Abstract: Radiological examinations are used as a major tool for diagnosis of congenital and acquired facial bone defects and deformations. The results of the paper are based on analysis of x-ray examinations of 2000 patients. Panoramic zonography was the most frequently used procedure. Zonography shows origin and size of defects, their external contours, structure of mandibula. Use of spiral CT is obligatory in cases of nazo-orbital deformatoions, defects of facial and brain scull bones. CT helps to define extact size of bone defects and to make caclulations for planning surgical interventions. Algorithm for examinations of patients with congenital facial bone deformations should include films, made in anterior and lateral projections, made in teleroentgenographgic mode for vizualisation of soft tissues. In cases of systemic bone diseases, standart films and zonogramms of most informative regions are sufficient.