Abstract: Ischemic strokes are still the worldwide problem with high mortality and morbidity. Carotid endarterectomy that is used for revascularization of changed artery required precise visualization of carotid arteries at extra- and intracranial level, assessment of intracranial circulation. References 1. Insul't: Rukovodstvo dlja vrachei. Pod red. L.V. Stahovskoi, S.V. Kotova. [Stroke: guide for physicians. Under edition of L.V.Stakhovsky, V.Kotov] M.: OOO «Medicinskoe informacionnoe agentstvo», 2013;400S [In Russ]. 2. 3. Vereshhagin N.V. Rol' porazhenij jekstrakranial'nyh otdelov magistral'nyh otdelov golovy v patogeneze narushenij mozgovogo krovoobrashhenija. Sosudistye zabolevanija nervnoj sistemy. [Role of extracranial arteries’ lesion in pathogenesis of disorders of cerebral circulation] 4. Gusev E.I., Skvorcova V.I. Ishemija golovnogo mozga. [Ischemia of brain]. Zhurn.nevropat. i psihiatr. 2003;9:66- 70 [In Russ]. 5. Harbaugh R.E., Schlusselberg D.S., Jeffery R., Hayden S., Cromwell L.D., Pluta D. Threedimensional computerized tomography angiography in the diagnosis of сerebrovascular disease. J. Neurosurg 1992; 76: 408-414. 6. Heiserman J.E., Dean B.L., Hodak J.A. et al. Neurologic complications of cerebral angiography. AJNR Am Neuroradiol. 1994; 15: 1401-1407. 7. Dzhibladze D.N. Patologija sonnyh arterii i problema ishemicheskogo insul'ta (klinicheskie, ul'trazvukovye i gemodinamicheskie aspekty). [ Pathology of carotid arteries and problem of ischemic stroke (clinical, ultrasonic and hemodynamic aspects)] Moskva. 2002; 208S [In Russ]. 8. John J. Ricotta, MD,a Ali AbuRahma, MD, FACS,b Enrico Ascher, MD,c Mark Eskandari, MD,d Peter Faries, MD,e and Brajesh K. Lal MD,f Washington, DC; Charleston, WV; Brooklyn, NY; Chicago, Ill; New York, NY; and Baltimore, Md Updated Society for Vascular Surgery guidelines for management of extracranial carotid disease. J Vasc Surg. 2011 Sep; 54(3): 1-31. 9. Buskens E., Nederkoorn P.J., Buijs-Van Der Woude T., Mali W.P., Kappelle L.J., Eikelboom B.C., Van Der Graaf Y, Hunink M.G. Imaging of carotid arteries in symptomatic patients: cost-effectiveness of diagnostic strategies. Radiology. 2004;233:101-112. 10. Edward C. Jauch et al., Guidelines for the Early Management of Patient With Acute Ischemic Stroke. Stroke. 2013;44: 870-947. 11. Gladstone D.J., Kapral M.K., Fang J., Laupacis A., Tu J.V. Management and outcomes of transient ischemic attacks in Ontario. CMAJ. 2004;170:1099-1104. 12. North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators. Beneficial effect of carotid endarterectomy in symptomatic patients with high-grade stenosis. N Engl J Med. 1991;325:445-453. 13. Randomised trial of endarterectomy for recently symptomatic carotid stenosis: final results of the MRC European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST). Lancet. 1998 May 9; 351 (9113): 1379-87. 14. Osborn A.G.; Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography. 2nd edition Philadelphia, PA: Williams and Wilkins; 1999. 15. Choi YJ., 16. Extracranial vascular-interventional: E. Johansson and A.J. Fox Carotid Near-Occlusion: A Comprehensive Review, Part 1—Definition, Terminology, and Diagnosis. AJNR Am. J Neuroradiol 2016 37: 2-10. 17. The International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Investigators. Unruptured intracranial aneurysms: risk of rupture and risks of surgical intervention. N Engl J Med. 1998; 339: 1725-1733 18. Krylov V.V. Jepidemiologija i jetiopatogenez anevrizm i subarahnoidal'nyh krovoizlijanii. [Epidemiology and ethiopathogenesis of aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage] Krylov V.V., Godkov I.M. Hirurgija anevrizm golovnogo mozga: v 3-h t. Pod red. V.V. Krylova. Tom