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Aim: was to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of using transperineal access for sanitation of «deep» exudative pelvic lesions in patients after gynecological operations.

Materials and methods: results of percutaneous drainage with perineal access of «deep» – perirectal postoperative exudative pelvic lesions in 18 patients after extirpation of the uterus in oncological pathology were subjected to retrospective analysis. Exudative formations in the pelvis were detected during continuous postoperative ultrasound screening of operated patients starting from 3rd day of the postoperative period, taking into account clinical data.

Perineal access was used in patients with verification of the nature of the pathological contents and subsequent drainage of the pathological exudation zone by 8fr drains with form memory using Seldinger method.

Results: manipulation was successful in all 18 patients. In 5 cases, a lyzed pelvic hematoma was drained, and in 13 cases, an abscess was drained. In three cases, the connection of the abscess cavity with the lumen of the rectum was revealed. There were no complications due to manipulation. The drainage period was 6-7 days for hematoma and 10-16 days for abscess without internal fistula. If there is a connection with the lumen of the rectum, the drainage period was 21 days, the drainage was removed with x-ray confirmed closure of the internal fistula.

Conclusion: our first positive experience of using transperineal access for the rehabilitation of intrapelvic exudative complications of the postoperative period in oncogynecological patients inspires cautious optimism, expands the arsenal of mini-invasive methods of treatment of intra-pelvic postoperative exudative complications, but undoubtedly requires further research for optimal integration of the technique into the practice of oncogynecology and x-ray surgery departments.



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The report is about giant false aneurysm of an extracranial part of the left internal carotid artery (ICA) in a patient aged one year and nine months. The reason of the complexity of diagnostics in this case was that the dissection of the ICA with formation of false aneurysm imitated the peritonsillar abscess' clinic. We have not found any descriptions of a similar cases of patients at such an early age in modern literature.



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The work was aimed at determining the possibilities of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) in diagnosis and staging of acute pyelonephritis (AP) for studying the role of concomitant congenital renal anomalies in development of AP and therapeutic decision-making. A total of 59 patients presenting with AP and suspected pyodestructive complications were subjected to MSCT, with 7 seven of these having undergone it twice in order to control therapeutic efficacy. The study showed that ultrasonography as well as excretory urography are not always informative enough as to the possibility of revealing purulent forms of an inflammatory process having developed on the background of renal developmental defects, especially anomalies of the shape, localization, and structure. The obtained findings made it possible to define proper indications for performing MSCT in patients with AP. Improved diagnosis achieved by means of MSCT made it possible to decrease the number of operations and avoid unnecessary nephrectomies.  





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Results of minimal invasive percutaneus drainage interventions under US-control in 45 children, aged 1-4 years with intraabdominal abscesses of different genesis are presented. Intraabdominal abscesses were identified as subdiaphragmatic (16), intrafilar (22) and pelvic (19). Difference between US-characteristics of intraabdominal abscesses, preoperative planning peculiarities and interventional technologies, that depend on localization of abscesses are presented.

The usage of 3D-echography results data in 13,3% of children increased the value of diagnostics: for optimization of surgical approach, kind and volume of intervention.

Percutaneus drainage intervention under ultrasound control is effective and non-traumatic method of treatment. 



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