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Introduction: article presents the first experience and long-term results of using domestic coronary balloon-expandable stents with a bioinert carbon coating, «Nanomed».

Aim: was to evaluate long-term results of using domestic coronary balloon-expandable stents with bioinert linear chain carbon coating (BLCCC), «Nanomed».

Materials and methods: the study included 387 patients, suffering from coronary heart disease, who underwent endovascular myocardial revascularization from 2016 to 2018, with implantation of coronary balloon-expandable stents with BLCCC by the Nanomed company, Penza. The control group included 320 patients who underwent endovascular myocardial revascularization with implantation of coronary balloon-expandable cobalt-chromium stents «MSure Cr» of the company «Multimedics», during the same period. A comparative estimation of long-term results was carried out on the basis of a study of the overall frequency of repeated myocardial revascularization; repeated interventions on the target vessel; the frequency of interventions on other coronary arteries with the progression of atherosclerosis; long-term survival rates.

Results: in the long-term period, the overall probability of absence of repeated revascularization in 47 months after PCI was 78,3 ± 2.1% and 72,1 ± 2.4% in the «Nanomed» BLCCC and «MSure Cr» groups, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between groups (Log. Rank=0,77). However, the incidence of restenosis in the stent was statistically significantly higher in the «MSureCr» group. (p = 0,027). The overall probability of survival in 47 months after surgery was 98,2±2,4% and 98,1±2.6% in groups 1 and 2, respectively. No statistically significant difference between groups was found (Log. Rank=0,4).

Conclusions: 1. The use of a coronary balloon-expandable stent with a BLCCC, Nanomed for endovascular myocardial revascularization is an effective treatment in patients with coronary heart disease.

2. Long-term results of using bioinert carbon-coated stents, Nanomed and MSureCr stents were comparable in terms of absence of myocardial re-revascularization procedures due to relapse of the angina pectoris and survival time of up to 47 months. However, the incidence of restenosis in a stent with a bioinert carbon coating, Nanomed was statistically significantly lower.



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Lesions of the LCA stem are found in 2,5-4 % of patients with coronary heart disease who endured coronography, and are accompanied by more severe symptomatology, higher morbidity and mortality rates, and difficulty of radical correction. According to the generally accepted guidelines, the operation of coronary artery bypass has up to now been a method of choice in treatment of the LCA stem. Nevertheless, endovascular methods of treatment for LCA stem lesions have relatively long been used, while implementation into clinical practice of drug-eluding stents has considerably improved the remote outcomes, which made it possible to consider LCA stem stenting as a real alternative to ACB. Hence, the problem concerning indications for and contraindications to LCA stem stenting remains unsolved today. We retrospectively analysed a total of 75 endovascular interventions on the LCA stem in 67 patients, with an isolated lesion of the LCA stem being found only in 7,4 % of the patients. The remaining subjects had lesions of the LCA stem on the background of a multivascular lesion of the coronary bed, including occlusion of the RCA observed in 16,4 % of cases. Successive revascularization was performed in 98,64 % of cases, with no lethal outcomes. One patient required urgent ACB due to development of occluding dissection of the circumflex branch. Complications in the immediate postoperative period were observed in two patients and were represented by non-Q myocardial infarction and stroke. LCA stem stenting proved an efficient and safe method of treatment for coronary heart disease. A comparative analysis of the immediate results of LCA stem stenting and ACB revealed advantages of stenting, consisting in no lethal outcomes (in our series) and a lower short-term rate of postoperative complications.



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Endovascular methods of treatment for coronary heart disease are of considerable current use. Stenting of coronary arteries is the most widely used intervention in management of coronary heart disease. Present-day models of coronary stents make it possible to selectively perform direct stenting in certain roentgenomorphology of the lesion concerned. The authors analysed the outcomes of direct and conventional stenting of coronary arteries in 74 patients presenting with coronary heart disease. No differences as to the mortality rate were observed between the groups. The group of direct stenting demonstrated lower percentage of ischemic events: myocardial infarction on the background of acute or subacute thrombosis of the stent (1 - in the direct-stenting group, 3 - in the conventional-stenting group), transitory myocardial ischaemia (1 case in the direct-stenting group, 3 cases in the conventional-stenting group). Of the angiographic peculiarities, dissection complicated a total of three procedures of traditional stenting, and did not occur in the direct-stenting group. The no-reflow syndrome was noted to have developed in one case in the stenting group with predilatation. Of the technical peculiarities in the direct-stenting group, we observed a statistically reliable decrease in the average duration of the intervention by 11,76 minutes (P = 0,039), that of roentgenoscopy by 5,91 minutes (P = 0,027), a decrease in the average consumption of the radiopaque medium by 68,36 ml (P < 0,01), and a decrease in the average expenditure of coronary balloon catheters by 0,59 pc. (P < 0,001). Hence, the method of direct stenting of coronary arteries turned out to offer advantages over the conventional-stenting technique with predilatation in the clinical, angiographic and economic aspects, provided a careful selection of patients is performed.



