Abstract: In 2010, Kawasaki T et al. presented a modification of the bifurcation technique named «culotte» - «cross-stenting» technique. The purpose of this technique - minimization of metal overlap in the proximal part of the main branch and, thus, reducing the risk of stent thrombosis and restenosis. In this article, we have present a case report of successful application of «cross-stenting» technique. Also we have described technical features of this technique and principles of choice stent for the side branch. References 1. Erglis A., Kumsars I., Niemela M., Kervinen K., Maeng M. et al. Randomized comparison of coronary bifurcation stenting with the crush versus the culotte technique using sirolimus eluting stents: The Nordic Stent Technique Study. Circ. Cardiovasc. Intervent. 2009; 2: 27-34. 2. Chevalier B., Glatt B., Royer T., Guyon P. Placement of coronary stents in bifurcation lesions by the «culotte» technique. Am J. Cardiol. 1998; 82: 943-949. 3. Hildick-Smith D., Lassen J.F., Albiero R., Lefevre Th., Darremont O., Pan M., Ferenc M., Stankovic G., Louvard Y. Consensus from the 5th European Bifurcation Club meeting. Eurolntervention. 2010; 6: 34-38. 4. Iakovou I., Ge L, Colombo A. Contemporary stent treatment of coronary bifurcations. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2008; 46: 1446-1455. 5. Kawasaki T., Koga H., Serikawa T. Modified culotte stenting technique for bifurcation lesions: the cross-stenting technique. J. Invasive Cardiol. 2010; 22: 243-246. 6. Examination of stent deformation and gap formation after complex stenting of left main coronary artery bifurcations using microfocus computed tomography. J.Interv. Cardiol. 2009; 22: 135-144.
Abstract: Aim: was to study properties of nanostructured carbon coating stents in coronary arteries with the help of intravascular ultrasonic visualization. Materials and Methods: experimental implantation of stents in coronary artery was performed on 8 yearling sheep. Estimation of bioinertness properties of stents was made by intravascular ultrasonic method on the 14, 28, 180 day. Bioinertness properties were estimated in comparison with analogical bare-metal stents. Results: The analysis of results showed that in early stages (up to 28 days) experimental samples of stents cause less formation of trombus than simple balloon-extendable stents. In the period of late outcomes, coronary nanostructured carbon coating stents have lower level of «in-stent stenosis». Conclusion: stent implantation with nanostructured carbon coating does not prevent the natural reparative processes taking place in the artery wall, does not cause the formation of thrombotic masses under standard doses of antiaggregants. Experimental stents significantly less affected in-stent stenosis, than stents without surface modification, indicating their higher bioinertness. References 1. Libby P., Ganz P. Restenosis revisited.- new tsrgets, new therapies. - N. Egl.S.Med. 1997; 37: 418-419. 2. Aref'eva T.I. et. al. Uvelichenie jekspressii monocitarnyh molekul adgezii i obrazovanija monocitotrombocitarnyh agregatov v krovi pri koronarnom restenoze [Increased expression of monocyte adhesion molecules and the formation of aggregates monotsitotrombotsitarnyh blood in coronary restenosis]. Terapevticheskijarhiv. 2002; 4:46-49 [In Russ]. 3. Morice M.C. A randomized comparison of sirolimus-eluting stent with a standard stent for coronary revesculazation. N. Engl. J. Med. 2002; 346:1773-1780. 4. Topol E.J. Artery size, neointima and remodeling time for some standards. J. Am. Coll Cardiol. 1998; 32:2087-2094. 5. Kremneva L.V. Vospalenie kak faktor riska restenoza i serdechno-sosudistyh oslozhnenij posle chreskozhnyh intrakoronarnyh vmeshatel'stv [Inflammation as a risk factor for restenosis and cardiovascular events after percutaneous intracoronary intervention]. Terapevticheskij arhiv. 2006; 3: 89-95 [In Russ]. 6. Lazarenko O.N. Vlijanie pokrytij stentov na tromboobrazovanie i razvitie restenozov [Tekst] [Influence of coatings on the stent thrombosis and restenosis. [Text]. Prakticheskaja angiologija. 2007; 2 (7): 10-13 [In Russ]. 7. Demin V.V. Klinicheskoe rukovodstvo po vnutrisosudistomu ul'trazvukovomu issledovaniju [Clinical guidelines for intravascular ultrasound]. O. IPK JuzhnyjUral. 2005; 400 s. [In Russ]. 8. Fedorchenko AN., Osiev A.G., Kochkina T.A., Protopopov A.V. Prognozirovanie klinicheskih rezul'tatov jendovaskuljarnogo vosstanovlenija prosveta stentirovannyh koronarnyh arterij. Diagnosticheskaja i intervencionnaja radiologija [Prediction of clinical results of endovascular stented recovery lumen of the coronary arteries. Diagnostic and intewentional Radiology. 2007; 3(1): 54-65 [In Russ]. 9. Vlodaver Z., French R., Van tassel R.A. et. al. Corellation of the atamortem coronary arteriogram and the postmortem specimen. Circulation. 1973; 47:162-9. 10. Grondin C.M., dyrda I., Pasternac A. et al. Discrepancies between cineangiographic and postmortem findings in partients with coronary artery disease and recent myocardial revascularheart diseases: comparison of ciuneangiographic and necropsy findings. Ann. Intern. Med. 1979; 91:350-6. 12. Isner J.M., Kishel J., Kent K.M. et. al. Accuracy of angiographic determination of left main coronary arterial narrowing. Angiographic - histologic correlative analisys in 28 patients. Circulation. 1981; 63: 1056-64. 13. Ivanov V.A., Movsesjanc M.Ju., Trunin I.V. Vnutrisosudistye metody issledovanija v intervencionnoj kardiologii [Intravascular methods of research in interventional cardiology]. Medpraktika. M. 2008; 112S. [In Russ]. 14. Nakamura S., Colombo A., Gaglione A. et al. Intracoronary ultrasound observations during stent implantations. Circulation. 1994; 89; 2026-34. 15. Colombo A., Hall P., Nakamura S. et al. Intracoronary stenting without anticoagulation accomplished with intravascular ultrasound guidance. Circulation. 1995; 91: 1676-88. 16. Goldberg S.L., Colombo A., Nakamura S. et al. Benefit of intracoronary ultrasound in the deployment of Palmaz - Schatz stents. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 1994; 24:996-1003.