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Introduction: prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the population continues to rise steadily due to the rapid aging of the population [1]. The search for the morphological substrate of AF has been going on for more than half a century. Left atrial remodeling has become such an important aspect in the pathogenesis of AF that some authors advocate the definition of atrial cardiomyopathies [3].

Aim: was to examine the impact of various imaging techniques on the detection of atrial fibrosis and their key role in the treatment of atrial fibrillation.

Conclusions: currently, radiological imaging techniques are available for clinical practice and provide additional possibilities in the assessment of left anterior segment function in AF. Morpho-functional changes in the left atrium can have a great impact on the global hemodynamic function of the left atrium, and as a consequence, these changes can be a significant predictor of the risk of AF progression and stroke development. Morpho-functional changes in the left atrium can have a great impact on the global hemodynamic function of the left atrium, and as a consequence, these changes can be a significant predictor of the risk of AF progression and stroke development.




Article describes cases of detection of viral pneumonia in patients who underwent additional examination before planned hospitalization for surgical treatment in the presence of negative test results for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Aim: was to detect early computed tomography (CT) signs of COVID-19 during admission to hospital, in case of presence of normal clinical and laboratory data and negative results of PCR test.

Material and methods: image analysis of CT examinations of chest organs in patients admitted for surgical treatment for various osteoarticular pathologies, for the period of 3 months, was carried out in radiology department.

Results: during CT examination of chest organs, in 9,1% patients, signs of viral pneumonia were revealed, including those caused by SARS-CoV-2, in condition of negative results of PCR tests, immunoserological tests for the presence of immunoglobulins M and G to SARS-CoV-2.

Conclusion: computed tomography of lungs can be considered the «gold standard» of diagnostics, which makes it possible to detect early subclinical inflammatory changes in lungs, in particular, in pneumonia associated with COVID-19, which is the main task during a pandemic.




Introduction: a case report of successful treatment of an extremely rare pathology (0,27-0,34%) - acute occlusion of both internal carotid arteries (ICA) is presented.

Aim: was to show possibilities of endovascular surgery in the diagnosis and treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) in patients with bilateral acute ICA occlusion.

Materials and methods: a 38-year-old patient was hospitalized by ambulance with the diagnosis of AIS. Multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) revealed left ICA occlusion in the C2-C5 segment. Selective angiography of ICA was performed: right ICA - non-occlusive thrombosis C2-C3 segments; left ICA - thrombotic occlusion in C1 segment.

Results: thrombaspiration was performed from the left ICA and right ICA; full recovery of antegrade cerebral blood flow was achieved in both ICA, according to the modified treatment in cerebral infarction score (mTICI) - 3. Patient was discharged after 28 days. At the time of discharge, the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score was 3. 6 months after discharge mRS was 1.

Conclusions: Selective angiography of both ICA in a patient with AIS enabled to detect right ICA thrombosis not detected by MCT, which in its turn changed the treatment tactics of the patient. Aspiration thromebctomy from both internal carotid arteries allowed to achiev full recovery of antergrade cerebral blood flow of both internal carotid arteries.



1.     The top ten cuases of death, WHO fact sheets 2020.

2.     Shapoval IN, Nikitina SYu, Ageeva LI, et al. Zdravoochranenie v Rossii. 2019 [In Russ].

3.     Aigner A, Grittner U, Rolfs A, et al. Contribution of established stroke risk factors to the burden of stroke in young adults. Stroke. 2017; 48: 1744-1751.

4.     Gafarova AV, Gromova EA, Panov DО, et al. Social support and stroke risk: an epidemiological study of a population aged 25-64 years in Russia/Siberia (the WHO MONICA-psychosocial program). Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics. 2019; 11(1): 12-20 [In Russ].

5.     Putaala J. Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults. Continuum. 2020; 26(2): 386-414.

6.     Si Y, Xiang S, Zhang Y. et al. Clinical profile of etiological and risk factors of young adults with ischemic stroke in West China. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2020; 193.

7.     Ekker MS, Boot EM, Singhal AB, et al. Epidemiology, aetiology, and management of ischaemic stroke in young adults. The Lancet Neurology. 2018; 17(9): 790-801.

8.     Chi X, Zhao R, Pei H, et al. Diffusion-weighted imaging-documented bilateral small embolic stroke involving multiple vascular territories may indicate occult cancer: A retrospective case series and a brief review of the literature. Aging Med. 2020; 3(1): 53-59.

9.     Dietrich U, Graf T, Sch?bitzb WR. Sudden coma from acute bilateral M1 occlusion: successful treatment with mechanical thrombectomy. Case Rep Neurol. 2014; 6: 144-148.

10.   Pop R, Manisor M, Wolff V. Endovascular treatment in two cases of bilateral ischemic stroke. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2014; 37: 829-834.

11.   Larrew T, Hubbard Z, Almallouhi al. Simultaneous bilateral carotid thrombectomies: a technical note. Oper Neurosurg. 2019; 5(18): 143-148.

12.   Storey C, Lebovitz J, Sweid A, et al. Bilateral mechanical thrombectomies for simultaneous MCA occlusions. World Neurosurg. 2019; 132: 165-168.

13.   Braksick SA, Robinson CP, Wijdicks EFM. Bilateral middle cerebral artery occlusion in rapid succession during thrombolysis. Neurohospitalist. 2018; 8: 102-103.

14.   Jeromel M, Milosevic Z, Oblak J. Mechanical recanalization for acute bilateral cerebral artery occlusion - literature overview with a case. Radiology and Oncology. 2020; 54(2): 144-148.



Introduction: the main methods for diagnosing cardiac neoplasms, allowing to determine the localization, size, involvement of heart structures, to suggest the nature of the pathological process and to plan treatment tactics, are: echocardiography (EchoCG), contrast multispiral computed coronary angiography (MSCT CAG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission computed tomography (PET CT). At the same time, any additional information about the pathological process can improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment. So, for example, selective coronary angiography (CAG), which in this case can be performed to clarify the coronary anatomy and exclude concomitant coronary atherosclerosis, in hands of attentive and experienced specialist of endovascular diagnostic and treatment methods can make a significant contribution to understanding the nature of blood supply of heart neoplasm, thereby bringing closer the formulation of the correct diagnosis and, ultimately, improving results of surgical treatment.

Aim: was to study the nature of blood supply of heart myxoma based on results of a detailed analysis of data of selective coronary angiography in patients with this pathology.

Material and methods: since 2005, 20 patients underwent surgery to remove heart myxoma. The average age of patients was 56,6 + 8,0 (43-74) years. According to data of ultrasound examination, sizes of myxomas ranged from 10 to 46 mm in width and from 15 to 71 mm in length (average size ? 25,6 ? 39,1 mm). In 2/3 of all cases (15 out of 20,75%), the fibrous part of the inter-atrial septum (fossa oval region) was the base of myxomas. In 8 of 20 (40%) cases, tumor prolapse into the left ventricle through structures of the mitral valve was noted in varying degrees. In order to exclude coronary pathology, CAG was performed in 14 cases, in the rest - MSCT CAG.

Results: of 14 patients with myxoma who underwent selective coronary angiography, 12 (85,7%) patients had distinct angiographic signs of vascularization. In all 12 cases, the sinus branch participated in the blood supply of myxoma, begins from the right coronary artery (RCA) in 10 cases: in 7 case it begins from proximal segment of the RCA and, in 3 cases, from the posterior-lateral branch (PLB) of the RCA. In one case, the source of blood supply of neoplasm was the sinus branch extending from PLB of dominant (left type) circumflex artery of the left coronary artery (PLB CxA LCA). In one case, the blood supply to the neoplasm involved branches both from the RCA and CxA, mainly from the left atrial branch of CxA. Moreover, in all 12 cases, sinus branch formed two branches: branch of sinus node itself and left atrial branch. It was the left atrial branch that was the source of blood supply of myxoma. Analysis of angiograms in patients with myxoma of LA showed that left atrial branch in terminal section formed a pathological vascularization in the LA projection, accumulating contrast-agent in the capillary phase (MBG 3-4). In addition to newly formed vascularization, lacunae of irregular shape were distinguished, the size of which varied from 2 to 8 mm along the long axis. In 8 cases, hypervascular areas with areas of lacunar accumulation of contrast-agent showed signs of paradoxical mobility and accelerated onset of venous phase. In two cases, there were distinct angiographic signs of arteriovenous shunt. In 2 cases (when the size of the myxoma did not exceed 15-20 mm according to EchoCG and CT), angiographic signs allowing to determine the presence of LA myxoma were not so convincing: there was no lacunar accumulation of contrast-agent; small (up to 10 mm) hypervascular areas were noticed, the capillary network of which stood out against the general background of uniform contrasting impregnation and corresponded to MBG grade 1-2.

Conclusion: according to our data, angiographic signs of vascularization of myxomas are detected in most cases with this pathology (85,7%). The source of blood supply, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is branch of coronary artery, which normally supplies the structure of the heart, on which the basement of the pathological neoplasm is located. The aforementioned angiographic signs characteristic of myxomas deserve the attention of specialists in the field of endovascular diagnosis and treatment and should be described in details in protocols of invasive coronary angiography.



1.     Петровский Б.В., Константинов Б.А., Нечаенко М.А. Первичные опухоли сердца. М.: Медицина, 1997; 152.

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2.     Balci AY, Sargin M, Akansel S, et al. The importance of mass diameter in decision-making for preoperative coronary angiography in myxoma patients. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2019; 28(1): 52-57.

3.     Omar HR. The value of coronary angiography in the work-up of atrial myxomas. Herz. 2015; 40(3): 442-446.

4.     Gupta PN, Sagar N, Ramachandran R, Rajeshekharan VR. How does knowledge of the blood supply to an intracardiac tumour help? BMJ Case Rep. 2019; 12(2): 225900.

5.     Marshall WHJr., Steiner RM, Wexler L. Tumor vascularity in left atrial myxoma demonstrated by selective coronary arteriography. Radiology. 1969; 93(4): 815-816.

6.     Lee SY, Lee SH, Jung SM, et al. Value of Coronary Angiography in the Cardiac Myxoma. Clin Anat. 2020; 33(6): 833-838.



Background: pulmonary embolism (PE), is one of the most common cardiopulmonary pathologies in the world, has a high risk of developing after major operations on the osteoarticular system. Mortality from PE remains high, ranking third after myocardial infarction and stroke.