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We performed the analysis of published data on the use of multislice computed tomography in diagnostics of coronary heart disease. The data on the development of the method, indicated that it its diagnostic efficiency is related to technological improvements, accompanied by the appearance of each successive generation of multislice computed tomography We described possibilities of using of scanners from 16 to 230-slice, devices with two sources of energy, advantages of «dual energy» regime application in the coronary disease diagnostics. Given constraints on the method diagnostic efficacy - artifacts associated with the movement and severe calcification. It is indicated that the implementation of the method in cardiology practice promotes its consideration as a promising alternative to invasive diagnostic coronary angiography, it is suggested becoming of further development of the technology that will allow multislice computed tomography to become the main method of diagnosis of coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.  



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Aim: was to investigate possibilities of multislice computed tomography in estimation of stenosis degree in coronary arteries in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD).

Materials and methods: we examined 64 patients (18 female, 46 male, mean age 62,4± 9,5 years), who primary had been admitted to hospital and had high risk of IHD; and those who had early diagnosed IHD of 1,2,3 and 4 functional class, they were hospitalized for condition correction. Mainly spreaded risk factor was arterial hypertention in 55 patients - (85,9%) with highest level 200/100 mm hg and minimal 140/80 mm hg. All patients underwent multislice computed tomography (MSCT) on the 256-slice tomography station «Somatom definition flash (Siemens, Germany)»: collimation 128 x 0,6, the temporal resolution of 75 ms and a spatial resolution of 0.33 mm, slice thickness of 0.6 mm, with simultaneous use of two tubes with different voltage (kV 120/100), the current mAs - with programs to reduce radiation exposure Care Dose - is calculated automatically according to the constitution of man.

Post-processing of obtained data was performed on a workstation Syngo Via, in the application of CT-Soronary with automatic longitudinal separation of each coronary artery In view of image quality was analyzed data from end-diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle (80% R-R), or evaluated complex of multiphase images. We analyze the state of the main arteries of the main coronary: left anterior descending artery, the circumflex artery and the right coronary artery (LAD, CA, RCA). We performed estimation of coronary artery stenosis of segments according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Results were displayed in percentage. Obtained data was compared with those obtained using the reference method - X-ray coronary angiography, which was performed according to standard protocol

Results: comparison of results of coronary angiography and MSCT using correlation analysis showed the presence of strong direct significant correlation coefficients in the evaluation of coronary artery disease according to two methods. It was demonstrated a high inter-operator and intraoperator reproducibility of MSCT in the study of vessels conditions. Following characteristics of the method related to the identification of coronary artery stenosis segments: sensitivity - 95.8%, specificity - 92.8%, diagnostic accuracy - 95.1%, positive predictive value - 97.9%, negative predictive value - 86.6 %.

It was concluded that the high importance of the method of MSCT in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and the need for its widespread use in cardiology practice.  



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We have analyzed long-term results of different revascularization strategies in 171 patients with multivessel coronary artery defeat. Duration of follow up observation ranged from 12 to 18 months. Complete revascularization of the myocardium was performed in 63 pts, culprit vessel revascularization - in 86 and incomplete revascularization - in 22 patients. All patients undervwent SYNTAX scoring analysis to find out possible risks of transcutaneus coronary interventions. Survival rate, incidence of myocardial infarction, repeat myocardial revascularization procedures and major adverse cardiac events were comparable among the patients with low and intermediate SYNTAX Score. Among the patients with high SYNTAX Score the incidence of myocardial infarction (8,82%, р = 0,002), repeat PCI procedure (32,35%, р = 0,001) and major adverse cardiac events (32,35%, р = 0,002) was reliably higher compared to patients with low and intermediate SYNTAX Score. The mpact of the SYNTAX Score rate on the long-term results in the different revascularization strategy groups was also analyzed. In the 1st group the incidence of major adverse cardiac events among the patients was comparable. In the 2nd group patients with the high SYNTAX Score rate had reliably higher rate of major adverse cardiac events (43,75%, р = 0,002). The rate of major adverse cardiac events were higher in the 3rd group of patients with the high SYNTAX Score rate compared in patients with low and intermediate SYNTAX Score rate, but this difference didn't reach statistically reliable difference. Use of the strategy of culprit vessel revascularization in the patients with high SYNTAX Score rate, leads to increased rate of major adverse cardiac events and repeat PCI procedures in the long-term follow up period.



