Abstract: Infra-popliteal lesions rarely were the zone of interest in first years of endovascular era. Nowadays, broad worldwide experience of transluminal interventions and appearance of low-profile instruments allowed broadening of the indications for transluminal repair of the below-the-knee arteries. The method is proved to be safe and effective. Results of 121 angioplasties in 70 patients with chronic ischemia of the legs (12 years work of a city hospital) are analyzed in the article. The main indication was stenotic and occlusive infrapopliteal lesions excluding the possibilities of bypass surgery. It was shown that the endovascular approach is extremely effective, and in cases of diabetic angiopathy and critical lower extremities ischemia, an endovascular intervention can be not only the way to save a leg, but the only way to save the patient's life. Reference 1. Sprayregen S., Sniderman K.W., Sos Т.А. et al. Popliteal artery branches: percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Am. I. Roentgenol. 1980; 135: 945-950. 2. Sivananthan U.M., Browne T.F., Thorley P.J., Rees M.R. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the tibial arteries. Br. J. Surg. 1994; 81 (9): 1282-1285. 3. Baum S., Pentecost M.J. Infrapopliteal revascularization. Abrams angiography interventional radiology second edition. 2006;348-261. 4. Dorros G., Jaff M.R., Kelly K.J. et al. The acuteoutcome of tibioperoneal vessel angioplasty in417 cases with claudication and critical limbischemia. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 1998; 45: 251-256.. 5. Alfkel H. Long-term results after infrapopliteal/CIRSE. Италия. 2006.Покровский А.В. Состояние сосудистой хирургии в России в 2006 году. М. 2007; 9-13. 6. Rizzati R., Tartari S.. Infra-popliteal revascu larization in critical limb ischemia: three year experience in endovascular and surgical treatment/CIRSE. Италия. 2006; 191. 7. Tsetis D., Belli A.M. The role of infrapopliteal angioplasty. Br. J. Radiol. 2004; 77 (924): 1007-1015. 8. Затевахин И.И., Шиповский В.Н., Золкин В.Н. Баллонная ангиопластика при ишемии нижних конечностей. М.: Медицина. 2004; 231-249. 9. Siablis D., Karпabatidis D., Katsanos К. Infrapopliteal paclitaxel-eluting stents for critical limb ischemia: six-month clinical and angiographic results/CIRSE. Италия. 2006; 196. 10. Зеленов М.А., Ерошкин И.А., Коков Л.С. Особенности ангиографической картины у больных с сахарным диабетом с окклюзионно-стенотическим поражением артерий нижних конечностей. Диагностическая и интервенционная радиология: 2007; 1 (2): 22-30.
Abstract: Case report is devoted to atypical recanalization of chronic occlusions of the common iliac artery Today, there are several ways for recanalization of chronic occlusions of arteries of lower limbs. Recanalization is known to be the major point of endovascular procedures. The success of endovascular surgery at recanalization depends mainly on 2 factors. One of the most important factors is the choice of access. Another factor is the choise of recanalization method . In case of rare failures - performing open surgery. Refrrences 1. Pokrovsky A.V. and other. Russian consensus. Recommended standards for the evaluation of patients with chronic lower limb ischemia. M. 2001; 16 [In Russ]. 2. Koshkin V.M. Outpatient treatment of atherosclerotic lesions of lower extremities. Angiology and Vascular Surgery. 1999; 1: 106-113 [In Russ]. 3. Saket R.R. et al. Novel intravaskular ultrasound-guided method to create transintimal arterial communications: initial experience in peripheral occlusive disease and aortic dissection. J.Endovasc. Ther. 2004; 11 (3): 274-280. 4. Troickij A.V., Behtev A.G., Habazov R.I., Beljakov G.A., Lysenko E.R., Kolodiev G.P. Gibridnaja hirurgija pri mnogojetazhnyh ateroskleroticheskih porazhenijah arterij aorto-podvzdoshnogo i bedrenno-podkolennogo segmentov. Diagnosticheskaja i intervencionnaja radiologija. 2012; 6(4): 67-77 [In Russ]. 5. Zatevakhin 1.1., Shipovskiy V.N., Zolkin V.N. Balloon angioplasty for lower limb ischemia. M. 2004; 176-229 [In Russ].