Aim: was to identify tomographic signs of PE in patients with osteoarticular pathology in the postoperative period.

Materials and methods: we analyzed results of computed angiopulmonography of 11 patients with suspicion on pulmonary embolism who were operated on osteoarticular pathology at the Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Endoprosthetics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Cheboksary). Patients showed such indirect signs of PE as discshaped atelectasis of lung tissues, expansion of diameter of pulmonary trunk and right pulmonary artery, signs of congestion in pulmonary circulation and pulmonary hypertension. Direct radiological signs included occlusion of a branch of pulmonary artery by thrombus.

Results: in 91% of examined patients, occlusion of branch of pulmonary artery by thrombus was detected, in 82% of cases - the defeat of branches of right pulmonary artery. Embolism at the level of lobar arteries was detected in 30%, segmental branches - in 60% of patients; signs of pulmonary embolism of one of subsegmental branches of right pulmonary artery - in one patient (10%). Bilateral thrombosis was observed in two patients, including massive bilateral PE in one case. One patient had discoid atelectasis of lung tissues. Expansion of diameter of pulmonary trunk and right pulmonary artery was observed in 78% of patients with PE, signs of congestion in pulmonary circulation - in 27% of cases, pulmonary hypertension - in 73% of cases.

Conclusion: visualization of direct and indirect signs of pulmonary embolism during computed pulmonary angiography confirmed the diagnosis in all examined patients. The detection of blood clots in pulmonary arteries themselves is the main criterion in making the final diagnosis.





1.     Nikolaev NS, Trofimov NA, Kachaeva ZA, et al. Prevention and treatment of pulmonary thromboembolism in traumatology and orthopedics. Tutorial. Cheboksary: Publishing house of the Chuvash University, 2020; 108 [In Russ].

2.     Krivosheeva EN, Komarov AL, Shakhnovich RM, et al. Clinical analysis of a patient with antiphospholipid syndrome and submassive pulmonary embolism. Aterotromboz. 2018; (1): 76-87 [In Russ].

3.     Hepburn-Brown M, Darvall J, Hammerschlag G. Acute pulmonary embolism: a concise review of diagnosis and management. Internal Medicine Journal. 2019; 49(1): 15-27.

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6.     Bagrova IV, Kukharchik GA, Serebryakova VI, et al. Modern approaches to the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Flebologiya. 2012; 6(4): 35-42 [In Russ].

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8.     Bershteyn LL. Pulmonary embolism: clinical manifestations and diagnosis in the light of the new recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology. Kardiologiya. 2015; 55(4): 111-119 [In Russ].

9.     Sakharyuk AP, Shimko VV, Tarasyuk ES, et al. Pulmonary embolism in clinical practice. Byulleten' fiziologii i patologii dykhaniya. 2015; (55): 48-53 [In Russ].

10.   M Al-hinnawi A-R. Computer-Aided Detection, Pulmonary Embolism, Computerized Tomography Pulmonary Angiography: Current Status. Intech Open. 2019; 19.

11.   Gilyarov MYu, Konstantinova EV. How do new approaches to the treatment of pulmonary embolism affect disease outcome? Meditsinskiy sovet. 2017; (7): 48-55 [In Russ].

12.   Konstantinides S. Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism. The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur. Heart J. 2014; (35): 3033-3080.

13.   Tagalakis V, Patenaude V, Kahn SR, Suissa S. Incidence of and mortality from venous thromboembolism in a real-world population: the Q-VTE Study Cohort. Am J Med. 2013; 126(832): 13-21.



Introduction: left atrial (LA) volumes measured during different phases of the cardiac cycle can be used for the evaluation of the LA functional properties before and after catheter ablation (CA). Increase of LA ejection fraction (EF) supposed to be early and more sensitive marker of LA reverse remodeling process, than LA volume and can be important for assessing the effectiveness of CA.

Aim: was to estimate volumetric parameters and function of LV before and after cryo- and radiofrequency catheter ablation of pulmonary veins in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

Materials and methods: 21 patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) were included in study. All patients underwent multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) of pulmonary veins (PV) and LA before CA and 12±2 months after CA. 3-dimensional images at phases 0%, 40%, 75% of the cardiac cycle were used to assess LA functional properties.

Results: LA maximal volume before CA was increased insignificantly in patients with AF recurrence (124,52±38,22 ml vs. 117,89±23,94 ml, p>0,05). In patients without recurrence after CA, LA volumes decreased slightly (LA max 115,31±20,13 ml, p>0,05, LA min 73,43±14,91 ml, p>0,05), while in patients with recurrence increased (LA max 130,88±25,20 ml, p<0,05, LA min to 94,92±31,75 ml, p<0,05). Global LA ejection fraction was less in patients without recurrence before CA (22,37%±4,69 vs. 31,31%±9,89, p=0,013), but increased significantly after CA, while in patients with recurrence global LA EF was without relevant changes (36,54%±3,27 vs. 28,89%±9,41, p=0,011).

Conclusion: improved left atrial mechanical function was demonstrated in patients without any recurrence after ablation. The anatomic and functional reverse remodeling was not significant in patients with atrial fibrillation recurrence.




1.     Lippi G, Sanchis-Gomar F, Cervellin G. Global epidemiology of atrial fibrillation: An increasing epidemic and public health challenge. Int J Stroke. 2021; 16(2): 217-221.

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Diagnostic criteria for extranodal lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) are well known and described in the literature. However, primary extranodal lymphomas are rare and pose problems for differential diagnosis with primary or secondary lesions.

In the presented clinical case of a woman, 58 years old, with primary extranodal lymphoma of the stomach and spleen, an incorrect preoperative diagnosis was made: a tumor of the stomach and spleen abscess. It was mainly due to the presence of pain in the epigastric region and hospitalization for "severe acute biliary pancreatitis" in anamnesisd. Similar complaints and a "blurry" picture of manifestations of lymphoma did not allow her to be suspected preoperatively. The tumor nature of the focal lesion of the stomach was not in doubt, while the underestimation of MRI data, combined with the anamnesis, led to the erroneous diagnosis o f" spleen abscess". Patient underwent surgical operation: extended combined gastrectomy, distal resection of pancreas, splenectomy “en-bloc”, lymphadenectomy, cholecystectomy, “Roux-Y" reconstruction.

The clinical picture of extranodal lymphoma depends on its primary localization and the degree of its spread. Clinical manifestations of primary lymphoma of the stomach and spleen are often non­specific, therefore, against the background of previously transferred diseases of the hepatopancreatobiliary zone and their residual manifestations, an erroneous assessment of the situation is possible. In the presence of focal lesions, it is advisable to be more attentive to results of radiology examination, which can provide comprehensive information about their nature.




1.     WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Swerdlow S.H., Campo E., Harris N.L., Jaffe E.S., Pileri S.A., Stein H., Thiele J. (Eds). Revised 4th edition. Lyon: IARC Press, 2017; 585.

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14.   Frampas E. Lymphomas: Basic points that radiologists should know. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging. February 2013; 94(2): 131-144.



Aim: was to analyze the risk of malignancy incidence as a result of exposure of small doses of diagnostic radiation when examining patients on computed tomography (CT).

Material and methods: a retrospective study was conducted on the base of analysis of information from archival protocols for examinations of patients living in Ozersk city and examined in computed tomography department of the Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital for the period 1993-2004. Study includes generalized material containing data from several population registers of the Laboratory of Radiation Epidemiology of the South Ural Institute of Biophysics.

Results: study revealed the presence of a statistically insignificant excess of the risk of incidence of malignancy among patients who underwent a CT study from the beginning of the appearance of this type of study in hospitals in the Chelyabinsk region until the end of the first stage of epidemiological surveillance - December 31, 2004.

Conclusion: obtained results are interesting for various categories of specialists: radiologists, radiation epidemiologists, radiobiologists and radiation hygiene specialists. Further research is needed with an extension of the retrospective observation period.



1.     Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. Federal Law 21.11.2011 No. 323-FZ «On Principles of the Protection of Citizens' Health in the Russian Federation». Part 4, article 34 [In Russ]. 

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16.   Finashov LV, Kuznetsova IS, Sokolnikov ME. Prostate cancer incidence among workers with work-related exposure of radiation at the Mayak Production Association. Radiation and Risk, 2019; 28 (4): 54–64 [In Russ].

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Introduction: development of software and hardware capabilities of modern computing systems has enabled three-dimensional (3D) modeling and 3D printing technology (medical prototyping) to become available for a wide range of healthcare specialists. Commercial software used for this purpose remains unavailable to private physicians and small institutions due to the high cost. However, there are freeware applications and affordable 3D printers that can also be used to create medical prototypes.

Aim: was to describe stages of creating of physical 3D models based on medical imaging data and to highlight main features of specialized software and to make an overview of main types of 3D printing used in medicine.

Material and methods: article describes process of creation of medical prototype, that can be divided on three main stages: 1) acquisition of medical imaging, obtained by ‘volumetric’ scanning methods (computed tomography (CT), magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI), 3D ultrasound (3D US)); 2) virtual 3D model making (on the basis of visualisation data) by segmentation, polygonal mesh extraction and correction; 3) 3D printing of virtual model by the chosen method of additive manufacturing, with or without post-processing.

Conclusion: medical prototypes with sufficient precision and physical properties are necessary for understanding of anatomical structure and surgical crew training and can be made with use of freely available software and inexpensive 3D printers.



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Aim: was to evaluate the effectiveness of carotid arterial revascularization by stenting of internal carotid arteries (ICA) in patients with a previous ischemic stroke.

Materials and methods: in FSBI «Treatment and rehabilitation center» of the Ministry of Health of Russia,104 patients on treatment and rehabilitation after previous ischemic stroke, underwent stenting of symptomatic atherosclerotic stenosis of the ICA. The average time since stroke was 67 days (from 28 to 273 days). ICA stenting was performed according to generally accepted standards with the mandatory use of intravascular protective devices against cerebral embolism. In most patients we used a filter protection system (77 observations), and for stenosis of more than 95% and in the presence of an unstable atherosclerotic plaque, a proximal defense system was used (27 patients). In some cases, if the situation required it, a combination of protective devices was used (5 observations). A few days before upcoming operation, all patients were evaluated for microcirculation and perfusion in brain tissue using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), followed by analysis of results and comparison with SPECT data in the postoperative period.

