Abstract Aim: was to evaluate possibilities of puncture biopsy under ultrasound guidance of parasternal lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. Material and methods: study included 34 patients with breast cancer. Criteria for inclusion in the study were: primary breast cancer with a central or medial tumor localization, and patients under observation after previously undergoing surgical treatment. All patients underwent an ultrasound examination of the breast and regional zones, including the parasternal lymphatic collector. All patients underwent biopsy. Results: in total, 39 parasternal lymph nodes suspicious on secondary lesion were detected, of which 17 (43,5%) lymph nodes had a specific lesion, 22 (56,5%) lymph nodes showed cystological signs of hyperplasia according to results of cytological examination. Parasternal lymph nodes metastases were detected in 16 (47,1%) of 34 patients included in our study. In all cases of specific lesion, lymph nodes were rounded, there was a violation of differentiation of anatomical structures, the absence of a central echo complex, a violation of differentiation and thickening of the cortical layer. In the group of primary patients, 3 (27,3%) patients with metastases in parasternal lymph nodes had distant metastases, remaining 8 (72,7%) patients, due to the lesion of the parasternal lymphatic collector, the stage of the disease were adjusted upwards (stage IIIA). Conclusion: fine-needle aspiration biopsy under ultrasound-guidance in case of suspected secondary lesion of parasternal lymph nodes, can be successfully used to obtain morphological material with minimal traumatic impact, without the use of anesthesia, which will more adequately assess the state of parasternal lymph nodes at the preoperative stage, correctly set the stage of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. References 1. Хоперия В.Г. Тонкоигольная аспирационная пункционная биопсия узлов щитовидной железы: показания, техника, клиническое применение. Украинский научно-практический центр эндокринной хирургии и трансплантации эндокринных органов и тканей МЗ Украины. Номер: 1 (35), 2011 г. С. 57-67. 2. Федотов Ю.Н., Воробьев С.Л., Черников РА. Тонкоигольная аспирационная биопсия в диагностике заболеваний щитовидной железы. Корреляция между заключением цитолога и гистолога, технические аспекты. Клиническая и экспериментальная тиреоидология. 2009. Т. 5. № 4. С. 28-32. 3. Бурдюков М.С., Нечипай А.М. Тонкоигольная пункция под контролем эндоскопической ультрасонографии: осложнения и альтернативы. Российский электронный журнал лучевой диагностики. 2013. Т. 3. № 2. С. 26-37. 4. Марченко М.Г., Трофимов Е.И., Виноградов В.В. Современные методы выявления метастазов рака гортани и гортаноглотки в лимфатические узлы шеи. Российская оториноларингология. 2011. № 1 (50). С. 114-117. 5. TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 7th ed. Sobin L.H., Gospodarowicz M.K., Wittekind Ch., eds. New York: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. 6. V. L. Kovalenko, M. F. Musafirov, R. V. Experience of video-assisted thoracoscopic parasternal lymph node dissection in breast cancer. Dal'nevostochnyj medicinskij zhural 2014 g. [In Russ.] 7. Ujmanov V.A., Nechushkin M.I., Trigolosov A.V.. Petrovskij A.V., Vishnevskaya YA.V., Zajceva A.A. Surgical techniques for morphological assessment of the state of the parasternal lymphatic collector as part of organ-preserving treatment in patients with breast cancer. Vestnik RONTS im. N.N. Blochina RAMN. Tom 23: 3(89), 2012: 29 34. [In Russ.] 8. McDonald E, Haagensen C.D. In: Diseases of the breast. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders; 1971. 9. Letyagin V.P., Laktionov K.P, Vysockaya I.V., Kotov V.A. Breast cancer. - M., 1996. - 150 s. [In Russ.] 10. Sinyakov A.G. Videothoracoscopic parasternal lymphadenectomy in the treatment of breast cancer. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental’nyh issledovanij. №10, 2014. [In Russ.]
