Abstract: Aim: was to improve diagnostics of neck vessels' damage, by methods of traditional and CT-angiography Material and methods: 65 injured patients with suspected damage of neck major vessels underwent examination. 52 persons had open traumas of the neck, 13 persons had closed traumas of the neck. Radiological diagnostics included CT-angiography and traditional angiography Main aim of examination was in determination of damage including both vessels and other structures of the neck, their localization and the nature of damage. Results: CT-angiography gave possibilities: • to give exact characterictics of all traumatic injures of the neck and to choose the group of patients with vessel traumas (23 patients) • to define exactly the nature of the damage of neck vessels (aneurysm, thrombosis, rupture); • to control the effectiveness of the surgical intervention. Traditional angiography was applied in 10 observations of the traumatic aneurysm of neck vessel, for search of the additional diagnostic information. In comparison with results of CT- angiography any other precise information was not received. Conclusions: analysis of the traditional and CT-angiography diagnostic possibilities of vessels damage, accompanying cervical trauma demonstrated high effectiveness of both methods. Traditional angiography should be used in absence of CTA in diagnostic arsenal. Referenses 1. Korzhuk M.S., Kozlov K.K., Tkachev A.G. at al. Problems of medical care for injuries of major vessels of the neck. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2014; 6: 1039 [In Russ]. 2. Mosyagin V.B., Slobozhankin A.D., Chernysh A.V et al. Experience in surgical treatment of closed lesions of major vessels of the neck. Vestnik Rossijskoj voenno-medicinskojakademii. 2013; 1 (41): 80-83 [In Russ]. 3. Vereshchagin S.V., Ahmad M.M.D., Kucher V.N. et al. The first experience of endovascular treatment of posttraumatic false aneurysms of aortic arch branches. Endovaskulyarna nejrorentgenohirurgiya. 2014; 2 (8): 64-70 [In Russ]. 4. Abakumov M.M. Multiple and combined wounds of the neck, chest, abdomen. Rukovodstvo dlya vrachej. 2013; 688 [In Russ]. 5. Mosyagin V.B, Chernysh A.V, Ryl'kov V.F. et al. Experience of surgical treatment of wounds of the neck. Vestnik Rossijskoj voenno-medicinskoj akademii. 2012; 3 (39): 86-90 [In Russ]. 6. Shabonov A.A., Trunin E.M. Treatment of wounds and injuries of major vessels of the neck. Vestnik Avicenny. 2011; 2 (47): 135-141 [In Russ]. 7. Sayyed Ehtesham Hussain Naqvi, Eram Ali, Mohammed Haneef Beg et al. Successful Resuscitation of a Cardiac Arrest following Slit Neck and Carotid Artery Injury: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016; 10 (6): 25-27. 8. Halimova A.A. Post-traumatic dissection of vertebral and major arteries as a complication of mechanical injury of the carotid artery on the background of a light traumatic brain injury. Nejrohirurgiya i nevrologiya Kazahstana. 2012; 4 (29): 29-32 [In Russ]. 9. Komelyagin D.Yu., Dubin S.A., Vladimirov F.I. et al. Clinical case of treatment of a patient with post-traumatic arteriovenous fistula in the neck. Detskaya hirurgiya. 2015;19 (5): 50-53 [In Russ]. 10. Griessenauer C.J., Foreman P.M, Deveikis J.P. et al. Optical coherence tomography of traumatic aneurysms of the internal carotid artery: report of 2 cases. J Neurosurg. 2016; 124 (2): 305-9. 11. Shtejnle A.V., Alyab'ev F.V., Duduzinskij K.Yu. at al. History of surgery damages blood vessels of the neck. Sibirskij medicinskij zhurnal. 2008; 23 (2): 87-97 [In Russ]