Results: when analyzing 30 days after stenting, there were no fatal outcomes. In one case (0.96%) after stenting of the subtotal stenosis of the ICA, a hemorrhagic stroke on the ipsilateral side developed on the fifth day. In another case, intraoperative embolism of the ophthalmic artery occurred on the side of the operation with partial loss of vision field.

In the long-term period (4 years and 7 months), the number of undesirable events was 2%. In one case (0.96%), the patient died of ischemic stroke on the ipsilateral side after 3 years and 2 months after stenting. In another case, patient after 1 year and 2 months had an ischemic stroke on the side of the operation. Thus, the total number of complications associated with ICA stenting (30-day period + long-term period) was 3.8%.

When evaluating results of stenting by the SPECT method, the state of cerebral perfusion was assessed using perfusion maps in two modes and by axial perfusion sections.

In all observations after stenting, improvement of cerebral perfusion was noticed, regardless of the side and severity of ICA stenosis and the presence of focal postischemic changes. Visually, perfusion sections show a general increase in cerebral blood perfusion (CBP), a decrease in one-sided focal deficiency of CBP . Same results were obtained for relative cortex perfusion (relCP) in four regions and in vascular basins.

Comparing results, obtained by the number of undesirable events (strokes, restenosis and death) with the four-year data of the analysis of the international CREST study, the complication rate in our group is significantly lower (3.8% versus 8.6% in the CREST stenting group and 8.4% in carotid endarterectomy group CREST).

Conclusion: carotid stenting is an effective method of treatment of atherosclerotic lesions of main cerebral arteries in patients with previous stroke. The effectiveness of this type of treatment is confirmed by a positive clinical result and with the help of modern diagnostic methods, in particular SPECT.



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Article provides a literature review on problems of diagnosing of intracranial aneurysms (IA) rupture and its complications.

Aim: was to study relevant data on the use of computed tomography (CT), as well as other imaging methods, in patients with ruptured aneurysms in the acute period.

Materials and methods: a search was conducted for publications on this topic, dating up to December 2019, using main Internet resources: PubMed databases, scientific electronic library (Elibrary), Scopus, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar.

Results: we analyzed 45 literature sources, covering the period from 1993 to 2019, which include 3 meta-analyzes, 5 descriptions of studies evaluating the effectiveness of various visualization methods for ruptured IA. Both foreign and Russian publications were involved.

Conclusion: native CT is the leading visualization method to detect hemorrhages in nearest hours after the rupture of IA. CT angiography in combination with digital subtraction angiography (DSA), according to the vast majority of authors, allows to make thorough preoperative planning in the shortest time, as well as to identify unruptured aneurysms. Based on the obtained data, it is advisable to conduct a study to assess the role of CT in the acute period of IA rupture, as well as in the diagnosis of complications in the early postoperative period.



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Aim: was to study features of the clinical course, instrumental and biochemical parameters of patients with atherosclerotic aneurysmal expansion of the abdominal aorta on the base of retrospective analysis and prospective observation to determine indications for timely surgical correction.

Materials and methods: patients with the maximum diameter of the infra-renal abdominal aorta from 26 to 50mm (n=60) without primary indications for surgical treatment (endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair) were selected for the prospective follow-up group. For the period of 2 years, all patients from prospective group underwent duplex scanning of the abdominal aorta every 6 months and multislice computed tomography (MSCT) of the aorta – once a year. The retrospective analysis included results of preoperative clinical-instrumental and laboratory examination of patients (n=55) who underwent endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of the abdominal aorta with a maximum diameter of the infra-renal abdominal aorta more than 50mm.

Results: when comparing clinical, instrumental and biochemical parameters in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) before surgery and atherosclerotic aneurysmal abdominal aortic expansion of different degrees, not requiring surgical correction at the time of inclusion, it was shown that patients with AAA, statistically significantly differed from patients with AAA in clinical symptoms (pulsation and abdominal pain), burdened heredity, the number of smokers. There were no statistically significant differences in the severity of coronary and peripheral atherosclerosis. When comparing results of ultrasound duplex scanning and MSCT to estimate linear dimensions of the abdominal aorta in the group of patients with aneurysmal dilation and in the group of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm, the comparability of results has been revealed. Prospective observation of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysmal dilation revealed predictors of disease progression: age less than 65 years, diameter of the upper third of the abdominal aorta more than 23mm, maximum diameter of the abdominal aorta more than 43mm, length of aneurismal dilation more than 52mm.

Conclusion: obtained results allowed to determine most informative indicators and criteria for the progression of atherosclerotic aneurysm expansion of the abdominal aorta, to determine further tactics of treatment, including the need for surgical correction of this pathology.



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Aim: was to estimate condition of aorta branches in case of aortic dissection, using multislice computed tomography (MSCT): we estimated frequency and type of changes of main branches of the aorta involved in the dissection.

Material and methods: a retrospective analysis of 104 patients with aortic dissection (AD) was performed. All patients were admitted to Scientific-Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after N.V Sklifosovsky All studies were carried out on a multispiral (80x0.5) tomograph in early stages of the disease.

Results: MSCT method allowed to obtain data of the high frequency of transition of aortic dissection to main branches (63.5%), mainly to iliac arteries (81% and 77% of aortic dissection type A and B respectively), both in isolation and in combination with other branches. However, the frequency of occurrence of hemodynamically significant stenosis, both static and dynamic, was significantly higher in groups of visceral branches and brachiocephalic arteries (82% and 71%, respectively).

Conclusion: the CT method allows to evaluate in detail the lumen of the aorta and branches of aorta, and to determine type and degree of stenosis of aortic branches involved in the dissection. Revealed patterns of combining of involvement in different groups of aortic branches in the pathological process, allow to procced more optimized diagnostic search for complications of dissection, including MSCT.



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Aim: was to determine characteristic signs of instability and threatening rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms, detected by computed tomography (CT) according to analysis of modern literature.

Materials: international clinical recommendations and studies of 36 domestic and foreign authors on the diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) using computed tomography (CT) were studied. We studied publications that describe the pathogenetic mechanisms of AAA rupture, structural changes in the aortic wall and surrounding tissues, which can be regarded as signs of the formation of aneurysm rupture.

Conclusion: according to literature, specific CT signs of aortic wall instability and data on the high diagnostic value of some of them are presented. Methodological aspects of the analysis of CT data are described for large aneurysms and complex configurations.



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Aim: was to define possibilities of multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) in assessment of condition of aorta and it's branches, during preparation for reconstructive surgery in patients with horseshoe kidney.

Material and methods: for the period 2015-2018, 415 patients were examined during preparation for aortic reconstructive surgery. Patient underwent target ultrasonic diagnostics, followed by computed tomography made on 256-slice Philips iCT, before and after injection of contrast agent. We used a special program for comparing various phases of the study ("Fusion") for better visualization of arterial vessels of kidney, aorta and renal excretory system. In 5 cases, a combination of aortic pathology with abnormal horseshoe kidney was revealed.

Results: in all cases we revealed branched type of blood supply of abnormal kidney A total of 5 patients had 25 renal arteries. In 4 cases we revealed branched type of renal veins, its total ammount was 20. Duplication of upper urinary tract was found in 1 case. From the surveyed group, 3 patients out of 5 were operated. Intraoperatively all data detected by CT scan regarding the condition of the aorta, the position of the kidney, the number of renal vessels were confirmed.

Conclusion: MSCT allows detailly assessment of anatomical features of abnormal horseshoe kidney and facilitates subsequent surgical intervention in patients with a rare combination of aortic pathology and a horseshoe kidney.



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3.       Joanna Mikolajczyk-Stecyna, Aleksandra Korcz, Marcin Gabriel et al. Risk factors in abdominal aortic aneurysm and aortoiliac occlusive disease and differences between them in the Polish population. Scientific Reports (2013) volume3: 3528.

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Background: expansion of tourism business in countries of South and Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America led to the appearance of rare parasitic diseases in Russia, Europe, and the United Kingdom. In our country, more than 1.3 million patients with various parasitosis are officially registered annually, among which there is an increase in the incidence of intestinal protozoa.

Aim: was to show features of the diagnosis of acute manifestations of necrotic amebic colitis, which simulated severe intoxication with manifestation of clinics of acute surgical disease and intestinal bleeding

Material and methods: using the example of case report of a 70-year-old woman, the possibility of complex diagnostics using abdominal ultrasound, abdominal computed tomography, colonoscopy with biopsy of intestinal ulcers and parasitological research methods is shown. Results: detoxification, anti-inflammatory therapy in a surgical hospital and instrumental examination allowed us to objectively evaluate and conduct targeted therapy avoiding serious complications.

Discussion: primary lesions with acutely occurring both local and general body reactions lead to severe intoxication, which does not allow to exclude acute surgical pathology, and in some cases dictate the need for urgent surgical intervention.

Differential diagnosis of an amoeba with a colon cancer only on the basis of x-ray symptoms is almost impossible. Specific anti-ameba therapy leads to the disappearance of amoeba.

Conclusion: only on the basis of a complex of clinical and epidemiological data, ultrasound, CT, colonoscopy, histological analysis and parasitological methods of research, pathology can be correctly identified. 



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Aim: was to improve diagnostics of neck vessels' damage, by methods of traditional and CT-angiography

Material and methods: 65 injured patients with suspected damage of neck major vessels underwent examination. 52 persons had open traumas of the neck, 13 persons had closed traumas of the neck. Radiological diagnostics included CT-angiography and traditional angiography Main aim of examination was in determination of damage including both vessels and other structures of the neck, their localization and the nature of damage.

Results: CT-angiography gave possibilities:

           to give exact characterictics of all traumatic injures of the neck and to choose the group of patients with vessel traumas (23 patients)

           to define exactly the nature of the damage of neck vessels (aneurysm, thrombosis, rupture);

           to control the effectiveness of the surgical intervention.

Traditional angiography was applied in 10 observations of the traumatic aneurysm of neck vessel, for search of the additional diagnostic information. In comparison with results of CT- angiography any other precise information was not received.

Conclusions: analysis of the traditional and CT-angiography diagnostic possibilities of vessels damage, accompanying cervical trauma demonstrated high effectiveness of both methods. Traditional angiography should be used in absence of CTA in diagnostic arsenal. 



1.      Korzhuk M.S., Kozlov K.K., Tkachev A.G. at al. Problems of medical care for injuries of major vessels of the neck. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2014; 6: 1039 [In Russ].