Abstract: We present a clinical case, demonstrating the importance of x-ray technician compliance with rules of laying when performing x-ray examination of the mammary glands. According to the plain analog mammography with low quality, with positioning of not of all parts of the breast - the pathology was not revealed. In repeated mammographic study, conducted by all rules and all methodological aspects, in the upper-outer quadrant of the right breast, nodular newgrowth category BI-RADS 4c, highly suspicious on breast cancer was revealed. After the expansion of the diagnostic algorithm by echography and core-biopsy, low-differentiated breast cancer with high mitotic activity was verified. Referenses 1. Kaprin AD, Starinskiy V V, Petrova G V. Malignant neoplasms in 2. Kanaev CV, Novikov SN, Semiglazov VF. Possibilities of early detection of breast cancer tumors using ultrasound and radionuclide diagnostic methods. Voprosy onkologii. 2011; 57(5): 622-626 [In Russ]. 3. Chernaya AV. Comparative analysis of informative value of digital mammography and mammoscintigraphy in breast cancer diagnostics. Dis. kand. med. nauk. SPb.: FGBU «NMITsO im. N. N. Petrova» MZ RF, 2018; 112 p [In Russ]. 4. Zuy VS, Solov'ev VI, Alieva FV., Garmot'ko AA, Nikitonova NV. Diagnostic sectoral resection as a method for verifying breast cancer in the 5. Rozhkova N I. The priority of women's health in the national program for the development of oncological services. Medicinskijalfavit. 2018; 2(29), (366): 6-9 [In Russ]. 6. Vasil’ev AYu., Мanuylova ОО. Stereoscopic mammography. An alternative method for the breast cancer early diagnosis. Radiologiya-praktika. 2017; 61(1): 6-14 [In Russ]. 7. Pavlova T V, Vasil'ev A Yu, Manuylova O O. Method of Сone-Вeam Breast Computed Tomography (Literature Review). Radiologiya - praktika. 2019;73(1): 21-27 [In Russ]. 8. Shumakova TA, Solntseva IA, Safronova OB, Savello VE, Serebryakova SV. The practical application of the international classification of Bi-RADS in mammology practice. Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey. SPb NII skoroy pomoshchi im. I.I.Dzhanelidze. SPb., 2018; 217 p. [In Russ]. 9. Sadykov S S, Bulanova Yu A, Zakharova E А. Methods of breast cancer detection. Algoritmy, metody i sistemy obrabotkidannykh. 2012;19(1): 168-178 [In Russ]. 10. Myakin'kov V B. World radiological experience. Radiologicheskiy visnik. 2012;44(3): 43-47 [In Russ].
Abstract: Breast cancer is the most frequent malignant disease in women in the Russian Federation. To reduce the mortality from breast cancer, various measures were used, of which mammographic screening proved its effectiveness. In recent decades, the active process of informatization of health care system in the Russian Federation has predetermined the need to introduce various information systems, including in the screening processes. Thus, on the basis of Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Radiology of the federal state budget institution «National Research Center of Oncology N.N.Blokhin» the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation it was developed a system SDRR-MS (System Description, Recommendations and Reporting of Mammography Screening), which can be used both in screening and in diagnostic processes. The system focused on educational process and standardization of a routine practice of radiologists and X-ray technicians in the breast examination. The system allows to unite an unlimited number of hospitals, while standardization processes are realized by means of a formalized description protocol, elaborated on the basis of the existing international standard BI-RADS. This article is focused on one of system component, intended for the description of x-ray breast examination. References 1. Klinicheskie rekomendacii AOR po raku molochnoj zhelezy. Klinicheskie rekomendacii Associacii Onkologov Rossii [Recommendations of the AOR for breast cancer. Clinical recommendations of the Association of Oncologists of Russia.]. 