Search: by keywords by authors by titles by annotation Retrospective analysis of methods for diagnosing postoperative bleeding in pancreatic surgery DOI: For quoting: Goev А.А., Berelavichus S.V., Stepanova Yu.А., Davidenko P.I., Akhtanin Е.А., Gorin D.S., Struchkov V.Yu., Shukurov K.U., Revishvili A.Sh. "Retrospective analysis of methods for diagnosing postoperative bleeding in pancreatic surgery ". Journal Diagnostic & interventional radiology. 2023; 17(2); 21-29. authors: Goev А.А. Berelavichus S.V. Stepanova Yu.А. Davidenko P.I. Akhtanin Е.А. Gorin D.S. Struchkov V.Yu. Shukurov K.U. Revishvili A.Sh. keywords: pancreas arrosive bleeding computed tomography pancreatoduodenal resection