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Aim: was to assess the frequency, predominant localization and severity of atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries according to multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in patients with suspicion on coronary heart disease (CHD).

Materials and methods: analysis of results of CT of coronary arteries (CT-CA) was carried out in 1590 patients. The average age was 53,9 ± 10,7 years. The number of men was 1133 (71,3%). Studies were carried out on 64- and 256-slice CT scanners.

Results: in patients with suspicion on coronary artery disease, atherosclerotic lesions of coronary arteries (CA) were not detected in 582 (36,6%) cases. Minimal and initial CA stenoses were observed in 80 (5%) and 416 (26,2%) patients, respectively. Moderate CA stenoses were found in 236 (14,8%) patients. Severe coronary artery stenoses were detected in 183 patients (11,5%). CA occlusions were observed in 84 (5,3%) cases. Most often, the stenotic process was detected in proximal segments of coronary arteries, in particular, in the left anterior descending artery.

Conclusions: MDCT makes it possible to determine in detail the severity and nature of atherosclerotic coronary lesions, as well as to assess the predominant location of plaques.



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