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Aim: was to evaluate the efficacy of MSCT in assessment of long-term graft patency after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG).

Material and methods: 25 patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease were included in the research. To assess the 5-year graft patency, MSCT arteriography was performed.

Results: a total of 96 grafts (22 left internal thoracic artery (LITA) and 74 saphenous venous grafts (SVG)) were analyzed using MSCT There were 12 venous sequential grafts and 19 venous Y-shaped grafts determined. During the assessment of graft patency, 13 occlusions of venous grafts and 1 hemodynamically significant stenosis were detected. Occlusion and hemodynamically significant stenosis of mammary grafts were not observed.

Conclusion: MSCT arteriography, allows to determine occlusive and hemodynamically significant stenoses of SVG. Results of study shows the prevalence of SVG occlusions and stenosis over arterial grafts. CT angiography can be highly informative for assessing the patency of grafts in late periods after CABG. 



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Background: leiomyosarcoma of veins is a rare group of sarcomas of mesenchymal origin, which develops from smooth muscle cells of vascular . Vascular leiomyosarcoma occurs in 2-5% and have a slow growth. It is rather difficult to diagnose this disease on the basis of only clinical symptoms, most often patients are worried about oedema and pain in lower limbs. To establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to use data of instrumental methods of examination, such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) with intravenous contrast enhancement, which allow to determine the tumor localization, prevalence, involvement of the vessel wall in the process, as well as to exclude distant metastases. The final diagnosis is made according to immunohistochemical studies.

Aim: was to study the importance of radiadiagnostics methods in case of such rare disease as leiomyosarcoma of the external iliac vein.

Material and methods: 67-year-old woman with complaints of oedema of the lower limb, was examined: an ultrasound study of inferior vena cava and veins of lower limbs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) with contrast enhancement, fine-needle aspiration biopsy Patient underwent operation: «removal of the pelvic retroperitoneal tumor with resection of the external iliac vein' segment and pelvic lymph node dissection.» Histological examination: leiomyosarcoma, G2 FNCLCC.

Results: control MSCT - data on the recurrence of the iliac vein tumor and metastatic lesion of organs of chest, abdominal and pelvic cavity were not obtained.

Conclusions: a complex of diagnostic methods allows you to properly diagnose. And among these methods, multiphase computed tomography is one of the best imaging method, which shows not only the localization of the tumor, but also helps in staging, excluding or confirming vein thrombosis, solving the issue of resectability of the tumor and identifying distant metastasis. 



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Background: the cause of the development of traumatic hernias of the diaphragm is its damage due to open or closed injury In modern conditions, the diaphragm injury is most common trauma in falling from height and car accidents (multiple trauma), and can be unnoticed in againts the background of other injuries.

The dislocation of abdominal organs into the pleural cavity occurs in various, sometimes long, time periods after trauma. This situation is determined by the gradual increase in the size of the defect due to the difference in pressure in the abdominal and pleural cavities.

Aim: was to study the importance of radiodiagnosis of traumatic hernias of the diaphragm.

Materials and methods: two rare clinical cases of traumatic diaphragmatic hernias are presented. In one observation - a woman of 81 years, in the second - a 66 years old man. Results: a woman with a history of trauma as a result of a car accident 10 years ago, basec on a comprehensive survey, revealed posttraumatic hernia of the right half of the diaphragm with a dislocation into the pleural cavity of the small and large intestine.

In the second case report (male), an old rupture of the left half of the diaphragm of unknowr prescription of injury was revealed with the dislocation of the greater part of the intestine and the left kidney

Conclusion. To diagnose traumatic hernias of the diaphragm, a comprehensive examination of patients is necessary. Plain radiography can detect the dislocation of abdominal organs into the pleural cavity, and examination of the gastrointestinal tract with a water-soluble contrast drug is a violation of the passage.

Multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) in case of such pathology, has a greater importance, because thin sections give the highest resolving power. The construction of multiplanar reformation allows obtaining more complete information on the dislocation of organs, visualizing the defect of the diaphragm and determining its exact localization.



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Aim: was to evaluate possibilities of dual-energy multislice computed tomography (MSCT) in determining the composition of kidney stones.

Materials and methods: a dual-energy MSCT was performed in 60 patients with urolithiasis of different locations (63.3% male, 36.7% female). Two groups of patients were identified: with mixed (simultaneously, the patient was diagnosed with stones of urate and non-urate structure) and nonurate composition of stones. Out of 60 patients, 16 (10 patients from a mixed group and 6 from a

non-urate) were subjected to chemical analysis of stones by IR-spectrometry and X-ray phase analysis. Obtained data were compared with data of the dual-energy MSCT Results: in most cases (93,7 %), results of the chemical analysis of stones confirmed the structure of uroliths obtained by the dual-energy MSCT method.

Conclusions: The method of dual-energy multislice computed tomography is effective in determining the composition of stones of the urinary system, appears to be a promising method in the diagnosis of urolithiasis, and expands possibilities of modern urology in planning patients with urolithiasis.



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Background: article describes possibilities of computed tomography (CT) in diagnosis of wide specter of acute surgical diseases.

Materials and methods: basing on CT data of 645 patients (period jan.2015-feb.2016, S.P Botkin Clinical Hospital) an analysis was made: analyzed frequency of different nosologies in practice of doctors in CT department of emergency hospital, discussed results of method.

Results: most frequent diseases: acute intestinal obstruction - 238 cases (37%), acute pancreatitis and pancreonecrosis - 168 cases (26%), urolithiasis - 84 cases (13%), traumatic injuries of abdominal organs - 51 cases (8%), other diseases - 104 cases (16%).

Conclusion: taking into consideration non-specific clinical features of acute abdomen that doesn't need urgent operation, CT appeared to be an indespensable diagnostic method in planing of treatment in group of such patients. Complex approach in diagnosis can decrease a level of unreasonable operations and increase level of medical care quality.



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Study presents data about bone quality in patients before and after lengthening of shin by transosseous osteosynthesis method.

Materials and methods: 168 patients with shortening or limb deformity, before treatment and after lengthening, underwent multislice computed tomography, with estimation of anatomical and radiological-morphological features of shin.

Results: according to data of X-ray examination and MSCT, patients with diagnosed achondroplasia, congenital or acquired shortenings - have initial restructuring of meta-diaphyseal tibial bone, that worsen during lengthening. Patients with subjectively insufficient growth, radiological-morphological changes developed in knee joint during lengthening, which appeared as bone density 

reduction, appearence of resorption areas, architectonics change and persisted in late period in patients older 35 years. Cortical plate density of tibial diaphysis in patients with shortening of different etiology, during MSCT, was characterized by age, nosological and topographic features and is one of the important parameter of the bone quality before and during treatment stages. Maximum density is marked in the middle third of diaphysis. Density and structure of cortical plate are changed during lengthening. Severe cortical plate density reduction is up to 350 HU on the line of maternal bone and regenerate.

Conclusion: bone quality in patients with different etiology of shin shortening, is determined by structure of meta-diaphyseal bone and structural and density features of cortical plate anc determine, in the greater degree, strength bone criteria changing during lengthening of shin.



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29.    D'yachkov K.A., D'yachkova G.V., Kutikov S.A. Sposob opredeleniya lokal'noy plotnosti korkovoy plastinki dlinnykh kostey [A technique for determination of the local density of long bone cortical plate]. Patent RF, No 2539424, 2015 [In Russ].

30.    D'yachkov K.A., D'yachkova G.V., Aleksandrov Yu.M. Sposob opredeleniya stepeni rezorbtsii kortikal'noy plastinki kosti posle distraktsionnogo udlineniya konechnosti [A technique for determination of the degree of bone cortical plate resorption after limb distraction lengthening]. Patent RF, No 2484772, 2013 [In Russ].



Recent decades exhibit a tendency to the rise of gynecological malignant tumors occurence, which makes a substantial contribution to women mortality rate. Wide application of surgery makes it crucial to specify the nature of a lesion, its location, and the degree of the neighboring tissue and lymphatic nodes involvement. Early recognition, accurate staging and localization, and timely recurrent tumor detection are the primary tasks of radiodiagnostics. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging show good results in gynecological tumors detection.

Clinical application of new radiological methods develops the diagnostic accuracy, decreases the number of errors and improves the survival rate. The basic radiological diagnostic procedures and the possibilities of their clinical application are discussed in the article in a form of the survey of literature.



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Technological advance in multislice computed tomography (MSCT) set the radiologists all over the world thinking of its application in patients with ischemic heart disease. Proved diagnostic efficiency of 64-slice MSCT coronary angiography nominates the technique to be a first-line screening method for coronary atherosclerosis: it allows quick, accurate, and non-invasive imaging and quantitative assessment of coronary lesions. Though the indications for MSCT has already defined, there still are contro-versies about its place in diagnostic strategy. The aim of our study was to picture the state-of-the-art MSCT capabilities, focusing on MSCT coronary angiography and its place in contemporary clinical medicine.



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In this paper the use of spiral computed tomography (SCT) in dental implantation is discussed. It is shown that scanning itself and, what is even more important, post-processing of the images should be planned individually for each patient. SCT is declared to be a substantial part of the diagnostic strategy in patients with upper and lower dental arches defects, and with complete adentia. It is also crucial in assessment of long-term results of sinus lift procedure, and for detection of immediate and remote dental implant complications. 





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In this study the potentialities of quantitative computed tomography (QCT) in bone densitometry is reported. QCT was performed in patients receiving glucocorticoid therapy and in postmenopausal women (55 patients all in all). Special software was used for the mineral density loss assessment: surrounding tissues were automatically subtracted, and calculating of the vertebral body density done in cross-sectional view. QCT allows specifying pathological changes in any vertebral structures and so serves as a good contribution to the diagnosis of osteoporosis. 





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The work was aimed at determining the possibilities of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) in diagnosis and staging of acute pyelonephritis (AP) for studying the role of concomitant congenital renal anomalies in development of AP and therapeutic decision-making. A total of 59 patients presenting with AP and suspected pyodestructive complications were subjected to MSCT, with 7 seven of these having undergone it twice in order to control therapeutic efficacy. The study showed that ultrasonography as well as excretory urography are not always informative enough as to the possibility of revealing purulent forms of an inflammatory process having developed on the background of renal developmental defects, especially anomalies of the shape, localization, and structure. The obtained findings made it possible to define proper indications for performing MSCT in patients with AP. Improved diagnosis achieved by means of MSCT made it possible to decrease the number of operations and avoid unnecessary nephrectomies.  





