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Introduction: research is dedicated to use of intracerebral laser photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) in treatment of ischemic stroke after-effects in comparison with conservative therapy methods.

Aim: was to evaluate effectiveness of intracerebral transcatheter laser PBMT in patients with previous ischemic stroke.

Materials and methods: 836 patients were included in study, within the period from 6 months to 6 years after ischemic strokes of various severity, aged 29-81 (mean age 74,9): 593 men (70,93%), 243 women (29,07%). Test Group - 511 (61,12%) patients with distal lesions of intracerebral arteries who underwent transcatheter intracerebral laser PBMT; control Group - 325 (38,88%) patients with similar distal lesions of intracerebral arteries who received conservative treatment.

Results: Test Group: good clinical results were obtained in 259 (87,21%) cases after small focal strokes; in 94 (60,26%) after midfocal strokes; in 12 (20,69%) after macrofocal strokes. Satisfactory clinical results were obtained in 33 (11.11%) cases after small focal strokes; 39 (25,00%) after midfocal strokes; 22 (37,93%) after macrofocal strokes.

Control Group: 51 (21,07%) patients after small focal strokes showed good clinical results; patients after midfocal strokes and macrofocal strokes did not have good results; 60 (24,79%) patients after small focal strokes and 8 (19,05%) patients after midfocal strokes showed satisfactory clinical results; patients after macrofocal strokes did not have satisfactory results.

Conclusions: transcatheter intracerebral laser photobiomodulation therapy is an effective, pathogenetically substantiated method of treatment in patients with ischemic stroke after-effects, leading to restoration of activities of daily living, of cognitive and mental functions and returning patients to fully active life.



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