Abstract: Inferior vena cava (IVC) abnormalities are reported to occur in 3% of the population, and bilateral IVC is the most common one. We presented a case of a patient with bilateral IVC and pulmonary embolism threat due to deep vein thrombosis of the left leg and thrombus flotation in the left external iliac vein. Two cava-filters were placed. The need of two devices is obvious, because emboli can easily reach the pulmonary artery via either right or left IVC. Reference 1. Tore H.G., Tatar I., Celik H.H. et al. Two casesof inferior vena cava duplication. FoliaMorphol. 2005; 64: 55-58. 2. Taniguchi H., Miyauchi Y., Kobayashi Y. et al.Pulmonary embolism from thrombosis in aduplicated inferior vena cava developing afteran electrophysiologic procedure. J. Interv. Card. Electrophys. 2001; 5: 75-79. 3. Tatar I., Tore H.G., Celik H.H., KarcaaltincabaM. Magnetic resonance venography of doublenferior vena cava. Saudi Med. J. 2005; 26: 101-103. 4. Artico M., Lorenzini D., Mancini P. et al.Radiological evidence of anatomical variation of the inferior vena cava. Surg. Radiol. Anat. 2004; 26: 153-156. 5. Rohrer M., Cutler B. Placement of twoGreenfield filters in a duplicated vena cava. Surgery. 1988; 104: 572-574. 6. Saito H., Sano N., Kaneda I. et al. Multisegmental anomaly of the inferior vena cava withthrombosis of the left inferior vena cava.Cardiovasc. Intervent. Rad. 1995; 18: 410-413. 7. Ferris E.J., Hipona F.A., Kahn P.C. et al.Venography of the Inferior Vena Cava and itsBranches. Baltimore. Williams & Wilkins. 1969; 32. 8. Chuang V.P., Mena C.E., Hoskins P.A.Congenital anomalies of the inferior vena - cava. Review of embryogenesis and presentation of a simplified classification. Br. J. Radiol. 1974; 47: 206-213. 9. Bass J.E., Redwine M.D., Kramer L.A. et al.Spectrum of congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava: cross-sectional imaging findings. Radiographics. 2000; 20: 639-652. 10. Trigaux J.P., Vandroogenbroek S., De Wispelaere J.F. et al. Congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava and left renal vein: evaluation with spiral CT. J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 1998; 9: 339-345. 11. KaufmanJ.A., Lee MJ. Vascular and interventional radiology - the requisites. Philadelphia. PA: Mosby. 2004; 350-355. 12. Nagashima T., Lee J., Andoh K. et al. Right double inferior vena cava. J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr. 2006; 30: 642-645. Sugimoto K., Imanaka K., Kawabe T., Hirota S. Filter placement in double inferior vena cava. Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol. 2000; 23: 79-82. 13. Mano A., Tatsumi T., Sakai H. et al. A case of deep venous thrombosis with a double inferior vena cava effectively treated by suprarenal filter implantation. Jpn. Heart. J. 2004; 45: 1063-1069. 14. Rohrer M.J., Culter B.S. Placement of two Greenfield filters in a duplicated vena cava. Surgery. 1988; 104: 572-574. Soltes G.D., Fisher R.G., Whigham C.J. Placement of dual bird's nest filters in an unusual case of duplicated inferior vena cava. J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 1992; 3: 709-711. 15. Sartori M.T., Zampieri P., Andres F.L. et al. Double vena cava filter insertion in congenital duplicated inferior vena cava: a case report and literature review. Haematologica. 2006; 91 (6):e85-e86.
Abstract: Purpose: Was to observe the immediate and long-term results of hybrid operations in multilevel atherosclerotic lesions of aorto-iliac(AIS) and femoral-popliteal segments (FPS). Article describes the method of the hybrid intervention in the aorto-iliac segment Materials and Methods: For the period of 2007-2011 - 40 patients with multilevel lesions of iliac arteries and lower limb arteries underwent hybrid operations. 57.5% of patients had aorto-iliac segment disease, classified as TASC C, and 42,5% - TASC D. Lesions of femoral-popliteal segment was divided in the following order: TASC A - 15,0%, TASC B - 35,0%, TASC C - 42,5% and TASC D - 7,5%. We applied loop endarterectomy with stenting for the correction of the aorto-iliac lesions. For arterial outflow correction we applied surgical operations. Follow-up period has been traced for 3 years. Results: Primary technical success was achieved in 97.5%. Complications of the immediate postoperative period were noted in 15%. Long-term results were traced for 3 years in 70% of patients. Three-year assisted patency of aorto-iliac segment was 89%. All complications have been corrected only by endovascular procedure. Three-year cumulative patency of femoral-popliteal segment was 87%. Conclusions: This technique allows achieving the best results in reducing lower limb ischemia. Simultaneous correction of both - inflow and outflow segments improved long-term results of each of the reconstruction. The method shows its effectiveness in patients with TASC C and TASC D lesions of aorto-iliac segment. Reduction of surgical trauma significantly affects the results in group of high risk patients. References 1. Trede M. Rekonstruktive behandlung peripherer durchblutungs-storungen. Radiology. 1973; 308-309. 2. Савельев B.C., Кошкин В.М. Критическая ишемия нижних конечностей. М.: Медицина. 1997; 8. 3. Черненко В.Ф., Гончаренко А.Г., Шувалов А.Ю. и др. Потеря трудоспособности и динамика инвалидизации больных с поражениями сосудов конечностей. Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. 2005; 11 (2): 21-27. 4. Затевахин И.И., Цициашвили М.Ш., Шиповский В.Н. и др. Новые перспективы сосудистой хирургии - сочетанные эндоваскулярные и открытые операции в реконструкции артериального русла. Анналы хирургии. 1999; 6: 77-84. 5. Lindbom A. Arteriosclerosis and arterial thrombosis in the lower limb. А roentgenological study. Acta Radiol. Suppl. 1950; 80: 1-80. 6. Strandness D.J., Sumner D. Hemodynamics for surgeons. New York: Grune & Stratton. 1975;278-281. 7. Klein W.M., Buskens E., Moll F.L. Vascular and еndovascular rfLallenges. Edited by Roger M. Greenhalgh. BIBA Publishing. 2004;275-281. 8. Pell J.P., Lee A.J. Impact of angioplasty and arterial reconstructive surgery on the quality of life of claudicants. The Scottish Vascular Audit Group. Scott. Med. J. 1997; 42 (2): 47-48. 9. Кириенко А.И., Кошкин В.М., Богачев В.Ю. Амбулаторная ангиология. М.: Лит-терра. 2007; 199-200. 10. Scintu F. Inflow and outflow disease in aorto-femoral grafting. Ital. J. Surg. Sci. 1986; 16 (2): 139-142. 11. Sumner D.S., Strandness D.E. Aortoiliac reconstruction in patients with combined iliac and superficial femoral arterial occlusion. Surgery. 1978; 84: 348-355. 12. Kikta M.J. et al. Longterm follow-up of patients having infrainguinal bypass performed below stenotic but hemodynamically normal aortoiliac vessels. J. Vasc. Surg. 1987; 5:319-328. 13. Diehl J.T. et al. Complication of abdominal aortic reconstruction. Analysis of perioperative risk factors in 557 patients. Ann. Surg. 1983; 197: 49-56. 14. Cooperman M. et al. Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with peripheral vascular disease. Surg. 1978; 84: 5-8. 15. Покровский А.В. Болезни аорты и ее ветвей. М.: Медицина. 1979; 52. 16. Norgren L. et al. TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC II). Eur. J. Vasc. Endo-vasc. Surg. 2007; 33 (1): 67.