Abstract: Purpose. Was to define the capability of multi-slice computed tomography angiography (MSCT-angiography) in diagnostics of arteriove-nosus conflict in patients with primary and recurrent varicocele. Materials and methods. 46 patients with left-side varicocele were underwent MSCT-angiography: 36 had firstly diagnosed disease, 10 had recurrent types. Capability of MSCT-angiography in the zone of possible arteriovenosus conflicts was estimated on the base of imaging analysis: axial, multiplanar and 3D-imaging of left renal vein (LRV), a.mesenterica superior (AMS) in aortomesenterical zone, and crossing place of left iliaca communis vein(LICV) and right iliaca communis artery (LICA). We have investigated structure features of left testiculars vein (LTV) in patients with primary and recurrent varicocele. Results. All the patients during axial imaging analysis we have investigated the crossing place of LRV and LICV with conflict arteries - AMS and LICA. We have revealed featured of LRV, compressed by AMS, on the base of axial and multiplanar imaging changes. Analysis of axial multiplanar and 3D-reconstruction has showed high capability in diagnostics of arteriovenosus conflict on the level LICV Study of multiplanar and CT-imaging in case of LICV valve insufficiency and different types of anatomy is possible Conclusions. Taking into consideration diagnostic capability, technical simplicity and high sensitivity of MSCT-angiography in diagnostics of arteriovenosus conflicts in varicocele, this methodic must be included in algorithm of patients examination in case of primary and recurrent varicocele. MSCT-angiography in definition of haemodynamic types of disorders can promote the right choice of surgical correction. References 1. Kim et al. Hemodynamic Investigation of the Left Renal Vein in Pediatric Varicocele. Doppler US, Venoaphy and Pressure Measurements. Radiology. 2006; 241. 2. Степанов В.Н., Кадыров З.А. Диагностика и лечение варикоцеле. М. 2001; 200. 3. Бавильский В.Ф., Суворов А.В., Иванов А.В. и др. Выбор метода оперативного лечения варикоцеле. Урология. 2003; 6: 40-43. 4. Гарбузов Р.В., Поляев Ю.А., Петрушин А.В. Артериовенозный конфликт и варикоцеле у подростков. Диагностическая и итервенционная радиология. 2010; 4 (3): 31-36. 5. Мазо Е.Б., Тирси К.А., Андранович С.В., Дмитриев Д.Г. Ультразвуковой тест и скротальная допплер-эхография в предоперационной диагностике гемо-динамического типа варикоцеле. Урология и нефрология. 1999; 3: 22-26. 6. Лопаткин Н.А., Морозов А.В., Житникова Л.Н. Стеноз почечной вены. М.: Медицина. 1984. 7. Коган М.И., Афоко А., Тампуори Д., Асанти-Асамани А., Пипченко О.И. Варикоцеле: противоречия проблемы. Урология. 2009; 6: 67-72. 8. Кадыров З.А. Варикоцеле. М.: Медицина. 2006.
Abstract: Ischemic strokes are still the worldwide problem with high mortality and morbidity. Carotid endarterectomy that is used for revascularization of changed artery required precise visualization of carotid arteries at extra- and intracranial level, assessment of intracranial circulation. References 1. Insul't: Rukovodstvo dlja vrachei. Pod red. L.V. Stahovskoi, S.V. Kotova. [Stroke: guide for physicians. Under edition of L.V.Stakhovsky, V.Kotov] M.: OOO «Medicinskoe informacionnoe agentstvo», 2013;400S [In Russ]. 2. 3. Vereshhagin N.V. Rol' porazhenij jekstrakranial'nyh otdelov magistral'nyh otdelov golovy v patogeneze narushenij mozgovogo krovoobrashhenija. Sosudistye zabolevanija nervnoj sistemy. [Role of extracranial arteries’ lesion in pathogenesis of disorders of cerebral circulation] 4. Gusev E.I., Skvorcova V.I. Ishemija golovnogo mozga. [Ischemia of brain]. Zhurn.nevropat. i psihiatr. 2003;9:66- 70 [In Russ]. 5. Harbaugh R.E., Schlusselberg D.S., Jeffery R., Hayden S., Cromwell L.D., Pluta D. Threedimensional computerized tomography angiography in the diagnosis of сerebrovascular disease. J. Neurosurg 1992; 76: 408-414. 