xia J.J., Teichgraeber J.F. A New ThreeDimensional Cephalometric Analysis for Orthognathic Surgery. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2012; 69: 606-622. 10. Kau C. H., Richmond S. Three-dimensional imaging for orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery. Blackwell Publisheng Ltd., 2010; 320 p. 11. Olszewski R., Zech F., Cosnard G. et al. Threedimensional computed tomography cephalometric craniofacial analysis: experimental validation in vitro. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2007; 36: 828-833. 12. Rooppakhun S., Piyasin S., Sitthiseriprati K., Ruangsitt C., Khongkankong W. 3D CT Cephalometric: A Method to Study Cranio-Maxillofacial Deformities. Papers of Technical Meeting on Medical and Biological Engineering. 2006; 6: 75-94, 85-89. 13.&
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Abstract: Aim: was to estimate ultrasound signs of placental insufficiency in women whose pregnancy was the result of extracorporeal fertilization (ECF) and embryo replanting. Materials and methods: the study involved 84 women who became pregnant as a result of ECF and replanting embryos. Terms of pregnancy were 18-40 weeks. Age of women was from 24 to 46 years. Ultrasound examination was performed by standard methods recommended for pregnant women, with an estimation of basic fetal metric parameters and their compliance with the term of pregnancy, the heart rate of the fetus, the degree of maturity of the placenta, thickness, location and sonographic features of the placenta (calcifications, cysts, heart attacks, expand the intervillous space varying degrees of severity) the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid. Results: during ultrasound of women whose pregnancy was the result of ECF and embryos replanting, in 38 (35.6%) patients pathological changes in the placenta were diagnosed. It is evident in discrepancy of placenta maturity for a full-term pregnancy The combination of 3 or more of features identified during the ultrasound examination may indicate the development of placental insufficiency in women after ECF. Ultrasound features include: the degree of maturity mismatch placenta given gestational age; the thickness of the placenta; violation of utero-placental or fetus-placental blood flow; fetal growth retardation; amount of water. References 1. Nazarenko T.A., Suhih G.T. Besplodnyj brak. Sovremennye podhody i lechenie. Biblioteka vracha specialista [Infertility. Modern approaches and treatment. Library of doctor-specialist.]. Moskva, 2010; 11-20 [In Russ]. 2. Jakovenko E.M., Jakovenko 3. Kapustina M.V., Krasnopol'skij V.I. 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X-ray classification of osteonecrosis of the midface in patients with drug-addiction from desomorphine and pervitin
For quoting:
Serova N.S., Kureshova D.N., Babkova A.A., Basin E.M. "X-ray classification of osteonecrosis of the midface in patients with drug-addiction from desomorphine and pervitin". Journal Diagnostic & interventional radiology. 2016; 10(3); 35-41.
