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In this study the potentialities of quantitative computed tomography (QCT) in bone densitometry is reported. QCT was performed in patients receiving glucocorticoid therapy and in postmenopausal women (55 patients all in all). Special software was used for the mineral density loss assessment: surrounding tissues were automatically subtracted, and calculating of the vertebral body density done in cross-sectional view. QCT allows specifying pathological changes in any vertebral structures and so serves as a good contribution to the diagnosis of osteoporosis. 





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Purpose. Was to investigate ability of videodensitometry for assessment the effect of renal artery stenosis on parenchymal perfusion.

Materials and methods. Аngiographic data of 97 patients with and 55 patients without renal artery stenosis were analyzed by means of videodensitometry, using «Multivox» software. All patients underwent renal arteries duplex ultrasound and kidneys ultrasound examination.

Levels of blood pressure and kidney function as a clinical signs of renovascular hypertension were assessed. Risk factors of kidney parenchymal injury such as diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney diseases were monitored.

Results. Videodensitometric analysis allows to detect statistically significant differences in parenchymal perfusion between kidneys with and without renal artery stenosis. A grade of changes in parenchymal perfusion correlates with angiographicaly measured degree of renal artery stenosis and renal artery blood flow velocity.

Conclusion. Videodensitometric perfusion parameters can be used to assess the effect of renal artery stenosis on parenchymal blood flow.

Thus, videodensitometry extends diagnostic capability of angiographic study. 




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