2014; 84S [In Russ]. 2. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija RF №36an ot 03 fevralja 2015 goda «Ob utverzhdenii porjadka provedenija dispanserizacii opredelennyh grupp vzroslogo naselenija» [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 36an of February 3, 2015 «On approval of the procedure for the clinical examination of certain groups of adults».] [In Russ] https://www.rosminzdrav.ru/documents/8542-prikazministerstva-zdravoohraneniya-rossiyskoy-federatsii-ot-3-fevralya- 2015-g-36an-ob-utverzhdenii-poryadkaprovedeniya-dispanserizatsii-opredelennyh-grupp-vzroslogo-naseleniya 3. Kochergina N.V., Ivankina O.V., Zamogil'naja Ja.A., Bludov A.B. Pervye rezul'taty distancionnogo mammograficheskogo skrininga raka molochnoj zhelezy [First results of remote mammographic screening of breast cancer.]. Rossijskij onkologicheskijzhurnal. 2014; 3: 15-18 [In Russ]. 4. Kochergina N.V., Bludov A.B, Shhipahina Ja.A., Ivankina O.V. Novye napravlenija uluchshenija skrininga raka molochnoj zhelezy [New directions for improving of screening for breast cancer.] Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii. 2016; 97(6): 333-339 [In Russ]. 5. Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (DCSC) http://www.bcsc-research.org/data/ptlong6.pdf 6. Perri N. Evropejskoe rukovodstvo po obespecheniju kachestva pri skrininge i diagnostike raka molochnoj zhelezy [European guidelines for quality assurance in the screening and diagnosis of breast cancer.]. Health & Consumer Protection, Directorate-General. 2010. 4th edition [In Russ]. 7. Sinicyn V.E. Sistema opisanij i obrabotki dannyh issledovanija molochnoj zhelezy [Система описаний и обработки данных исследований груди.]. Mammologicheskij atlas. Izd. Medpraktika-M. 2010; 464S [In Russ]. 8. Metodicheskie rekomendacii k prikazu №154 ot 15 marta 2006 goda «O merah sovershenstvovanija medicinskoj pomoshhi pri zabolevanijah molochnoj zhelezy» [Methodical recommendations to the order number 154 from March 15, 2006 «On measures to improve medical care for breast diseases».] [In Russ]. 9. Koljadina I.V., Poddubnaja I.V., Komov D.V. Skrining raka molochnoj zhelezy:mirovoj opyt i perspektivy [Breast cancer screening: world experience and perspectives.] Rossijskij onkologicheskijzhurnal. 2015; 1:42-46 [In Russ]. 10. Poddubnaja I.V., Koljadina I.V., Kalashnikov N.D., Borisov A.A., Makarova M.V. Populjacinnyj cionnyj «portret» raka molochnoj zhelezy v Rossii: analiz dannyh rossijskogo registra [Population «portrait» of breast cancer in Russia: data analysis of the Russian register.]. Sovremennaja onkologija. 2015; 17(1):25-29 [ In Russ].
Abstract: Aim. Was to evaluate technicalfeasibility and safety of the internalmammary artery redistribution embolization during intra-artena chemotherapy in breast cancer Materials and methods. Between 2000 and 2010 years 42 patients with inflammatory form of local-spread breast cancer received 48 courses of combined treatment, including systemic and arterial chemotherapy plus radiotherapy In 6 patients, blood flow redistribution n the internal mammary artery was performed to avoid undesirable extra-breast perfusion with possible complications such as neuralgia necrosis of the skin, organ dysfunction. Coil embolization of the internal mammary artery was made distally from branches supplying breast tumor. After that, infusion of chemotherapeutic drug-in-iodized oil was performed Results. Technicalsuccess rate was 100%.There was no complication of embolization and intra-arterialtherapy During further repeated researches, a giography showed persistent occlusion of the embolized branches and compensatory dilation of tumor-feeding arteries.Survivalrate of patients starts from 2-22 months,with continuation of combined treatment. Conclusion. Redistribution of blood flow in the internal mammary artery is safe and may be used to avoid complications of ntra-arterial chemotherapy in breast cancer. References 1. Гранов А.М., Давыдов М.И. Интервенционная радиология в онкологии. С.