Search: by keywords by authors by titles by annotation Endovascular treatment of patients with critical limb ischemia with isolated lesions of aortoiliac segment DOI: For quoting: Dzhurakulov Sh.R., Tashliev K.V., Tagaev N.B., Sazhonov D.N., Stupin V.A. "Endovascular treatment of patients with critical limb ischemia with isolated lesions of aortoiliac segment ". Journal Diagnostic & interventional radiology. 2023; 17(1); 60-68. authors: Dzhurakulov Sh.R. Tashliev K.V. Tagaev N.B. Sazhonov D.N. Stupin V.A. keywords: critical limb ischemia balloon angioplasty stenting of aortoiliac segment arteries