Article exists only in Russian.
Article exists only in Russian.
Abstract: Purpose. To assess early and late results of iliac arteries balloon angioplasty and stenting in patients with chronic lower limb ischemia. Material and methods. We analyzed the results of terminal aortic and iliac lesions endovascular treatment in 222 patients. All the patients presented symptoms of lower-limb chronic ischemia: 2nd «b» grade - 51,2%; 3rd grade - 27,1%; 4th grade - 21,7%. Two hundred and fifty eight procedure were performed, including 98 (38%) balloon angioplasty and 160 (62%) stenting. The lesions were Type A -26%, Type B - 45%, Type C - 23%, and Type D - 51% according to TASC II classification. Results. Immediate angiographic success rate was 99,4%, complication rate -1,3% (4 of 314). Cumulative primary patency after balloon angioplasty in terms of 1, 3 and 5 years were correspondingly 97,9%, 82,0% and 64,2%. After stenting it was as high as 98,1%, 85,2% and 71,8%. Secondary patency after balloon angioplasty in terms of 1, 3 and 5 years was correspondingly 99,0%, 89,4% и 75,6%. For stenting it was 99,4%, 93,0% and 85,6% (Kaplan - Meier). Long-term clinical success rates in 1 year, 3 and 5 years were correspondingly 97,9%, 98,7% and 88,8% for angioplasty and 92,6%, 63,7% and 72,6% for stenting. Five-year limb preservation rate was 92,4% for angioplasty and 98,6% for stenting. Conclusions. Endovascular interventions are proved to be safe and efficient for iliac arteries atherosclerotic lesions, and to have good long-term results. References 1. Кошкин В.М. Амбулаторное лечение атеросклеротических поражений сосудов нижних конечностей. Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. 1999; 1: 106 -113. 2. Покровский А.В. и др. Российский консенсус. Рекомендуемые стандарты для оценки результатов лечения пациентов с хронической ишемией нижних конечностей. М.2001; 16. 3. Kannel W. et аl. Intermittent Claudication:incidence in the Framingham-Study. Circulation. 1970; 41: 875-883. 4. Живарев Г.В., Коротков Н.И., Александров А.Л. и др. Исходы аортобедренного шунтирования при синдроме Лериша. III всероссийский съезд сердечно-сосудистых хирургов. М. 1996; 253. 5. Казанчян П.О., Попов В.А., Дебелый Ю.В. и др. Аорто-подвздошно-бедренные реконструкции методом эверсионной эндартерэктомии. Разумный возврат к прошлому. Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. 1999; 5: 71-80. 6. Гуч А.А., Верещагин С.В., Кондратюк В.А. Определение показаний к первичному рентгеноэндоваскулярному протезированию артерий подвздошно-бедренного сегмента. Эхография. 2000; 1 (2): 155-158. 7. Bosch J.L., Hunink M.G.M. Metaanalysis of the results of percutaneus transluminal angioplasty and stent placement for aortoiliac occlusive disease. Radiology. 1997; 204: 87-96. 8. TASC II. Transatlantic Intersociety Consensus (TASC) document on management of peripheral arterial disease. Eur. J. Vase. Endovasc. Surg. 2007; 1: 63-65. 9. Saket R.R. et аl. Novel intravascular ultrasound-guided method to create transintimal arterial communications: initial experience in peripheral occlusive disease and aortic dissection. J. Endovasc. Ther. 2004; 11 (3): 274-280. 10. Becker G.J. et аl. Noncoronary angioplasty. Radiology. 1989; 170 (3): 921-940. 11. Затевахин И.И., Дроздов С.А., Хабазов Р.И. Допплеросфигмоманометрия в диагностике поражений глубокой артерии бедра. Клиническая хирургия. 1985; 7: 24-2
