Abstract: Background: the cause of the development of traumatic hernias of the diaphragm is its damage due to open or closed injury In modern conditions, the diaphragm injury is most common trauma in falling from height and car accidents (multiple trauma), and can be unnoticed in againts the background of other injuries. The dislocation of abdominal organs into the pleural cavity occurs in various, sometimes long, time periods after trauma. This situation is determined by the gradual increase in the size of the defect due to the difference in pressure in the abdominal and pleural cavities. Aim: was to study the importance of radiodiagnosis of traumatic hernias of the diaphragm. Materials and methods: two rare clinical cases of traumatic diaphragmatic hernias are presented. In one observation - a woman of 81 years, in the second - a 66 years old man. Results: a woman with a history of trauma as a result of a car accident 10 years ago, basec on a comprehensive survey, revealed posttraumatic hernia of the right half of the diaphragm with a dislocation into the pleural cavity of the small and large intestine. In the second case report (male), an old rupture of the left half of the diaphragm of unknowr prescription of injury was revealed with the dislocation of the greater part of the intestine and the left kidney Conclusion. To diagnose traumatic hernias of the diaphragm, a comprehensive examination of patients is necessary. Plain radiography can detect the dislocation of abdominal organs into the pleural cavity, and examination of the gastrointestinal tract with a water-soluble contrast drug is a violation of the passage. Multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) in case of such pathology, has a greater importance, because thin sections give the highest resolving power. 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Abstract: In patients with severe multiple trauma, posttraumatic period is often complicated by the development of polyorgan insufficiency, development of which is connected with morpho-functional changes of the liver parenchyma. Aim: was to identify dynamics of ultrasound signs of morphological and functional changes of liver in patients with multiple trauma. Materials and methods: performed analysis of ultrasound data obtained in dynamics, in 28 patients with severe multiple trauma. From the analysis, we excluded patients with blunt abdominal trauma with injury of liver. In first 2 days, 21 patients underwent surgical operations in treatment of craniocerebral trauma and trauma of musculoskeletal system. All patients underwent ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space to exclude possibility of appearance of free liquid; also estimated condition of liver, spleen, functional and morphological condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In first days after trauma, ultrasound examination was performed 2-3 times. Color duplex scanning of vessels of liver and spleen was performed once a day or every other day for 2-3 weeks of a traumatic period. Evaluated arterial and venous blood flow of liver by measuring the linear blood flow velocity (LBFV) and resistance index (RI), portal blood flow by measurement of linear and volumetric flow rate. Results: in all patients on admission to hospital, liver and spleen sizes had normal size. On the 3rd day after the injury, was revealed an increase in the cranio-caudal liver size by 2-4 cm and increased length of spleen by 5-8 cm, which lasts for 10-20 days. During dynamical ultrasound, 8 patients with 10-20 days against a background of increasing level of bilirubin and transaminases, in addition to increasing size of liver and spleen, we marked infiltration of tissues along hepatic veins with their narrowing and along branches of the portal vein with thickness from 0,25 to 0,7 cm. We marked LBFV decreasement by portal vein to 10-13 cm/sec and a volume flow to 250-400 ml / min, increased RI by hepatic artery In 3 patients in the liver parenchyma, we revealed avascular tissue regions with decreased echogenicity, indicating the formation of ischemic regions. Conclusion: during dynamical ultrasound in patients with severe multiple trauma, on day 3 after injury, were diagnosed morphological changes in liver parenchyma with violation of its hemodynamics. Further progression of the process observed for 10-20 days from the date of trauma: the growth of intrahepatic portal hypertension, increased peripheral resistance in arteries of liver parenchyma, the appearance of ischemic areas of liver parenchyma. The totality of above ultrasonic signs of hemodynamic disorders of liver, characterize organic hepatocellular insufficiency, which is a poor prognostic sign in the development of polyorgan insufficiency. References 1. Marushhak E.A. 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