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Introduction: carboxyangiography does not come into extensive use nowadays, due to two fundamental reasons: the impossibility of getting an equitable to Iodinated Contrast Agents (ICA) quality of angiographic image without special angiography system software. Besides, labour intensity, continuance, and potential risks of the methodology of «hand-operated» injection of carbon dioxide. Carboxyangiography made by automatic injector CO2 appears a fundamentally new technique, free from pointed limitations.

Aim: was to inform possibilities and safety of carboxyangiography with automatic injector in different vascular basins.

Materials and methods: article presents data on possibilities and safety of performing carboxyangiography of various vascular basins, based on the analysis of world literature data. Data on indications and contraindications, on  features of this technique are presented. Article also provides clinical examples of such interventions as: revascularization of various peripheral basins (renal arteries, arteries of lower limbs, veins of upper limbs), primary and secondary interventions for abdominal aortic aneurysms (EVAR, diagnostics of endoleaks), formation and disconnection of various fistulas and shunts (TIPS, correction of fistulas and AVMs), interventions for gastrointestinal bleedings, implantation of cava filters, as well as a number of diagnostic procedures.

Conclusions: carboxyangiography with the use of the automatic injector can be performed for diagnostic and treatment endovascular interventions, as well in high operation risk patients with contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) or/and ICA allergy. In case of use of automatic injector and special angiographic software, image quality is highly competitive with ICA contrast-enhanced imaging.



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