Abstract: A literature review is devoted to endovascular treatment of occlusive and stenotic lesions in arteries of femoral-popliteal segment. Currently, 2-3% of the RF population suffer from atherosclerotic lesions of arteries of lower limbs. In the structure of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis of lower limbs has the level about 20%. In 82% the cause of vascular disease is atherosclerosis. In the structure of atherosclerotic arterial disease of lower limbs more often (47% to 65%) occurs defeat of the femoral-popliteal segment particularly in patients older than 60 years; that is confirmed by numerous statistical observations. The aim of the article was to compare results of endovascular treatment of arterial lesions of the femoral-popliteal segment. This article presents results of a solo balloon angioplasty, balloon angioplasty with drug-eluting balloons, subintimal angioplasty, stenting drug-eluting and bare-metal stents, cryo-plastics,catheter atherectomy, hybrid interventions and compare results of open and endovascular interventions. Data of STAR register, published in 2001, show that the correction of lesions category C, TASC II, using balloon angioplasty is quite possible to count on similar results in category B. According to Conrad M. et.al, Amato B. et.al and Dey C., despite the high incidence of the primary success of endovascular interventions for femoral-popliteal segment long-term results often look depressing. Great importance is given to study the possibility of the use of drug-eluting stents, which have proven effectiveness in suppressing the inflammatory response and intimal hyperplasia after stenting of coronary arteries, as evidenced by research SIROCCO, SIROCCO II, STRIDES, Zilver PTX. Thus, the use of drug-eluting stents in the femoral-popliteal segment did not reduce the frequency of restenosis. THUNDER, FemPac and LEVANT researches indicate that drug-eluting balloons provide some benefits that are absent in other endovascular techniques such as solo balloon angioplasty and stenting. The final stage of a multicenter randomized trial BASIL, which carried out a comparative analysis of FPB and PTA groups, was reached in 2010. As a result, the preservation of limbs and survival did not differ significantly Thus, the literature report reveals a clear tendency of domination of endovascular strategies in defeated limb blood-flow recovery Minimally invasive balloon angioplasty and stenting compared with results of bypass operations, reconstructions - is not worse and consider endovascular treatment strategy in the surgical treatment of femoral-popliteal segment to be method of first choice. References 1. Pokrovskij A.V., Koshkin V.M., Kirichenko A.A. i dr. Vazaprostan (prostaglandin E1) v lechenii tjazhelyh stadij arterial'noj nedostatochnosti nizhnih konechnostej. [Vazaprostan (prostaglandin E1) in treatment of severe arterial insufficiency of lower limbs.] [in Russ.] Posobie dlja vrachej. M.: Medicina, 1999; 2. Haimovici's vascular surgery. -5th ed., p.139, 534. 3. Zatevahin I.I., Shipovskij V.N., Zolkin V.N. Ballonnaja angioplastika pri ishemii nizhnih konechnostej. [Balloon angioplasty at ishemia of lower limbs] M.: Medicina, 2004; 83. [in Russ.] 4. Diagnostika i lechenija bol'nyh s zabolevanijami perifericheskih arterij: rekomendacii Ros. Obshhestva angiologov i sosudistyh hirurgov. [Diagnostics and treatment of patients with peripheral arterial disease: recommendations of Rus. Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.] M., 2007; 135 S. [in Russ.] 5. Norgen L., Hiatt W.R., Dormandy J.A., Nehler M.R. et. al. TASC II Working group. Inter-society consensus for the management of peripheral arterial disease (TASC II), Eur. J. Vasc. 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Abstract: Article describes results of single-balloon angioplasty and stenting in patients with occlusive-stenotic lesions of femoral-popliteal segment for the period of 30 months. It was performed 209 endovascular interventions, single-balloon angioplasty in 95 patients; stenting - 114 patients. Long-term results of primary patency: 43,1% in group of single-balloon angioplasty 57,1% - in group with stenting. References 1. Рекомендуемые стандарты для оценки результатов лечения пациентов с хронической ишемией нижних конечностей. Российский консенсус. Казань 2001. Rekomenduemye standarty dlja ocenki rezul'tatov lechenija pacientov s hronicheskoj ishemiej nizhnih konechnostej. Rossijskij consensus [Recommended standarts for estimation of treatment results in patients with chronic ischemia of lower limbs. Russian Consensus]. Kazan' 2001 [ In Russ]. 