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Aim: was to study possibilities of transabdominal ultrasonography in the diagnostics of the first phase of acute pancreatitis.

Material and methods: for the period 2010-2016, 7488 patients which required a differential diagnosis of disease with acute pancreatitis were urgently hospitalized. Transabdominal ultrasonography was made in 100% of patients in first hours and days of after hospitalization. 3519(47%) of patients were hospitalized during first 7 days from the beginning of the disease. Acute pancreatitis was confirmed in 458 patients (13%).

Results: new ultrasound signs were discovered and on the basis of them - a new method of transabdominal ultrasonography of acute pancreatitis was developed, which is based on the identification of hypoechoic areas corresponding to the vitreous edema of loose connective tissue, more than 2 mm thickness and more than 5 mm length. When identifying these signs at least in one of fixed parapancreatic areas - we diagnose acute pancreatitis.

Conclusions: the patented new method of transabdominal ultrasonography of acute pancreatitis in the first phase of the disease (patent # 2622611) allows to confirm or reject acute pancreatitis during the direct visualization of the pancreas. The method makes possible to establish an exact diagnosis when it is required to differentiate acute pancreatitis from another urgent pathology ir case of the absence of anamnesis, specific laboratory changes, the inability to apply other visualization methods, with changes in organs caused by concomitant pathology and background diseases, in patients with overweight.



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Accurate and timely diagnosis of benign renal tumors is often complicated, mainly because of the large variety of manifestations. 102 patients with various renal tumors were included in the study; in 9 of them (8.8%) tumors were verified as benign. Specimen were obtained by surgical tumor excision (8 cases), and ultrasound guided needle biopsy (1 case). The importance of pre-operative CT and MRI is shown for accurate diagnosis of benign renal tumors, in particular, angiomolipoma and multilocular cystous nephroma. Authors also discussed complicacies in radiodiagnostics of benign renal tumors.



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In this article our first experience of the application of the endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and of the fine-needle aspiration (FNA) in the oncological practice using the diagnostic complex EVIS EXERA-140 + GF-UC140P-AI5 + SSD-a5 ALOKA worked out by Olympus is presented. The aims of the investigations were: to determine the effectiveness of the EUS/EUS-FNA in the examination of different lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, of the surrounding organs and of the mediastinum; to get the adequate tissue samples for the morphological checkup for the following treatment. The problems resolved with the help of the EUS/EUS-FNA are: 1) the diagnosis of the neoplasia of the gastrointestinal tract, of the panctreatobiliary tract and of the mediastinum; 2) the confirmation of a neoplasia, the estimation of its expansion on the surrounding organs and tissue sampling; 3) the differentiation of the benign and the malignant tissues.

EUS was performed on 27 patients and EUS-FNA - on 14 of them. All tissue samples were examined by a pathologist in real time operation mode. From all the patients who underwent the EUS-FNA we have taken the adequate morphological samples.

EUS/EUS-FNA is a secure and perspective diagnostic method of investigation in the oncological practice.




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The systolic pressure gradient at the level of aortic narrowing, determined by non-invasive methods was measured in 110 patients with aortic coarctation and compared with its value in direct measurement before and during various terms after correction of the defect. It was determined that Doppler ultrasonography of arteries of the limbs is the most informative non-invasive method of assessing the degree of narrowing/restoration of the aortic isthmus. Also showed was various informative value of Doppler cardiography as a method aimed at evaluating the efficacy of removing the defect in patients with good, satisfactory and poor therapeutic outcomes. 





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Mediastinal lymphadenopathy is well diagnosed with diagnostic beam methods in primary care outpatient care. The problem is the heterogeneity of this group of diseases, requiring differential diagnosis, on the basis of which individual treatment plan is developed. Morphological verification is a prerequisite for the effective management of such patients

Aim: was to improve the diagnosis of patients with different mediastinal lymph node using endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS) by evaluation of EBUS cabinet, algorithmization and improvement of its structure and working procedure.

Materials and methods: for the period 2012-2016, 115 patients underwent endobronchial ultrasonography, in 71 cases of which (45,8%) EBUS was accompanied by fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB).

Results: we had investigated the capacity, efficiency Further development of and prospects were identified.

Conclusions: optimizing of structure of the EBUS cabinet, algorithmization of procedure can improve the level of the differential diagnosis in patients with mediastinal lymph node lesion anc reduce the time of examination of patients in this group.



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