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Aim: was to evaluate possibilities and advantages of endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms (IA) and arteriovenous malformations (AVM) using three-dimensional navigation (3D-roadmapping).

Materials and methods: during 2010-2013 years 103 embolizations of IA and AVM ir 88 patients were performed in our angiography department. Embolizations of IA were managed by metallic detachable coils, embolizations of AVM - by Histoacryl : Lipiodol glue composition. 3D-roadmapping technique was applied for guidance of endovascular tools in cerebral arteries anc catheterization the IA cavity and AVM-feeding arteries during the procedure. 3D-roadmapping technique is based on creation of composite images that consist of two-dimensional fluoroscopic views superimposed on virtual three-dimensional model of the vessel.

Results: endovascular interventions with 3D-roadmapping were performed in 65(63%) cases. In 49 (75%) cases we used 3DRA data to create three-dimensional model of cerebral vessels and in 16 (25%) cases - CT-angiography data. Complex algorithm of diagnosis and endovascular treatment of IA and AVM using 3D-roadmapping was introduced.

Conclusion: our experience of the endovascular embolization of IA and AVM with 3D-roadmapping convincingly showed that usage of this technique is possible and effective. In comparison with two-dimensional navigation there was a tendency in reduction of the effective exposure dose, also there was a statistically significant decrease of amount of contrast material , and of time for superselective catheterization of AVM-feeding arteries and IA cavity. 



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