6. Heiserman J.E., Dean B.L., Hodak J.A. et al. Neurologic complications of cerebral angiography. AJNR Am Neuroradiol. 1994; 15: 1401-1407. 7. Dzhibladze D.N. Patologija sonnyh arterii i problema ishemicheskogo insul'ta (klinicheskie, ul'trazvukovye i gemodinamicheskie aspekty). [ Pathology of carotid arteries and problem of ischemic stroke (clinical, ultrasonic and hemodynamic aspects)] Moskva. 2002; 208S [In Russ]. 8. John J. Ricotta, MD,a Ali AbuRahma, MD, FACS,b Enrico Ascher, MD,c Mark Eskandari, MD,d Peter Faries, MD,e and Brajesh K. Lal MD,f Washington, DC; Charleston, WV; Brooklyn, NY; Chicago, Ill; New York, NY; and Baltimore, Md Updated Society for Vascular Surgery guidelines for management of extracranial carotid disease. J Vasc Surg. 2011 Sep; 54(3): 1-31. 9. Buskens E., Nederkoorn P.J., Buijs-Van Der Woude T., Mali W.P., Kappelle L.J., Eikelboom B.C., Van Der Graaf Y, Hunink M.G. Imaging of carotid arteries in symptomatic patients: cost-effectiveness of diagnostic strategies. Radiology. 2004;233:101-112. 10. Edward C. Jauch et al., Guidelines for the Early Management of Patient With Acute Ischemic Stroke. Stroke. 2013;44: 870-947. 11. Gladstone D.J., Kapral M.K., Fang J., Laupacis A., Tu J.V. Management and outcomes of transient ischemic attacks in Ontario. CMAJ. 2004;170:1099-1104. 12. North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators. Beneficial effect of carotid endarterectomy in symptomatic patients with high-grade stenosis. N Engl J Med. 1991;325:445-453. 13. Randomised trial of endarterectomy for recently symptomatic carotid stenosis: final results of the MRC European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST). Lancet. 1998 May 9; 351 (9113): 1379-87. 14. Osborn A.G.; Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography. 2nd edition Philadelphia, PA: Williams and Wilkins; 1999. 15. Choi YJ., 16. Extracranial vascular-interventional: E. Johansson and A.J. Fox Carotid Near-Occlusion: A Comprehensive Review, Part 1—Definition, Terminology, and Diagnosis. AJNR Am. J Neuroradiol 2016 37: 2-10. 17. The International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Investigators. Unruptured intracranial aneurysms: risk of rupture and risks of surgical intervention. N Engl J Med. 1998; 339: 1725-1733 18. Krylov V.V. Jepidemiologija i jetiopatogenez anevrizm i subarahnoidal'nyh krovoizlijanii. [Epidemiology and ethiopathogenesis of aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage] Krylov V.V., Godkov I.M. Hirurgija anevrizm golovnogo mozga: v 3-h t. Pod red. V.V. Krylova. Tom
Abstract: Aim: was to estimate changes in architectonic and hemodynamics of left common iliac vein (lCIV), caused by its crossing with right common iliac artery (rCIA), in patients with varicocele according to data of computed tomography angiography (CTA) and contrast venography. Materials and methods: we analyzed results of CTA and contrast venography in the area of arte-riovenous crossing: 37 patients with newly diagnosed and 45 with recurrent varicocele. Analysis of topical changes was made on data of axial tomography, multiplanar and 3D reconstructions. Hemodynamic changes in lCIV, were determined by dynamic venogram and results of mesurement of pressure gradient between lCIV and vena cava inferior (VCI). Results: it was found that CTA is the most informative for visualizing of lCIV narrowing caused by its compression by rCIA. This is due to the possibility of obtaining a same contrasting imaging of vessels involved in arteriovenous «conflict». Multiple view scanning reconstruction revealed a correlation between size of the lumbosacral