Abstract: Aim: was to evaluate the effectiveness of the complex use of MRI and high-resolution ultrasound for the diagnostics of fillers. Material and methods: in presented case report, the study was carried out using a SOMATOM Aera SIMENS 1.5 Т tomograph in T1, T1 Dixon, T1 Fs, T2, T2 STIR modes, the slice thickness was 3 mm. Ultrasound was performed with a MyLab Alpha, Esaote device, linear sensors with a frequency of 6 - 18 MHz and 10 - 22 MHz were used in B-mode, Color Doppler Imaging mode. Results: case report demonstrates possibilities of complex use of ultrasound and MRI in patients with atypical ultrasound pattern for hyaluronic acid-based fillers. When choosing treatment tactics, data obtained during the examination, indicating the presence of a filler in soft tissues of the chin that does not correspond to the ultrasound and MRI signs of hyaluronic acid, were taken into account. Conclusions: complex diagnostics of dermal fillers using high-resolution ultrasound and MRI is indicated for patients with complications of contouring, for differential diagnostics of hyaluronic acid with fillers of non-hyaluronic nature.