2. Klinicheskaja angiologija [Clinical angiology]. Pod red. akad. Pokrovskogo A.V. M., 2004; 1: 69 [In Russ]. 3. Nacional'nye rekomendacii po vedeniju bol'nyh s zabolevanijami arterij nizhnih konechnostej [National recommendation for treatment of patients with diseases of lower limbs’ arteries.]. M., 2013[In Russ]. 4. Hunink M.M., Donaldson M.C., Meyerovitz M.F., et al. Risks and benefits of femoropopliteal percutaneous balloon angioplasty. J. Vasc. Surg. 1993; 17: 183-194. 5. Becquemin J-P, Cavillon A., Haiduc F. Surgical transluminal femoropopliteal angioplasty: multivariate analysis outcome. J. Vasc .Surg .1994; 19: 495-502. 6. Murray R.R., Hewes R.C., White R.I., et al. Long-segment femoropopliteal stenoses: is angioplasty a boom or a bust? Radiology .1987; 162: 473-476. 7. Johnston K.W. Femoral and popliteal arteries: reanalysis of results of balloon angioplasty. Radiology. 1992; 183:767-71. 8. Krankenberg H., Schluter M., Steinkamp H.J., et al. Nitinol stent implantation versus percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in superficial femoral artery lesions up to 10 cm in length: the Femoral Artery Stenting Trial (FAST). Circulation. 2007; 116:285-92. 9. Dake M., Ansel G., Jaff M., et al. Zilver PTX: a prospective, randomized trial of the polymer-free paclitax-eleluting stent compared to balloon angioplasty with provisional bare metal stenting in patients with superficial femoral artery disease (abstr). Paper presented at: Twenty-Second Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Symposium;September 21-25; Washington, DC. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2010;56:xiii. 10. Bergeron P., Pinot J.J., Poyen V., et al. Long-term results with the Palmaz stent in the superficial femoral artery. J. Endovasc. Surg. 1995; 2: 161-167. 11. Henry M., Amor M., Henry I., et al. Placement of Palmaz stent in femoropopliteal arteries: a six year experience. Factors influencing restenosis and longterm results. In: Abstract Book 6° International course on peripheral vascular intervention. Oct 1995, Nancy, France. 12. Dake M., Ansel G., Jaff M., et al. Zilver PTX: a prospective, randomized trial of the polymer-free paclitax-eleluting stent compared to balloon angioplasty with provisional bare metal stenting in patients with superficial femoral artery disease (abstr). Paper presented at: Twenty-Second Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Symposium;September 21-25; Washington, DC. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2010;56.
Abstract: Case report of successful endovascular treatment of pseudoaneurysm of common hepatic artery (patient underwent laparoscopic gastrectomy, cholecystectomy with lymph node dissection in treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma) is presented. Materials and methods: patient E., 61 year. In anamnesis: ulcer disease for the period of 8 years. In 2013, gastric adenocarcinoma T4N0M0 had been revealed and in January 2014 patient underwent laparoscopic gastrectomy, cholecystectomy with lymph node dissection D2. Postoperative period was complicated by thrombosis of left branch of portal vein, external biliary fistula, left subdiaphragmatic abscess with further drainage. During CT-angiography - adenoma of left adrenal gland and aneurysm of proper hepatic artery were revealed. Selective angiography revealed aneurysm of common hepatic artery in middle third, sized 10x20 mm. Patient underwent double-staged treatment. Primary patient underwent embolization of aneurysm with Azur-18 coils, but aneurysm cavity had incomplete thrombosis. As a second stage patient underwent stent-graft implantation in hepatic artery. Results: stent implantation was uncomplicated, aneurysm was excluded from blood flow. Patient was discharged in good condition, without any additional operation. Control angiography was performed in 3 months and thrombosis of stent with collateral blood flow were revealed. References 1. Wagner W.H., Allins A.D., Treiman R.L., Cohen J.L., Foran R.F., Levin PM., Cossman D.V. Ruptured visceral artery aneurysms. Ann. Vasc. Surg. 1997 Jul; 11(4): 342-347. 