angle and the degree of compression of lCIV caused by arteriovenous conflict. CT angiography with the use of utility model, allowed to change the state of the arteriovenous crossing, showed compression instability Dynamic contrast venography showed angiographic features typical for lCIV compression, and also visualized venous collaterals that compensate blood-flow disorders. Conducting direct measurement of venous pressure gradient in compression area allowed us to estimate the degree of hemodynamic changes in lCIV and explore the mechanism of compression generated by pulsating blood flow of rCIA. Conclusions: severity of compression of lCIV at arteriovenous «conflict» is affected by constitutionally-static angle between L5-S1 vertebral bodies. Compression degree of lCIV is not constant and may vary depending on the patient's body position. Compression of lCIV promotes collateral blood flow through veins of sacral and external lumbar drainage. The more expressed compression of lCIV the more developed collateral blood flow in both drainage systems. Developed collaterals compensate hypertension caused by compression of lCIV Estimation of venous blood flow disorders, in case of varicocele, and choice of method of surgical treatment should be based on data from X-ray contrast studies and results of tensometry conducted at the area of arteriovenous «conflict» of lCIV. References 1. Strahov S.N. Varikoznoe rasshirenie ven grozdevidnogo spleteniya i semennogo kanatika (varikotsele) [Varicose of internal spermatic vein and spermatic cord (varicocele)]. M. 2001; 235S [In Russ]. 2. Stepanov V.N., Kadyirov Z.A. Diagnostika i lechenie varikotsele [Diagnostics and treatment of varicocele]. M., 2001; 200S[In Russ]. 3. Lopatkin N.A., Morozov A.V., Jitnikova L.N. Stenoz pochechnoy venyi [Stenosis of renal veins]. M.: Meditsina. 1984; 102 S [In Russ]. 4. Coolsaet B.L. The varicocele sindrom: venographi determining the optimal ievel for surgical management. J. Urol. 1980; 124: 833-834. 5. May R., Thurner J. The cause of predominantly sinistral occurrence of thrombosis of the pelvic veins. Minerva Cardioangiol. 1957; 3: 346-9. 6. Cockett F.B. Thomas M.L. Negus D. Iliac vein compression: its relation to iliofemoral thrombosis and the postthromdotic syndrome. BMJ. 1967; 2: 14-19. 7. Mazo E.B., Tirsi K.A., Andranovich S.V., Dmitriev D.G. Ultrazvukovoy test i skrotalnaya dopler-ehografiya v predoperatsionnoy diagnostike gemodinamicheskogo tipa varikotsele [Ultrasound test and doppler-echography of scrotum in preoperative diagnostics of hemodynamically type of varicocele]. Urologiya i nefrologiya 1999; 3: 22-26 [In Russ]. 8. Kim et al. Hemodynamic Investigation of the Left Renal Vein in Pediatric Varicocele. Doppler US, Venography and Pressure Measurements. Radiology. 2006; 241. 9. Garbuzov R.V., Polyaev YU.A., Petrushin A.V. Arteriovenoznyiy konflikt i varikotsele u podrostkov [Arteriovenous conflict and varicocele in teenagers] Diagnosticheskaya i iterventsionnaya radiologiya 2010; 4(3): 31-36 [In Russ]. 10. Kogan M.I., Afoko A., Tampuori D., Asanti-Asamani A., Pipchenko O.I. Varikotsele: protivorechiya problemyi [Varicocele: conflict issues.]. Urologiya 2009; 6: 67-72 [In Russ]. 11. Kadyirov Z.A. Varikotsele [Varicocele]. M., 2007; 269S [In Russ]. 12. Tager I.L. Rentgenodiagnostika zabolevaniy pozvonochnika [X-ray diagnostics in diseases of vertebral colums]. M., 1983; 208S [In Russ]. 13. Reynberg S.A. Rentgenodiagnostika zabolevaniy kostey i sustavov [X-ray diagnostics in diseases of bones and joints]. M., 1964; t. II: 188-189 [In Russ]. 14. Korolyuk I.P. Rentgenanatomicheskiy atlas skeletal [Atlas of X-ray anatomy of skeleton.]. M., 1994; 192S [In Russ].