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Article presents a literature review on the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of sacroiliac joints in the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis.

Aim: was to analyze domestic and foreign literature sources that reflect the state of the problem and aspects of radiodiagnostics of sacroiliac joints in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.

Materials and methods: article contains analysis of 29 literature sources of leading domestic and foreign scientific journals.

Results: for a reliable diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, the presence of x-ray confirmed sacroiliitis is a prerequisite. However, difficulties in confirming or absence of sings of sacroiliitis on radiography at the beginning of the disease leads to a delay in the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, which is established for 5-10 years after first clinical signs of the disease. Magnetic resonance imaging allows us to evaluate changes in sacroiliac joints in early stages of the disease and prevent the development of significant structural changes that lead to early disability of patients. MR-symptoms of active inflammation of sacroiliac joints in ankylosing spondylitis include: edema of the bone marrow (ostitis) in subchondral parts of iliac bones and sacrum, edema of the capsule (capsulitis) and periarticular ligaments (enteritis) joint, as well as synovitis, accompanied by synovial effusion into the joint cavity. MR-symptoms of structural changes in sacroiliac joints in ankylosing spondylitis include: bone erosion, sclerosis, fat deposits of the bone marrow, bone bridges, ankyloses.

Conclusion: magnetic resonance imaging currently occupies a leading position in the early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, which allows us to identify active inflammatory and structural changes in sacroiliac joints.



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