Abstract: Aim: was to develop a classification of osteonecrosis of the midface, based on clinical and radiological examinations. Such classification can allow to make detailed planning of surgical intervention tactics and develop criteria for surgical intervention basing on the bone division of the facial skeleton, as well as to assess dynamics of changes in bones of the facial skull. Materials and methods: the study included 87 drug-addicted patients with a diagnosis of «toxic phosphate osteonecrosis». All patients underwent clinical and radiological examination. Basing on MSCT data, tactics of surgical treatment was determined. Results: basing on results of clinical and radiological methods of examination in 29 cases (33%) we observed toxic phosphate osteonecrosis of the upper and lower jaw. In 18 patients (21%) the disease occurred only in the upper jaw. Lesion of the upper jaw within the I and II parts below the infraorbital foramen was observed in 39 cases (45%). Lesion of the maxilla above the infraorbital foramen was determined in 8 cases (9%). In case of diffuse lesions of the maxilla in 23 cases (26%), different patterns of midface were involved in pathologic process. Conclusion: creation and application in clinical practice of this classification of osteonecrosis of the midface bone in patients with drug-addiction on desomorphine and pervitin, based on the data of MSCT, allowed to pinpoint boundaries and the nature of the defeat of facial bones and choose the best tactics of surgical treatment in all patients. References 1. Malanchuk V.O., Kopchak A.V., Brodec'kyj I.S. Klinichni osoblyvosti osteomijelitu shhelep u hvoryh z narkotychnoju zalezhnistju [Clinical features of osteomyelitis of the skull in patients with drug addiction]. Ukr. med. chasopys. 2007; 4 (60): 111-117 [In Ukr]. 2. Barannik N.G., 3. Malanchuk V.O., Brodec'kyj I.S., Zabuds'ka L.R. Osoblyvosti rentgenologichnoi' kartyny osteomijelitu shhelep u hvoryh na foni narkotychnoi' zalezhnosti [Radiographic features of osteomyelitis of the skull in patients on the background of drug addiction]. Ukr. med. chasopys. 2009; 2 (70): 122-125 [In Ukr]. 4. 5. Ivashhenko A.L., Matros-Taranec I.N., Priluckij A.S. Sovremennye aspekty jetiopatogeneza, klinicheskoj kartiny i lechenija ostemielitov cheljustej u pacientov s narkoticheskoj zavisimost'ju i VICh-infekciej [Modern aspects of the etiopathogenesis, clinicals and treatment of osteomyelites of jaws in patients with drug-addiction and a hiv-infection]. Zbirnikstatej. 2009: 1 (13): 213-219 [In Russ]. 6. Malanchuk V. A., Brodeckij I.S. Kompleksnoe lechenie bol'nyh osteomielitom cheljustej na fone narkoticheskoj zavisimosti [Complex treatment of patients with osteomyelitis of jaws on background of drug-addiction]. Vestnik VGMU. 2014; 2 (13): 115-123 [In Russ]. 7. 8. Medvedev Ju.A, Basin E.M., Sokolina I.A. Kliniko-rentgenologicheskaja klassifikacija osteonekroza nizhnej cheljusti [Clinical and X-ray classification of osteonecrosis of the lower jaw]. Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii. 2013; 5: 21-25 [In Russ]. 9. Lesovaja I.G., Himenko V.M., Himenko V.V. Clinical experience in providing specialized aid to patients with atypical course of odontogenic osteomyelitis suffering from drug addiction and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Materialy Vseukrainskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Novye tehnologii v stomatologii i cheljustno-licevoj hirurgii» [Materials of Ukrainian scientific-practical conference «New technologies in stomatology and maxillofacial surgery»]. Har'kov. 2006; 77-82 [In Russ]. 10. Timofeev A.A., Dakal A.V. Klinicheskoe techenie gnojno- vospalitel'nyh zabolevanij cheljustej i mjagkih tkanej cheljustno-licevoj oblasti u bol'nyh, upotrebljajushhih narkotik «vint» [Clinical course of purulent inflammatory diseases of jaws and soft tissues of the maxillofacial area in patients using «vint»-drug]. Sovremennaja Stomatologija. 2010; 1: 96-102 [In Russ]. 11. Pogosjan Ju.M., Akopjan K.A., Gasparjan L.L.. Rentgenodiagnostika osteonekroza cheljustej u bol'nyh, upotrebljajushhih narkoticheskoe sredstvo «krokodil» [Radiographic diagnosis of jaw osteonecrosis at patients who use the drug «krokodil»]. Voprosy teoreticheskoj i klinicheskoj mediciny. 2013; 2 (78): 44-49 [In Russ]. 12. Ruzin G.P., Tkachenko O.V. Klinicheskie projavlenija toksicheskogo ostemielita v zavisimosti ot davnosti upotreblenija narkotika [Clinical symptoms of toxic osteomyelitis in connection on the time of drug use]. Ukrai'ns'kyj stomatologichnyj al'manah. 2015; 1: 47-52 [In Russ].