2. Hossain A., Reis E.D., Dave S.P, Kerstein M.D., Hollier L.H. Visceral artery aneurysms: experience in a tertiary-care center. Am. Surg. 2001 May;67(5):432-7. 3. Kasirajan K., Greenberg R.K., Clair D., Ouriel K. Endovascular management of visceral artery aneurysm. J. Endovasc. Ther. 2001 Apr; 8(2):150-5. 4. Gabelmann A., Gorich J., Merkle E.M. Endovascular treatment of pseudoaneurysm of the common hepatic artery with intra-aneurysmal glue (N-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate) embolization. Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol. 2007 Sep-Oct; 30(5):999-1002. 5. Grego F.G., Lepidi S., Ragazzi R., Iurilli V., Stramanа R., Deriu G.P Visceral artery aneurysms: a single center experience. Cardiovasc. Surg. 2003 Feb;11(1):19-25. 6. Garg A., Banait S., Babhad S., Kanchankar N.. Nimade P, Panchal C. Endovascular treatment of visceral artery aneurysms. J. Endovasc. Ther. 2002 Feb;9(1): 38-47. 7. Sakai H., Urasawa K., Oyama N., Oabatake A., Successful covering of a hepatic artery aneurysm with a coronary stent graft. Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol. 2004 May- Jun;27(3):274-7. 8. Jenssen G.L., Wirsching J., Pedersen G., Amundsen S.R., Aune S., Dregelid E., Jonung T., Daryapeyma A., Lax- dal E. Treatment of a hepatic artery aneurysm by endovascular stent-grafting. Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol. 2007 May-Jun;30(3):523-5. 9. Suhny Abbara, T. Gregory Walker, Steven G. Imbesi. Diagnostic imaging, cardiovascular. First edition, 2008; II, 5: 62-65. 10. Jecko V., Benali L., Vignes J.F., Vignes J.R. Hepatic artery aneurysm rupture after lumbar stenosis surgery. Medico-legal thinking. France Neurochirurgie. 2014 Feb- Apr;60(1-2):38-41. 11. Fatic N., Music D., Zornic N., Radojevic N. Hepatic artery aneurysm developing after Billroth's operation. Ann. Vasc. Surg. 2014 May; 28(4):1033.e1-3. 12. Asai K., Watanabe M., Kusachi S., Matsukiyo H., Saito T., Kodama H., Enomoto T., Nakamura Y, Okamoto Y, Saida Y, lijima R., Nagao J. Successful treatment of a common hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm using a coronary covered stent following pancreatoduodenectomy: report of a case. Surg. Today. 2014 Jan; 44(1):160-5. 13. Lu PH., Zhang X.C., Wang L.F., Chen Z.L., Shi H.B. Stent graft in the treatment of pseudoaneurysms of the hepatic arteries. ^ina Vasc. Endovascular Surg. 2013 Oct; 47(7):551-4. 14. Suvorova U.V., Tarazov P.G., Polikarpov A.A., Balahin P.V., Polehin A.S. Stentirovanie obschey pechenochnoy i verhney bryzheechnoy arterii dlia ostanovki massivnogo arterialnogo krovotechenia [Stenting of common hepatic artery and superior mesenteric artery for stopping of massive arterial bleeding.] Mezhdunarodniy zhurnal interventsionnoy kardioangiologii. 2013; 35: 73 [In Russ]. 15. Kokov L.S., Cygankov V.N., Shutihina I.V., Zjatenkov A.V. Implantacija samoraskryvajushhihsja stentov-graftov v lechenii lozhnyh anevrizm selezenochnoj arterii [Implantation of self-expanding stent-graft in treatment of pseudoaneurysm of splenic artery]. Diagnosticheskaja i intervencionnaja radiohgija. 2013; 7(1): 75-82 [ In Russ]. 16. Sundeep Punamia, Singapore Transhepatic arterial cannulation and embolisation of hepatic artery pseudoaneurism. poster report frome CIRSE 2014, Glasgow, UK.