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Methods of beam diagnostics play an important role in examination of patients with dental anomalies. Reliably establish dental anomaly is possible due to radiological examination. However, according to orthopantomography not always possible to identify the true cause of the anomaly, correct localization of abnormal tooth, preservation of periodontal ligament. All this leads to an incorrect treatment planning and the occurance of complications; in this regard all of our patients underwent addition cone-beam computed tomography Under our observation were 60 patients aged 15-30 years with a complex form anomaly of the position and the eruption of teeth. Half of patients had an anomaly of upper canines, remaining patients, the anomaly of upper premolars, canines and premolars in the mandible. The main cause of anomalies of teeth was due to lack of space in the dentition, less abnormalities were associated with the presence of obstacles in the way of the eruption, with congenital abnormalities of the maxillofacial region.

Possibilities of orthodontic and surgical interventions are limited and therefore it is very important accurate and reliable diagnosis of abnormalities. Cone-beam computed tomography allows to obtain all necessary information about the position of the tooth in the bone, its structure, shape, spatial relationship with roots of adjacent teeth and important anatomic structures, which makes it possible to properly plan for the further treatment strategy and reduce the risk of possible complications.



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Arm. In order to improve the quality of severe pelvis fractures' diagnostics, detection of pelvic organs' lesion, preoperative examination and monitoring of treatment, we have made a retrospective analysis of radiological data of 70 patients (46 males, 24 females) aged between 24 and 54 years who were treated in emergency departments of hospital.

Results. The diagnostic efficiency of X-rays for injuries of the pelvis in case of lesions of the acetabulum is less than MDCT (specificity - 70.4%, accuracy - 61.3%, sensitivity - 56.3%). At the same time, traditional X-rays should only be used to diagnose fractures without displacement and for the control of metal after the surgery It is established that multidetector CT is the method of choice and the first stage in the diagnosis of associated injuries and hidden pelvic fractures, and has the best indicators of diagnostic value (specificity - 69% accuracy - 95% predictive of a positive result - 90%).

Conclusion. It was established that radiography is a method of screening and monitoring of treatment in patients with injuries of the pelvic ring and acetabulum, and in the first place during the provision of urgent specialist care. However, existing X-ray examination methods are not sufficiently informative, particularly in the diagnosis of posterior half-ring damage and hip; early and complete radiodiagnostics of pelvic and intrapelvic organs' injures is the leader in terms of examination of patients. A differentiated approach to the assessment of individual semiotic signs of pelvic fractures with MSCT improves informative value not only from the standpoint of initial diagnostics, but also helps to predict possible complications.



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Aim: was to evaluate diagnostic significance of current methods of radiological diagnostics in examination of patients with Monckeberg's sclerosis of the femoral artery

Material and methods: lower limb arteries and femoral bone of patient with Monckeberg's sclerosis of the femoral artery, femoral neck pseudarthrosis, 8 cm lower limb shortening, Cushing syndrome, secondary steroid osteoporosis, diabetes, hypercorticism and hyperparathyroidism were examined before and after double staged treatment using methods of radiography, ultrasonography and multi-slice CT (MSCT).

Results: the study of the femoral artery using ultrasonography and MSCT, processing the data with special filter, indicated patent femoral artery lumen, structure of sclerotic middle coat of the artery similar to the bone structure (layer of lateral cortical plate, osteon layer and the layer of the medial cortical plates) and did not reveal sonographic «drop-out defects». Healing of the femoral neck pseudarthrosis and 5 cm femoral lengthening was achieved in the patient.

Conclusion: data obtained by MSCT and USD gave possibility to perform doubles-staged surgical intervention, to achieve healing of the femoral neck non-union and to lengthen the limb for 5 cm. 



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Timely diagnosis of iatrogenic injury of kidneys remains a challenge. Article is devoted to the study of diagnostic possibilities of radiological methods in the evaluation of patients with iatrogenic injuries of kidneys and postoperative complications in urology.

Materials and methods: study included 38 patients with kidney injury and postoperative complications, which were treated at the urological departments, were studied diagnostic capabilities of intravenous urography, ultrasound, CT Defined indicators of efficiency of MSCT in the diagnosis of these pathological conditions relative to data obtained intraoperatively (n = 16; 42,1%) and during follow-up (n= 22; 57,9%). According to research MSCT has the best indicators of the diagnostic value (sensitivity - 97%, specificity - 98%).

Results: defined indicators of efficiency of MSCT in the diagnosis of these pathological conditions relative to data obtained intraoperatively (n = 16; 42,1%) and during follow-up (n= 22; 57,9%). According to research MSCT has the best indicators of the diagnostic value (sensitivity - 97%, specificity - 98%). 



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We performed the analysis of published data on the use of multislice computed tomography in diagnostics of coronary heart disease. The data on the development of the method, indicated that it its diagnostic efficiency is related to technological improvements, accompanied by the appearance of each successive generation of multislice computed tomography We described possibilities of using of scanners from 16 to 230-slice, devices with two sources of energy, advantages of «dual energy» regime application in the coronary disease diagnostics. Given constraints on the method diagnostic efficacy - artifacts associated with the movement and severe calcification. It is indicated that the implementation of the method in cardiology practice promotes its consideration as a promising alternative to invasive diagnostic coronary angiography, it is suggested becoming of further development of the technology that will allow multislice computed tomography to become the main method of diagnosis of coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.  



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Literature report provides a critical analysis of the literature on the use of multislice computec tomography (MSCT) as an alternative to conventional autopsy in forensic examination in case of sudden death associated with target-organ damage in arterial hypertension (AH). The review was made using Internet resources: Scientific Electronic Library (elibrary), SciVerse (ScienceDirect), Scopus, PubMed, and Discover. The review includes only those articles that discuss both advantages and limitations of MSCT in the posthumous forensic sudden death of adults.

During analysis of the available literature, authors discuss the problem of posthumous use of MSCT imaging in arterial hypertension complications: myocardial infarction, brain stroke, aneurysm rupture and separation of the aortic wall. Authors tried to answer the question about possibilities of posthumous MSCT as an alternative to the traditional autopsy

Conclusion: native MSCT is suitable for imaging of intracranial hemorrhage and differential diagnosis of traumatic brain injury Method is suitable with restrictions for diagnosis of ischemic strokes, aneurysms and aortic dissection. Possibilities of native MSCT in the diagnosis of sudden death associated with the pathology of coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism is significantly limited. Using postmortem CTA, extends method in the diagnosis of lesions of the coronary arteries, aorta and pulmonary artery.

The main advantage of MSCT in the posthumous sudden death - the possibility of visualizing hidden mechanical damage in case of failure of the autopsy relatives. 



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Aim: was to investigate possibilities of multislice computed tomography in estimation of stenosis degree in coronary arteries in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD).

Materials and methods: we examined 64 patients (18 female, 46 male, mean age 62,4± 9,5 years), who primary had been admitted to hospital and had high risk of IHD; and those who had early diagnosed IHD of 1,2,3 and 4 functional class, they were hospitalized for condition correction. Mainly spreaded risk factor was arterial hypertention in 55 patients - (85,9%) with highest level 200/100 mm hg and minimal 140/80 mm hg. All patients underwent multislice computed tomography (MSCT) on the 256-slice tomography station «Somatom definition flash (Siemens, Germany)»: collimation 128 x 0,6, the temporal resolution of 75 ms and a spatial resolution of 0.33 mm, slice thickness of 0.6 mm, with simultaneous use of two tubes with different voltage (kV 120/100), the current mAs - with programs to reduce radiation exposure Care Dose - is calculated automatically according to the constitution of man.

Post-processing of obtained data was performed on a workstation Syngo Via, in the application of CT-Soronary with automatic longitudinal separation of each coronary artery In view of image quality was analyzed data from end-diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle (80% R-R), or evaluated complex of multiphase images. We analyze the state of the main arteries of the main coronary: left anterior descending artery, the circumflex artery and the right coronary artery (LAD, CA, RCA). We performed estimation of coronary artery stenosis of segments according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Results were displayed in percentage. Obtained data was compared with those obtained using the reference method - X-ray coronary angiography, which was performed according to standard protocol

Results: comparison of results of coronary angiography and MSCT using correlation analysis showed the presence of strong direct significant correlation coefficients in the evaluation of coronary artery disease according to two methods. It was demonstrated a high inter-operator and intraoperator reproducibility of MSCT in the study of vessels conditions. Following characteristics of the method related to the identification of coronary artery stenosis segments: sensitivity - 95.8%, specificity - 92.8%, diagnostic accuracy - 95.1%, positive predictive value - 97.9%, negative predictive value - 86.6 %.

It was concluded that the high importance of the method of MSCT in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and the need for its widespread use in cardiology practice.  



1.    Chazov E.I. Perspektivyi kardiologii v svete progressa fundamentalnoy nauki. [Prospects of Cardiology in light of the progress of fundamental science.] Ter. Archive. 2009; 9 : 5-8 [In Russ.]

2.    Данилов Н.М., Матчин Ю.Г. и др. Показания к проведению коронарной артериографии. Consilium Medicum. Болезни сердца и сосудов. 2006; 1(1). Danilov N.M., Matchin Yu.G. et al. Pokazaniya k provedeniyu koronarnoy arteriografii. Consilium Medicum. Bolezni serdtsa i sosudov. [Indications for coronary arteriography. Consilium Medicum heart disease and vascular. ]2006; 1(1) [In Russ.].

3.    Sun Z., Choo G.H., Ng K.H. Coronary CT angiography: current status and continuing challenges. Br. J. Radiol. 2012; 85: 495-510.

4.    Sun Z., Aziz YF., Ng K.H. Coronary CT angiography: how should physicians use it wisely and when do physicians request it appropriately. Eur. J. Radiol. 2012; 81: 684-687.

5.    Haberl R., Tittus J., Bohme E. et al. Multislice spiral computed tomographic angiography of coronary arteries in patients with suspected coronary artery disease: an effective filter before catheter angiography. Am. Heart J. 2005; 149: 1112-1119.

6.    Steigner M.L., Otero H.J., Cai T. et al. Narrowing the phase window width in prospectively ECG-gated single heart beat 320-detector row coronary CT angiography. Int. J. Cardiovasc. Imaging. 2009; 25: 85-90.