-Пб.: «Фолиант». 2007; 344. 2. Chuang V.P., Wallace S. Hepatic arterial redistribution for intraarterial infusion of hepatic neoplasms. Radiology. 1980; 135 (2): 295-299. 3. Таразов П.Г., Рыжков В.К. Эмболизация гастродуоденальной артерии при рентгеноэндоваскулярных вмешательствах по поводу цирроза и опухолей печени. Вестник хирургии. 1988; 140 (1): 83-85. 4. Таразов П.Г., Павловский А.В., Гранов Д.А. Химиоэмболизация при раке головки поджелудочной железы. Вопросы онкологии. 2001; 47 (4): 489-491. 5. Таразов П.Г. Эмболизация печеночной артерии при нетипичных анатомических вариантах ее строения у больных злокачественными опухолями печени. Вестник рентгенологии. 1990; 2: 28-32. 6. Salem R., Thurston K.G. Radioembolization with 90 Yttrium microspheresa. Aa state-of-the-art brachytherapy treatment for primary and secondary liver malignancies, technical and methodologic considerations. J. Vasc. Intervent. Radiol. 2006; 17 (8): 1251-1278. 7. Woods D. et al. Gluteal artery occlusion. Intraarterial chemotherapy of pelvic neoplasms. Radiology. 1985; 155 (2): 341-343. 8. Корытова Л.И., Гранов А.М., Хазова Т.В. и др. Способ лечения инфильтративно-отечного рака молочной железы. 2177349, Б.И. 2001. 9. Таразов П.Г., Корытова Л.И., Шачинов Е.Г Внутриартериальная терапия рака молочной железы (обзор литературы). Вопросы онкологии. 2011; 57 (1): 126-131. 10. Doughty J.C. et al. Anatomical basis of intraarterial chemotherapy for patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Br. J. Surg. 1996; 83 (8): 1128-1130. 11. McCarter D.H.A. et al. Angiographic embolization of the distal internal mammary artery as an adjunct to regional chemotherapy in inoperable breast carcinoma. J. Vasc. Intervent. Radiol. 1995; 6 (2): 249-251.
Abstract: We have performed a comparative analysis of magnetic resonance mammography (MRM) and traditional methods of diagnostics in detection of multifocal and multicentric kinds of breast cancer (BC) growth in 21 patients with difficult anatomy structure of mammary gland (MG) Breast-conserving surgery has been already planned for all these patients Complex diagnostics included ultrasound(US), X-ray mammography (XRM), MRM with contrast enhancement, diagnostic needle biopsy Minimal size of identified breast tumors on the base of XRM data was 7 mm, ultrasound - 4 mm, at MR mammography - 2 mm XRM and US have detected multifocal tumor growth only in 1 case (5%). MRM revealed multifocal and multicentric tumor growth in 9 (43%) and 4 (19%) patients respectively According to revealed data the volume of surgical treatment has changed: 10 patients (48%) underwent radical resection, 10 (48%) mastectomy and 1 (5%) - partial resection According to the conducted research it has been revealed that preoperative MR mammography is necessary for treatment planning in patients with breast cancer to avoid cancer recurrence after breast-conserving surgery. References 1. Аксель Е.М. Злокачественные образования молочной железы. Состояние онкологической помощи, заболеваемость и смертность. Маммология. 2006; 1: 9-15. 2. Аблицова Н.В., Пак Д.Д., Сарибекян Э.К. Возможность выполнения органосохраняющих и реконструктивно-пластических операций при мультицентрическом раке молочной железы. Материалы II Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием «Научно-организационные аспекты и современные лечебно-диагностические технологии в маммологии». 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Abstract: Good response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a favorable prognostic factor in patients with breast cancer. Early response evaluation might spare unnecessary chemotherapy in bad responders. Clinically mammography and ultrasound are used to evaluate response to treatment while being bac predictors of early response. MRI is getting wider acceptance but still lacks necessary accuracy to the absence of functional evaluation. Thus novel methods are being evaluated in early response prediction. Diffusion-weighted MRI, MR-spectroscopy, mammoscintigraphy PET as well as diffusion optic tomography are discussed in the review as potential ways to improve early prediction of response in breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. References 1. Davydov M.I., Aksel' E.M. Statistika zlokachestvennyh novoobrazovanij v Rossii i stranah SNG v 2012 g [Statistics of malignancies in Russian Federation and the CIS countries in 2012.]