Abstract We performed an analysis of literature data about angiosome concept in treatment of patients wih critical lower limb ishemia. We presented data on the appearance and development of this concept. Possibilities of using this tactic in various situations are considered, advantages and disadvantages of this concept are shown. Factors, limiting the effectiveness of this method, and alternative methods when it is impossible to restore blood flow according to the angiosome concept - the degree of lesion of arteries and the development of collateral blood flow to restore perfusion of soft tissues are given. It has been shown that the correct assessment of collateral arteries in critical lower limb ischemia plays a central role in any type of lower limb revascularization, and this statement also applies to a strategy based on the angiosome concept. Refereneces 1. Diabetes: Newsletter. No. 312 [Electronic resource]. Vsemirnaya Organizaciya Zdravoohraneniya. ZHeneva,2011. 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