7.    Achenbach S., Marwan M., Schepis T. et al. High-pitch spiral acquisition: a new scan mode for coronary CT angiography. J. Cardiovasc. Comput. Tomogr. 2009; 3: 117-121.

8.    Budoff M.J., Dowe D., Jollis J.G. et al. Diagnostic performance of 64-multidetector row coronary computed tomographic angiography for evaluation of coronary artery stenosis in individuals without known coronary artery disease: results from the prospective multicenter ACCURACY (Assessment by Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography of Individuals Undergoing Invasive Coronary Angiography) trial. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2008; 52: 1724-1732.

9.    Petcherski O., Gaspar T., Halon D. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of 256-row computed tomographic angiography for detection of obstructive coronary artery disease using invasive quantitative coronary angiography as reference standard. Am. J. Cardiol. 2013; 111: 510-515.

10.  De Graaf F.R., Schuijf J.D., Van Velzen J.E. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of 320-row multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography in the non-invasive evaluation of significant coronary artery disease. Eur. Heart J. 2010; 31: 1908-1915.



Aim: was to estimate possibilities of the CT in patients with anomalies of dental system and asymmetric jaws and to offer a protocol analysis of CT data.

Materials and Methods: 100 patients with anomalies of dental system were examined. They were divided into 4 groups:

- 22 patients with II class without asymmetry of jaws (22%)

- 8 patients with II class with the asymmetry of jaws (8%)

- 52 patients with III class without asymmetry of jaws (52%)

- 18 patients with III class with asymmetry of jaws (18%)

At the stage of preoperative planning, computed tomography was performed. CT protocol of jaws symmetry estimation was developed.

Results: with the help of developed СТ protocol, asymmetry of the maxilla was determined in 11 patients (11.0%): 5 patents (5.0%) with II class, 6 patients (6.0%) with III class. The number of patients with signs of asymmetry of the mandible of II class was 9 patients (9.0%), III class — 13 patients (13.0%). Obtained measurements allowed to analyze degree of asymmetry and calculate required excision and moving of jaws. For planning of surgical stage, CT data of all patients was uploaded into special program «Surgicase CMF».

Conclusions: CT gives possibilities to estimate the anatomy of the facial skeleton and its symmetry; that allows to make plan of further orthognathic surgery.  



1.    Posnick J.C. Orthognathic surgery: principles and practice. Elsevier. 2014; 1864 p.

2.    Persin L.S. Ortodontija. Sovremennye metody diagnostiki zubocheljustno-licevyh anomalij [Orthodontics. Modern methods of diagnosis maxillodental-facial anomalies.]. Moskva: OOO «IZPC «Informkniga». 2007; 248 s [In Russ].

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6.    Ko E.W.C., Huang C.S., Chen YR.J. Characteristics and corrective outcome of face asymmetry by orthognathic surgery. J. Oral. Maxillofac. Surg. 2009; 67: 2201-2209.

7.    Bishara S.E., Burkey PS., Kharouf J.G. Dental and facial asymmetries: A review. Angle Orthod. 1994; 64: 89-98.

8.    Gordina G.S., Glushko A.V., Klipa I.A., Drobyshev A.Ju., Serova N.S., Fominyh E.V. Primenenie dannyh kompjuternoj tomografii v diagnostike i lechenii pacientov s anomalijami zubocheljustnoj sistemy, soprovozhdajushhimisja suzheniem verhnej cheljusti [The use of computed tomography data in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with anomalies of dental system, accompanied by a narrowing maxilla.]. Medicinskaja vizualizacija. 2014; 3: 104-113 [In Russ].

9.    Gateno J., Xia J.J., Teichgraeber J.F. A New ThreeDimensional Cephalometric Analysis for Orthognathic Surgery. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2012; 69: 606-622.

10.  Kau C. H., Richmond S. Three-dimensional imaging for orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery. Blackwell Publisheng Ltd., 2010; 320 p.

11.  Olszewski R., Zech F., Cosnard G. et al. Threedimensional computed tomography cephalometric craniofacial analysis: experimental validation in vitro. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2007; 36: 828-833.

12.  Rooppakhun S., Piyasin S., Sitthiseriprati K., Ruangsitt C., Khongkankong W. 3D CT Cephalometric: A Method to Study Cranio-Maxillofacial Deformities. Papers of Technical Meeting on Medical and Biological Engineering. 2006; 6: 75-94, 85-89.



Aim: was to determine the level of bilateral asymmetry of mineral density of trabecular and cortical bones in lumbar spine in women as an additional diagnostic criterion for osteoporosis, using quantitative computed tomography

Material and methods: the study included 210 women, postmenopausal, who underwent bone densitometry by quantitative computed tomography Estimated total body BMD II-IV of the lumbar vertebrae (separately for trabecular and cortical bone), as well as bilateral asymmetry indices BMD - BMD ratio of the largest one-half of the vertebral BMD to the other half.

Results: with increasing age of the surveyed, noted the growth of bilateral asymmetry index values mineral density of the lumbar vertebrae for both trabecular and cortical bones. Decrease in bone mass of the lumbar vertebrae is associated with an increase in bilateral asymmetry of the BMD. The correlation between the BMD and bilateral asymmetry indices for trabecular bone was r = -0.52 (p=0.001) for cortical bone r = - 0.47 (p=0.001).

Conclusion: the index of bilateral asymmetry in bone mineral density of the vertebral bodies car serve as an additional diagnostic criterion for osteoporosis during bone densitometry by quantitative computed tomography in postmenopausal women.



1.    Hernlund E., Svedbom A., Ivergard M. et al. Osteoporosis in the European Union: Medical Management, Epidemiology and Economic Burden. A report prepared in collaboration with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations (EFPIA). Arch. Osteoporos. 2013; 8: 136.

2.    Marshall D., Johnell O., Wedel H. Metaanalysis of how well measures of bone mineral density predict occurrence of osteoporotic fractures. Br. Med. J. 1996; 312: 1254-1259.

3.    Nguyen T., Sambrook P, Kelly P et al. Prediction of osteoporotic fractures by postural instability and bone density. BMJ. 1993; 307: 1111-1115.

4.    Siris E.S. Identification and fracture outcomes of undiagnosed low bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: results from the National Osteoporosis Risk Assessment. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2001; 286 (22): 2815-2822.

5.    ACR-SPR-SSR practice parameter for the performance of quantitative computed tomography (QCT) bone densitometry. Available at: /ACR/Documents/PGTS/guidelines/QCT.pdf Res. 32-2013, Amended 2014 (Res. 39).

6.    These are the Official Positions of the ISCD as updated in 2013. Available at: (accessed April 24, 2014).

7.    Zakharov I.S., Kolpinskij G.I., Shkaraburov A.S., Popova O.P. Kolichestvennaja kompjuternaja tomografija i dvuhjenergeticheskaja rentgenovskaja absorbciometrija v diagnostike postmenopauzal'nogo osteoporoza. [Quantitative computed tomography and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in the diagnosis of postmenopausal osteoporosis]. Diagnosticheskaja i intervencionnaja radiologija. 2015; 10 (2):19—22. [In Russ].

8.    Bansal S.C., Khandelwal N., Rai D.V. et al. Comparison between the QCT and the DEXA scanners in the evaluation of BMD in the lumbar spine. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2011; 5 (4): 694-699.

9.    Bauer J.S., Virmani S., Mueller D.K. Quantitative CT to assess BMD as a diagnostic tool for osteoporosis and related fractures. Medica Mundi. 2010; 54 (2): 31-37.

10.  Li N., Li X.M., Xu L. et al. Comparison of QCT and DXA: osteoporosis detection rates in post-menopausal women. International Journal of Endocrinology. 2013; March 27. Available at: /pubmed/23606843.

11.  Zaharov I



The basis of computed tomography diagnosis is the definition of densitometric parameters at different phases of the study.

Aim. Was to perform comparative analysis of computed tomography features of focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatocellular carcinoma.

Materials and methods. During the reseach clinical and morphological comparisons were performed on the base of 36 patients’ CT’s results: 21 patient with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 15 patient with focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver without associated liver cirrhosis. At the preoperative stage all patients underwent spiral computed tomography with bolus contrast enhancement (on the four phases of the study).

Results. During native phase of computed tomography HCC nodes are more often hipodense irrespective of the degree of histological differentiation and focal nodular hyperplasia - izodense. After intravenous injection of contrast agent, computed tomography picture of hepatocellular carcinoma and focal nodular hyperplasia depended on the phase of the study During the arterial phase tissue of focal nodular hyperplasia in the vast majority of cases was hiperdense relative to the surrounding liver parenchyma. Hepatocellular carcinoma had similar values much less frequently in contrast to the focal nodular hyperplasia. The venous phase was characterized by the presence of hiperdense characteristics in focal nodular hyperplasia areas and, conversely, in hepatocellular carcinoma tissue signs of hiperdense were not observed. Hyperdence formations in delayed phase of computed tomography indicate the presence of focal nodular hyperplasia, and vice versa, hypodense are sufficient to prevent its presence.

Conclusion. Estimation of densitometric parameters of focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatocellular carcinoma allows to determine features of computed tomography imaging of tumors at different phases of the examination, and this allows to make a differential diagnosis between them.





During our research we have studied x-ray and morphology features of lungs sarcoidosis (LS), levelof fibrosis disorders and rate of pulmonary hypertention (PHT) as a way of calculation pulmonary-thoracical index (PTI) during chest multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT). We have examined 50 patients aged 30-75 with different forms of lungs sarcoidosis. As a result of clinical aboratory, x-ray and morphologicaldata comparison patients were divided into 3 groups.During data analysis we found out that PHT leads to inverse connection of PTIdecrease with increase of interstitial fibrosis (the most expressed changes were in group of patients with chronic recur disease current

The analysis data allows to reveal early symptoms of PHT, that promotes well-timed tactics of treatment.



1.    Архипова Д.В., Попова Е.Н., Осипенко В.И. и др. Легочная гипертензия при интерстициальных болезнях легких. 12-й Национальный конгресс по болезням органов дыхания. Москва. 2002; 135-136.

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3.    Bartz R.R., Stern E.J. Airways obstruction in patients with sarcoidosis. Expiratory CT scan findings. J. Thorac. Imag. 2000; 15 (4): 285-289.

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5.    Tan R.T. еt al. Utility of CT scan evalution for predicting pulmonary hypertension in patients with parenchymal lung disease. Medical College of Winsconsin Lung Transplant Group. Chest.  1998; 113 (5):1250-1256.

