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Aim: was to identify relationship between risk factors (RF) and severity of coronary artery (CA) defeat in patients, hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), without the presence of ishemic heart disease (IHD) earlier.

Materials and methods: the research includes 201 patients, who were hospitalized to N.V Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine from february 2011 to apri 2012 with the diagnosis «ACS». Main criteria of patients selection was the absence of IHD clinics in past. All patients underwent coronarography, obtained data was fixed in data base. At the time of arrival to hospital - risk factors were determined. To identify relationship between RF and CA defeat - statistic analyzes were made: the number of defeated CA (1,2 or 3); severity of CA defeat was measured with Syntax Score (SS) Scale (<22 and >22 points); praesence or absence of acute occlusion of CA of infarction zone.

Results: research consisted of 149 male (74,1%) and 52(25,9%) female, mean age of all patients was 56,6±10,6 yrs. ACS with elevation of ST-segment was diagnosed in 136 (67,7%) of patients. Haemodynamic significant stenosis (HSS) of 1, 2 or 3 CA were found in 56 (27,9%), 61 (30,4%) and 64 (30,8%) respectively In 20 (10%) patients - there was no HSS. Acute thrombotic occlusion (ATO) in myocardial infarction related(MI-related) CA was revealed in 146 (72,6%) of patients. It was noted, tht such RF as arterial hypertention (AH), smoking, low physical activity (LPA), was more spread with increasing numer of defeated CA. Patients with lot of defeated CA, were older, had higher figures of systolic arterial pressure (SAP). After examination and primary analysis, only age and number of RF had independent relation with prevalence of CA defeat. Patients with SS >22 points in comparison with patients <22 points, had higher AP, obesity, diabetes mellitus (DM), and more ofted had lack of fruits and vegetables. Also they were older had higher SAP, more RF. Analysis showed that only AH, DM, and age had independent relation with savere CA defeat (Syntax Score >22 points). Patients with ATO of CA, had higher such RF as smoking, LPA, DM. They also had more RF. After analysis - smoking and LPA were independently connected with ATO.

Conclution: such RF as age, AH, DM, LPA and number of combined RF in patient can have independent relation with volume and prevalence of CA defeat. Smoking and LPA can have relation with ATO, with clinics of ST-elevated ACS and macrofocal MI. Obtained data show necessity of inlarged reseach for a broad understanding og RF in connection with coronary atherosclerosis and thrombosis. All that can increase effectiveness of treatment and prophylaxis of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.



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