. Moskva, 2014;63-64 [In Russ]. 2. 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Abstract: Inflammatory breast cancer (BC) is a locally-spread unresectable primary diffuse form of tumor, occurring in 1- 6% of patients with breast cancer, and is one of the most malignant forms of cancer with a poor prognosis and a low survival rate. The article describes the clinical case of successful experience in the application of repeated chemoembolization and one cycle of radical radiation therapy in patient with metastatic breast cancer (inflammatory form), resistant to conduct systemic chemotherapy (possibility to transfer tumor into operable condition). Patient underwent three cycles of chemoembolization into right internal thoracic artery, followed by radical radiotherapy The combination of these techniques allowed to reach a complete response to treatment and subsequently perform a radical mastectomy. Postoperative follow-up period is 85 months of remission without specific therapy. References 1. Dawood S., Lei X., Dent R. et al. Survival of women inflammatory breast cancer: a lage population-based study. Ann. Oncol. 2014; 25(6): 1143-1151. 2. Wilke D., Colwell B., Dewar R. Inflammatory breast carcinoma: comparison of survival of those diagnosed clinically, pathologically, or with both features. Am Surg. 1998; 64(5):428-431. 3. Henderson M.A., Mc Bride C.M. Secondary inflammatory breast cancer: treatment options. South Med J. 1988; 81(12):1512-15177. 4. Liauw S.L., Benda R.K., Morris C.G, et al, Inflammatory breast carcinoma: Outcomes with trimodality therapy for nonmetastatic disease. Cancer. 200; 100(5): 920-928. 5. Masljukova E.A., Odincova S.V., Korytova L.I., Polikarpov A.A., Zhabina R.M. Vnutriarterial'naja himioterapija i luchevaja terapija v kombinirovannom lechenii bol'nyh rakom molochnoj zhelezy[Intra-arterial chemotherapy and radiation therapy in combined treatment of patients with breast cancer.]. Vestnik novyh medicinskih tehnologij. Jelektronnoe izdanie. 2015:4:2-10 [In Rus]. 6. Belka C. Biological Basis of Combined Radio and Chemotherapy. Multimodal Concepts for Integration of Cytotoxic Drugs. Ed. Brady L.W. et al., Springer, Heidelberg. 2006;3-17. 7. Harada H. Combinations of Antimetabolites and Ionizing Radiation. Multimodal Concepts for Integration of Cytotoxic Drugs. Ed. Brady L.W. et al. Springer, Heidelberg. 2006;19-34. 8. Perez C.A., Fields J.N., Fracasso PM., et. al, Management of locally advanced carcinoma of the breast. Inflammatory carcinoma. Cancer. 1994;74 (Supll 1): 466-76. 9. Chhikvadze T.B. Mesto luchevogo, lekarstvennogo i hirurgicheskogo jetapov v kompleksnom lechenii otechnyh form raka molochnoj zhelezy [Role of beam, medicinal and surgical stages in complex treatment of inflammatory forms of breast cancer]: dis. kand. med. nauk: M., 2008; 82 [In Russ]. 10. Cristofanilli M., Valero V., Buzdar A.U. et al. Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC): patterns of recurrence and micrometastatic homing. Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 2006;100(Suppl 1):155. 11. Fisher B, Brown A, Mamounas E. et. al. Effect of preoperative chemotherapy on local-regional disease in women with operable breast cancer: findings from National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project B-18. J Clin Oncol. 1997; 15(7): 2483-2493. 12. Granov A.M., Davydov M.I. Intervencionnaja radiologija v onkologii (puti razvitija i tehnologii) [Interventional radiology in oncology (path of development and technology)]. Izdanie vtoroe, dopolnennoe. Spb: Foliant, 2013;560 [In Russ].