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Purpose. Was to define the capability of multi-slice computed tomography angiography (MSCT-angiography) in diagnostics of arteriove-nosus conflict in patients with primary and recurrent varicocele.

Materials and methods. 46 patients with left-side varicocele were underwent MSCT-angiography: 36 had firstly diagnosed disease, 10 had recurrent types. Capability of MSCT-angiography in the zone of possible arteriovenosus conflicts was estimated on the base of imaging analysis: axial, multiplanar and 3D-imaging of left renal vein (LRV), a.mesenterica superior (AMS) in aortomesenterical zone, and crossing place of left iliaca communis vein(LICV) and right iliaca communis artery (LICA). We have investigated structure features of left testiculars vein (LTV) in patients with primary and recurrent varicocele.

Results. All the patients during axial imaging analysis we have investigated the crossing place of LRV and LICV with conflict arteries - AMS and LICA. We have revealed featured of LRV, compressed by AMS, on the base of axial and multiplanar imaging changes. Analysis of axial multiplanar and 3D-reconstruction has showed high capability in diagnostics of arteriovenosus conflict on the level LICV Study of multiplanar and CT-imaging in case of LICV valve insufficiency and different types of anatomy is possible

Conclusions. Taking into consideration diagnostic capability, technical simplicity and high sensitivity of MSCT-angiography in diagnostics of arteriovenosus conflicts in varicocele, this methodic must be included in algorithm of patients examination in case of primary and recurrent varicocele. MSCT-angiography in definition of haemodynamic types of disorders can promote the right choice of surgical correction.



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Purpose. For basic, purpose was to develop effective methods of exact diagnostics of an acute pancreatitis (AP), to work out classifications of disease, an establishment of patients' condition definitions, and also productive supervision over dynamics of its process by means of application computed tomography (СТ) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Besides, on the base of obtained data, the optimum tactics of treatment was worked out

Materials and methods. More than 500 patients with AP were underwent CT and MRI with one-stage contrast agents' injection. During the research we have applied different variations of scanning modes and parameters. Results were analyzed in connection with supervision on patients conditions. Treatment tactics depended on obtained data

Results. We have worked out effective methods of AP diagnostics, optimal parameters of research in different clinical currents and we have developed an effective tactics of treatment in patients with severe AP Besides, on the base of obtained data, the optimum tactics of treatment was worked out

Conclusions. CT with intravenous contrasting is the best method of diagnostics or supervision in dynamics, which allows to work out the most productive treatment tactics. Using CT in combination with MRI in some cases can be specifying method of diagnostics.  



1.    Араблинский А.В., Черняков P.M., Хитрова А.Н., Богданова Е.Г. Лучевая диагностика острого панкреатита. Медицинская визуализация. 2000;         1-14.

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Three-dimensional computed tomography in assessment of sinus-lifting operation before dental implantation


For quoting:
Serova N.S. "Three-dimensional computed tomography in assessment of sinus-lifting operation before dental implantation". Journal Diagnostic & interventional radiology. 2010; 4(4); 41-44.



The work consists of 45 patient’s radiodiagnostics data: operation sinus-lifting has been executed before dental implantation to complete missing volume of bone fabric of maxilla alveolar process.

The analysis of cite data has shown an inefficiency of traditional ortopantomography and advantages of three-dimensional computed tomography in assessment of spent treatment.  



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Purpose. Was to evaluate possibilities of FDCTA as a method of colorectal liver metastases (CLM) detection and differentional diagnostics.

Materials and methods. FD-CT-A was performed to examine 41 patients. Patients with lobe CLM (n =15) were included into the 1-st group. Purpose was to exclude metastatic lesions of contralateral lobe before surgical treatment. Patients with bilobar metastatic spread (n = 26) were included into the 2-nd group. Purpose was to detect metastases before and during regional therapy. Scanning was performed on the hybryde angiographic system Innova-4100 «GЕ Нealthcare, USA» with 5 sec scanning time, fov 23 × 23 cm, delay from 10 to 22 sec during hepatic arteriography 15–40 ml Ultravist-370 «Bayer Schering Pharma, Germany» with rate 2–4 ml/sec.

Results. In the first group 40 CLM were detected. The number of metastases in each patient ranged from 1 to 12 (mean – 3). The size of metastases ranged from 9,1 mm to 150,0 mm (mean – 36,7 mm, median – 30,2 mm). 14 of all CLM (35%) were 20 mm and less. Right hemyhepatectomy was provided for 6 patients, left hemyhepatectomy – for one. In the second group 282 CLM were detected. The number of metastases in each patient ranged from 2 to 31 (mean – 11). The size of metastases ranged from 3,2 mm to 81,0 mm (mean – 17,4 mm, median – 12,7 mm). 209 of all CLM (74%) were equal or smaller then 20 mm in diameter.

Conclusion. FD-CT-A is the perspective method for detection and differentional diagnostics of CLM.



1.    Гранов А.М., Таразов П.Г., Гранов Д.А. и др. Современные тенденции в комбинированном хирургическом лечении первичного и метастатического рака печени. Анн. хир.гепатол. 2002; 7 (2): 9–17.

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The research is devoted to study the possibilities of functional multislice computed tomography (fMSCT) in a choice of treatment strategy, its planing and volume of surgical intervention at orbital trauma damage. MSCT and fMSCT examinations of the orbit were performed in 30 patients (60 orbits).

The obtained data allowed to develop the protocol of fMSCT, to study normal functional anatomy of the eye, to estimate normal contractile ability of extraocular muscles. The research showed the necessity of using the fMSCT of the eye of orbital trauma in assessment of contractile ability of extraocular muscles and their interest in relation to the crisis area. The improvement of diagnosis reached with the help of fMSCT, has allowed to choose an optimum tactics and volume of surgical intervention.  



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The article provides a case report of the patient with mediastinitis. This case report shows the importance of multispiral computed tomography in the diagnostics of tumors of this localization, demonstrates the need of proper preparation of patient for examination and use of CT with intravenous contrast enhancement, multiplanar reconstruction images to obtain information about the nature of blood flow, determining the structure of esophagus walls and the ratio of detected changes with surrounding organs and vascular structures, which is particularly important for treatment planning.



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Cyst lymphangioma of spleen, complexities of diagnostics


For quoting:
Tumanova U.N., Shirokov V.S., Berelavichus S.V., Karmazanovsky G.G. "Cyst lymphangioma of spleen, complexities of diagnostics". Journal Diagnostic & interventional radiology. 2013; 7(1); 51-58.



The article presents literature data about splenic lesions, their morphological characteristics and occurrence. Methods of diagnostics of such lesions are considered. Rarely met pathology as lymphangioma of spleen is discussed. Article describes peculiarities of clinical and morphological classifications of lymphangiomas with different locations, their morphological structure, clinical features of this disease in children and adults. Detailed diagnostic algorithm for detection of splenic lymphangioma is described. Possibilities and advantages of modern methods of diagnostic testing, perspective and the leading role CT and MRI are described. Complexities in diagnostics were noted during the research; optimal combinations of diagnostic methods for better verification of such spleen lesions, for estimation of certain anatomical relation with other structures and tissues, spread of the affected area, as well as an assistance in definition of surgical tactics and volume of intervention, based on data were offered. Application of new technologies with the use SCT-dimensional reconstruction of the affected organ and area of further operation, and the 3D planning of intervention, conducting virtual operations for the optimal access, volume of interventions on the base of individual characteristics of vascular and anatomical features of the patient - gives significant advantages. Review of possible treatment methods is presented. As a case report we used obtained data of 26-years woman with identified during ambulatory ultrasound diagnostics lymphangioma of spleen. In conclusion it is pointed that early and accurate diagnostics is important for prevention of complications and for reduce of operational trauma.



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Role of multispiral ct in diagnostics of coronary artery aterosclerotic disease in patients with atypical angina


For quoting:
Maryasheva Yu.A., Veselova T.N., Fedotenkov I.S., Arhipovaі I.M., Ageev I.M., Sinitsynі V.E., Ternovoy S.K. "Role of multispiral ct in diagnostics of coronary artery aterosclerotic disease in patients with atypical angina". Journal Diagnostic & interventional radiology. 2010; 4(3); 19-27.



Purpose. Оf the study was to determine abilities of multislice spiral tomography (MSCT) in detection coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with atypical angina..

Material and methods. Sixty patients (39 men) with atypical chest pain and suspected ischemic heart disease underwent complex diagnostic strategy. Value of MSCT in detection of significant (more than 50%) coronary artery stenoses was assessed by segmental analysis, vascular bed involvement, and patient analysis.

Results. Significant CAD in 8% of patients with atypical angina was revealed. In 98,7% (58 of 60 cases) MSCT allowed to specify coronary anatomy. In 53 (88,3%) of patients no significant CAD was found, in 5 cases (8,3%) MSCT confirmed significant coronary artery stenoses. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative prognostic value of MSCT were correspondingly 100%, 99,3%, 71,4%, 100% in segmental analysis (n = 295). Vascular territory involvement analysis (n = 91) showed 100% sensitivity, 97,7% specificity, positive prognostic value 71,4% and negative prognostic value 100%.

Conclusions. High prognostic value, as well as high sensitivity and specificity of MSCT allow us to include this method into the CAD diagnostic algorithm in patients with atypical chest pain. This method is highly reliable in eliminating of significant CAD and detecting coronary artery stenoses.



1.      Синицын В.Е., Устюжанин Д-В. КТ-ангио-графия коронарных артерий. Кардиология. 2006; 1: 20-25.

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12.    Hausleiter J. et al. Non-invasive coronary computed tomographic angiography for patients with suspected coronary artery disease. Тhe Coronary Angiography by Computed Tomography with the Use of a Submillimeter resolution (CACTUS) trial. Eur. Heart. J. 2007; 28: 3034-3041.

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Background: this report describes our experience in CT-perfision (CTP) use for evaluation of rectal tumors neoadjuvant treatment effectiveness. Tumor response for combination of radiation and chemotherapy was related to CTP pattern.

Material and Methods: five patients aged 48 - 62 years with rectal adenocarcinomas histologically verified (4 patients of T3N0M0 stage and 1 patient T3N1 M0) were included. All of them had combined neoadjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy followed by surgery. Before and after neoadjuvant treatment virtual colonoscopy (VCS) with CTP was done in all the cases prior to surgical intervention.

