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Purpose. Was to improve results of aortic stenosis (AS) treatment by transluminalballoon valvuloplasty (TLBVP) technicalskill's mprovement

Materials and methods. The article reviews a group of 56 patients who underwent TLBVP of at Republic specialized surgery centre named after V. Vakhidov

Results. It is noted that after TLBVP the peak systolic pressure gradient drecreases from 136,0 ± 39,36 to 38,27 ± 12,55 mm Hg (67,1% shift., р < 0,001), that confirms efficiency of the AS TLBVP All the patients notice better health conditions, increased stability to physical activities and had been discharged from hospital in satisfactory condition.

Conclusions. TLBVP of aortic valve (AV) is an effective and safe method that can be used for treatment of aortic valve stenosis. Indication for the procedure is occurrence of peak systolic gradient at AV of over 50 (with average at 35-40) mm Hg. At the same time aortic regurgitation type 1 is not a contraindication for the procedure. 



1.    Алекян Б.Г., Бондарев Ю.И., Ильин В.Н. и др. Опыт баллонных дилатаций при врожденном клапанном и подклапанном стенозах аорты. М. Грудная и сердечно-сосудистая хирургия. 1996; 1: 121-126.

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The article presents the experience of endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic atherosclerotic lesions using different types of stents, performed in the Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A.A.Vishnevskogo.

Materials and methods: nine patients underwent 11 operations - stenting of aorta. Direct stenting of terminal aorta was performed in 5 patients, 4 - bifurcation stenting of aorta and both iliac arteries. Endovascular surgery combined with the "open" reconstruction of arteries below the inguinal ligament (hybrid operation) were performed in 2 cases.

Results: technical perioperative success of interventions with the restoration of the aortic lumen was achieved in all cases. Our experience in endovascular treatment of atherosclerotic lesions of the abdominal aorta, allows to characterize this surgical intervention as a highly effective and low-impact.



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