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Diseases of the circulatory system in a few decades are one of the major causes of death and disability in the population in many countries around the world. In Russian Federation, a number of newly diagnosed cases of coronary heart disease and mortality of the working population of this pathology is growing. In clinical practice at the present time, various radiological techniques assess the condition of the heart and coronary vessels, determine the location and volume of lesions. In the available literature, however, we found no data on methods of research that would reveal the correlation between the X-ray anatomy of coronary vessels and structural and functional state of the heart muscle. Thus, the need for comprehensive scientific research is obvious. Results of this study will, on the basis of survey data, using the methods of radiation diagnosis, objectively assess the level of metabolic and structural and functional state of the cardiomyocytes in cardiac patients. This will improve the accuracy and informativeness of diagnosis, as well as the increase of the control of effectiveness of therapy and quality of patients' life with cardiac diseases. 



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Aim: was to study properties of nanostructured carbon coating stents in coronary arteries with the help of intravascular ultrasonic visualization.

Materials and Methods: experimental implantation of stents in coronary artery was performed on 8 yearling sheep. Estimation of bioinertness properties of stents was made by intravascular ultrasonic method on the 14, 28, 180 day. Bioinertness properties were estimated in comparison with analogical bare-metal stents.

Results: The analysis of results showed that in early stages (up to 28 days) experimental samples of stents cause less formation of trombus than simple balloon-extendable stents. In the period of late outcomes, coronary nanostructured carbon coating stents have lower level of «in-stent stenosis».

Conclusion: stent implantation with nanostructured carbon coating does not prevent the natural reparative processes taking place in the artery wall, does not cause the formation of thrombotic masses under standard doses of antiaggregants. Experimental stents significantly less affected in-stent stenosis, than stents without surface modification, indicating their higher bioinertness. 



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Aim: was to analyse possibilities of multislice computed tomography in patients with coronary vessels' pathology

Results: we performed the analysis of published data on the use of multislice computed tomography in the coronary heart disease diagnostics. Data on the development of the method are presented: it is indicated that its diagnostic efficiency is related to technological improvements, accompanied by the appearance of each successive generation of multislice computed tomography The possibilities of using scanners from 16- to 230-slice scanners with two sources of energy, advantages of «dual energy» regime of application (dual-energy CT) in the coronary disease diagnostic are considered. Given constraints of the method diagnostic efficacy - artifacts associated with movements and severe calcification.

Conclusions: implementation of the method in cardiology practice can promote its consideration as a promising alternative to invasive diagnostic coronary angiography Further development of the technology can allow multislice computed tomography to become the main method of diagnosis of coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. 



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Aim: was to assess dynamics of strain (S) and strain rate (SR) of longitudinal, circular and radial fibers in patients with left ventricular (LV) aneurysm (LVA) before and in early stages after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) using Velocity Vector Imaging.

Material and methods: in 270 segments LV in patients with LVA, S and SR of LV fibers was analyzed before and after CAB. Also analysis of S and SR was performed in patients with CABG and plastic of the LV (group 1, 144 segments) and in the group with CABG without plastic of the LV (group 2, 126 segments).

Results: a function of longitudinal, circular and radial fibers after CABG has improved in all patients. Only SR of radial fibers reached normal. In group 1 was received the positive dynamics from the longitudinal S and SR, and SR circular and radial fibers. In group 2 indicators of function of longitudinal and circular fibers remained without negative dynamics, but positive dynamics is observed only from the SR of the radial fibers. The SR of radial fibers in both groups was normalized.

Conclusion: improvement of LV function in all patients is due to the group I. It is important to study the LV function in patients with LVA depending on the type of surgery.



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