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The basis of computed tomography diagnosis is the definition of densitometric parameters at different phases of the study.

Aim. Was to perform comparative analysis of computed tomography features of focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatocellular carcinoma.

Materials and methods. During the reseach clinical and morphological comparisons were performed on the base of 36 patients’ CT’s results: 21 patient with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 15 patient with focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver without associated liver cirrhosis. At the preoperative stage all patients underwent spiral computed tomography with bolus contrast enhancement (on the four phases of the study).

Results. During native phase of computed tomography HCC nodes are more often hipodense irrespective of the degree of histological differentiation and focal nodular hyperplasia - izodense. After intravenous injection of contrast agent, computed tomography picture of hepatocellular carcinoma and focal nodular hyperplasia depended on the phase of the study During the arterial phase tissue of focal nodular hyperplasia in the vast majority of cases was hiperdense relative to the surrounding liver parenchyma. Hepatocellular carcinoma had similar values much less frequently in contrast to the focal nodular hyperplasia. The venous phase was characterized by the presence of hiperdense characteristics in focal nodular hyperplasia areas and, conversely, in hepatocellular carcinoma tissue signs of hiperdense were not observed. Hyperdence formations in delayed phase of computed tomography indicate the presence of focal nodular hyperplasia, and vice versa, hypodense are sufficient to prevent its presence.

Conclusion. Estimation of densitometric parameters of focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatocellular carcinoma allows to determine features of computed tomography imaging of tumors at different phases of the examination, and this allows to make a differential diagnosis between them.



Article exists only in Russian.



The article presents literature data about splenic lesions, their morphological characteristics and occurrence. Methods of diagnostics of such lesions are considered. Rarely met pathology as lymphangioma of spleen is discussed. Article describes peculiarities of clinical and morphological classifications of lymphangiomas with different locations, their morphological structure, clinical features of this disease in children and adults. Detailed diagnostic algorithm for detection of splenic lymphangioma is described. Possibilities and advantages of modern methods of diagnostic testing, perspective and the leading role CT and MRI are described. Complexities in diagnostics were noted during the research; optimal combinations of diagnostic methods for better verification of such spleen lesions, for estimation of certain anatomical relation with other structures and tissues, spread of the affected area, as well as an assistance in definition of surgical tactics and volume of intervention, based on data were offered. Application of new technologies with the use SCT-dimensional reconstruction of the affected organ and area of further operation, and the 3D planning of intervention, conducting virtual operations for the optimal access, volume of interventions on the base of individual characteristics of vascular and anatomical features of the patient - gives significant advantages. Review of possible treatment methods is presented. As a case report we used obtained data of 26-years woman with identified during ambulatory ultrasound diagnostics lymphangioma of spleen. In conclusion it is pointed that early and accurate diagnostics is important for prevention of complications and for reduce of operational trauma.



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Computed tomography diagnostic criteria of hepatocellular carcinoma with varying degree of differentiation in the liver unaffected by cirrhosis


For quoting:
Tumanova U.N., Yachina N.I., Karmazanovsky G.G., Shchegolev A.I. "Computed tomography diagnostic criteria of hepatocellular carcinoma with varying degree of differentiation in the liver unaffected by cirrhosis". Journal Diagnostic & interventional radiology. 2015; 9(1); 27-33.




Aim: was to study CT semiotic features of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with varying degrees of differentiation in liver, unaffected by cirrhosis.

Materials and methods: the study is based on clinical and morphological comparisons of 29 patients (19 men and 10 women aged 19-68 years) suffering from HCC without associated cirrhosis. In the preoperative period all patients underwent multislice CT with bolus contrast enhancement (on four phases of the study). On CT scans were determined: localization, size, borders and structure of nodes, including features of the accumulation of contrast agent for determining the degree of histological differentiation.

Results: HCC had the appearance of a large solitary node, the average value of the largest diameter and the cross-sectional area amounted to 9.3 cm and 68.4 cm2 respectively in most of examined patients. In the native phase of CT quite distinct contour of the tumor node was determined in 40% of cases at highly differentiated and one-third of moderately differentiated HCC observations, at poorly differentiated variant contour is not expressed.The characteristic feature of CT HCC nodes is the heterogeneous nature of their internal structure, which is best visualized in the arterial phase. Most frequently in observations (in 67.6%) were detected areas of necrosis, rarely observed lesions sclerosis (23.5%) and calcifications (11.8%).

Conclusion: Computed tomographic characteristics of HCC in the absence of cirrhosis depenc on the phase of the study, and the degree of histological differentiation of tumors that should be considered in the differential diagnosis and prognosis of the disease.



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Acardiac fetus («acardiac monster», «acardiac vampire») - is rarely encountered pathology of pregnancy in which one of monochorionic fetuses (recipient) is formless mass, with absence of the heart and some internal organs, life and growth of which is related to parasitism on other fetus.

The main reason for the formation of this defect is an abnormal location of placental vessels ir monochorionic twins. Characteristic are the underdevelopment of the upper body of the recipient fetus (underdevelopment of the upper part of chest, the absence of heart or the presence of rudimentary heart) and acephaly

The article presents results of the analysis of the world literature data, and given own observation of acardiac fetus stillborn.

We specify frequency causes, as well as the clinical and morphological features such anomalies. Possibilities of the post-mortem magnetic resonance and computed tomography imaging in determining the type of acardiac fetus. According to results of the analysis, it was the most efficient construction and analysis of volumetric reconstruction of bone tissues.

Conclusion: post-mortem CT and MRI are advisable in some cases as a complement to the postmortem examination.



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We analyzed literature data and demonstrate own clinical case of stillborn with prune belly syndrome. Development of prune belly syndrome is a rare but severe pathology of the fetus. We have indicated the frequency, causes of development and also clinical and morphological features of this anomaly, including in combination with the cloaca. Noted that such families need genetic testing due to the high of redevelopment of similar anomalies. We showed possibilities of postmortem computed tomography in identifying concomitant pathology, including three dimensional reconstruction of bone tissue. It was concluded that carrying out postmortem CT as complement to the autopsy is expedient.



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