Results and Conclusions: comparing perfusion pattern in rectal tumor and in normal tissue, we saw blood volume (BV) to be significantly increased, and mean transit time (MTT) moderately shortened in tumor tissues. Tumor tissue BV in neoadjuvant therapy responders was much higher than in those for whom the therapy appeared to be ineffective. On combination of radio- and chemotherapy, BVin tumor tissue significantly decreased, and MTT elongated.



1.      Bosset J."F. et al. Chemotherapy with Preoperative Radiotherapy in Rectal Cancer. N. Engl. J. Med. 2007; 357 (7): 728.

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Recently one can see higher incidence rate of fatty liver. The purpose of our study was to examine the abilities of raiodiagnostics (computed tomography and bolus contrast-enhanced CT angiography) in patients with different stages of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis. Seventy four patients with morphologically verified diagnosis of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis were included into the study. Hepatic parenchyma density was assessed quantitatively, as well as blood flow parameters at time-dencity curve in stages 1 (initial), 2 (moderate), and 3 (severe) of the disease. It was shown that hepatic time-dencity curve in patients with fatty liver was lower than splenic one. Thus, computed tomography and CT angiography are highly informative methods in diagnostics of hepatic steatosis, defying not only presence of the disease, but differentiating its stage and optimizing the therapeutic strategy.



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Surgical treatment of aortic valve pathology is an actual problem of modern medicine. Aortic valve pathology is widely spread in population on a stable high level. Due to a large amount of patients with no possibility of open surgical treatment of aortic valve pathology modern hybrid methods of treatment, such as transcatheter aortic valve implantation are being actively proposed and modified.

MSCT angiography before transcatheter aortic valve implantation is obligatory procedure. Data obtained by MSCT is extremely necessary to define the possibility and the access path of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. MSCT allows to select the size and type of aortic valve prosthesis.

Appearance of modern MSCT scanners with 320-640 row of detectors will increase the leading role of MSCT in preoperative inquiry of patients with planned transcatheter aortic valve implantation.



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Aim: was to evaluate the use of intraoperative ultrasound in examination of patients with liver cancer compared with preoperative diagnostic methods.

Materials and methods: the study involved 650 patients who received surgical treatment for the period 1998-2013 years. During surgical intervention, all patients underwent intraoperative ultrasonography (IOUS) of the liver.

Results: results of preoperative examination methods were compared with intraoperative data, IOUS and histological examination. Sensitivity and accuracy of IOUS is above all methods of preoperative diagnosis, surgical palpation and is 99.7% and 94.9%, respectively Analyzed causes of mistakes of preoperative methods. These related: long time interval before surgical intervention, diameter of formations less then 2 cm, chemotherapy, presence of concomitant cirrhosis, different location of lesions (subcapsular, on the capsular and on the diaphragm of the liver), benign or non-tumorous liver lesions. Changes of operation volume occurred in 38 % cases, 20 % of them - on the base IOUS data.

Conclusions: IOUS provides decisive diagnostic information for the surgeon during the operation which may lead to changes of operation volume, and thus affect outcomes of the disease. Contrast resolution IOUS is actual when oncological operations on the liver are made. Ultrasound professionals should be master of IOUS techniques due to the increasing necessity of its use in clinics dealing with oncological surgery of the liver. 



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Article presents data of modern literature concerning diagnostic efficiency of computed tomography and CT-angiography in diagnostics of acute disorders of mesenterial blood circulation. Article describes various groups of instrumental diagnostic signs indicating directly or indirectly on acute thrombotic and thromboembolic occlusion of mesenterial.

According to huge ammount of authors, CT-angiography can be considered as the first step in instrumental diagnostics of acute disorder of mesenterial blood circulation, due to demonstrated sensitivity and specificity, comparable in comparison with a standard angiography. 



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Introduction. The RECIST criteria, which are routinely used to assess results of treatment of colorectal liver metastases with the transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), are not based on the identification of the tumor necrosis, and therefore their objectivity is questionable.

Aim: was to develop method of assessment of tumor response, based on tumor necrosis after TACE.

Materials and Methods: own technique of assessment of the tumor responce, based on measurement of computed tomography density of metastatic lesions in native and post-contrast phases, before and after treatment («criteria of N») is offered. Data of 13 patients who have undergone treatment of metastases of a colorectal cancer in a liver by the TACE method with application of microspheres «DC Beads» and irinotekan are analysed. Comparison of results of treatment according to criteria of RECIST and «criteria of N» is carried out.

Results: аccording to RECIST criteria stable disease was achieved in 11(85%) patients, and 2(15%) patients had a partial response. Neither complete response, nor progressive disease was observed. Later, progressive disease occurred in 11 patients. The period from the start of treatment until progression fixation averaged 7-9 months. According to the «N criteria», 4 (31%) patients had a complete response, 6(46%) patients had a partial response: and in 3(23%) patients we detected stable disease. Then progressive disease was monitored in all 13 patients, the period from the start of treatment until the progression fixation averaged 3-6 months. In 4 cases the progression process according to «N criteria» was detected earlier than by RECIST criteria.

Conclusion: The usе of RECIST criteria may underestimate the objective response to treatment, and as a result - the progression of disease later on. The proposed method of tumor response assessment, based on the analysis of tumor necrosis («the N criteria»), proves to be more productive. 




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10.   Narayanan G., Barbery K., Suthar R., Guerrero G., Arora G. Transarterial chemoembolization using DEBiRi for treatment of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer. Anticancer Res. 2013; 33(5): 2077-2083.

11.   Martin R.C., Howard J., Tomalty D., Robbins K., Padr R., Bosnjakovic P.M., Tatum C. Toxicity of irinotecan-eluting beads in the treatment of hepatic malignancies: results of a multi-institutional registry. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2010; 33(5): 960-966.




According to American Cancer Society lung cancer is the main "killer" among all types of cancer, five year survival rate of these patients in less than 15%. Thorough staging is necessary to make prognosis of disease and choose the way of treatment. In 2009 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer ( IASLC) published the 7th system of lung cancer staging based on TNM classification data. Defining of lung cancer and its staging is an interdisciplinary process. Moreover clinical, endoscopic and radiological data are used for this purpose. Among them, the multislice computed tomography is a leading method for lung cancer staging. 



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2.     Robert D.Su, Nanett A.Le, Kjetlin Braun i Majil S.Krishnam. Continous medical education: basic staging of lung cancer.. Novaja TNM-klassifikacija [Continous medical education: basic staging of lung cancer.]. Radiographics 2010; 30(5):1163-1181 [In Russ].

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7.     Richard Webb W., Charles B. Higgins. Thoracic imaging. Pulmonary and Cardiovasular Radiology. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2005; 66-111.

8.     Valerie W. Rusch, Hisao Asamura, Hirokazu Watanabe, Dorothy J. Giroux, Ramon Rami-Porta, Peter Goldstraw, on Behalf of the members of the IASLC Staging Committee. The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project/ A Proposal for a New International Lymph Node Map in The Forthcoming Seven Edition of the TNM Classification for Lung Cancer. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2009; 4(5):568-577.

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Acute traumatic aortic rupture is associated with extremely high mortality and requires urgent diagnosis and treatment.

Materials and methods: patient P, 33 years 28.12.2013, fall from a height of 5 floors. On the day of admittion to hospital he was hospitalized to the reanimation department with a diagnosis of «multiple trauma, traumatic shock». For nearest hours after admission MSCT of head, neck, chest organs, abdomen and pelvis were performed.

Results: in series of images of the head and neck revealed multiple fractures of facial bones anc skull base, hemo-sinus.

MSCT chest without contrast enhancement: expanding boundaries revealed the presence of the upper mediastinum content density of 65 Hounsfield units (Ed.N) around the arch and descending aorta, in tissues of the posterior mediastinum. Volume of about 35 cm3 - in the pericardial cavity, ribs on the left with a displacement of fragments, left-sided hemothorax (260 cm3). During examination of abdomen and pelvis in the native phase: in subhepatic space in the liver portal, volume of about 50 cm3 with density of blood multiple fractures of the pelvis. CT with contrast-enhanced bolus revealed uneven expansion in the thoracic aorta isthmus length of 60 mm, with the presence at this level of linear structures intraluminal wall surface (wall laceration), and a narrow zone of extravasation of the contrast agent on the inner contour of the aorta. At the lever portal detected delimited zone of active extravasation of contrast material as a result of breaking its proper hepatic artery which is essentially as a thrombosis of pseudoaneurysm with zone of thrombosis around the periphery and subcapsular rupture of the left lobe of the liver

Ultrasound examination - left-sided hydrothorax, echo signs of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, liver hematoma in the area of the portal, diffuse changes in kidneys («shock» kidney).

Patient underwent primary surgical dressing of face wounds, osteosynthesis of right femur with external fixation device (EFD). Endoprothesis of descending thoracic aorta was performed 29.12.2013. After implantation of the prothesis, celiacography was performed, in which in liver portal, in the place of proper hepatic artery division to the right and left hepatic artery - large-size false aneurysm was revealed.

CT scanning, performed on the 5th day after aortic replacement: there are signs of segmental atelectasis of the lower lobe of the left lung, minimum infiltrative changes in fiber anterior mediastinum, hematoma of the posterior mediastinum (31 cm3. Previously was 191 cm3), and hemopericardium (15 cm3 compared with 35 cm3)

In the process of dynamic observation, it was found that up to 30 days, false aneurysm of proper hepatic artery increased in size, in this regard, the patient was operated on 24.01.14.

Follow-up CT scan with contrast enhancement: branches of the hepatic artery are well visualized, artery aneurysm is not defined

12.02.14, was the dismantling of EFD and manufactured fixation of the right femur pin. After 65 days after the injury and the start of treatment the patient was discharged under the supervision of the surgeon and cardiologist in the community.



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Aim: was to analyse possibilities of multislice computed tomography in patients with coronary vessels' pathology

Results: we performed the analysis of published data on the use of multislice computed tomography in the coronary heart disease diagnostics. Data on the development of the method are presented: it is indicated that its diagnostic efficiency is related to technological improvements, accompanied by the appearance of each successive generation of multislice computed tomography The possibilities of using scanners from 16- to 230-slice scanners with two sources of energy, advantages of «dual energy» regime of application (dual-energy CT) in the coronary disease diagnostic are considered. Given constraints of the method diagnostic efficacy - artifacts associated with movements and severe calcification.