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The aim of the study is to evaluate the potentialities of MRI in prenatal differential diagnosis of congenital abnormalities (CA). Results of 65 MR I-studies were analyzed. Ultrasound findings of CA were the indications for MRI. MR-images were obtained on GESigna Execute II (1,5T). The final diagnoses were made by postnatal autopsy, which served as a «golden standard» of neonatal CA diagnostics. Sensitivity of the MRI for fetal CA detection was 96,7%, specificity - 100%, diagnostic accuracy - 96,9%. Predicting reliability of the method for positive results was 100%, for negative results- 71,4%. In 46,2% of cases MRI and echo results agreed, in 23,1% MRI findings changed the diagnosis, and in 16,2% MRI provided additional information, which in 10,8% changed the pregnancy management strategy. Thus, MRI is shown to be highly informative in diagnosis of the fetal CA, and be able to refine the ultrasound findings. Using the MRI improves substantially the results of prenatal testing for CA, decreases the need for invasive procedures, and allows adequate planning of antenatal and postnatal management. 





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Acardiac fetus («acardiac monster», «acardiac vampire») - is rarely encountered pathology of pregnancy in which one of monochorionic fetuses (recipient) is formless mass, with absence of the heart and some internal organs, life and growth of which is related to parasitism on other fetus.

The main reason for the formation of this defect is an abnormal location of placental vessels ir monochorionic twins. Characteristic are the underdevelopment of the upper body of the recipient fetus (underdevelopment of the upper part of chest, the absence of heart or the presence of rudimentary heart) and acephaly

The article presents results of the analysis of the world literature data, and given own observation of acardiac fetus stillborn.

We specify frequency causes, as well as the clinical and morphological features such anomalies. Possibilities of the post-mortem magnetic resonance and computed tomography imaging in determining the type of acardiac fetus. According to results of the analysis, it was the most efficient construction and analysis of volumetric reconstruction of bone tissues.

Conclusion: post-mortem CT and MRI are advisable in some cases as a complement to the postmortem examination.



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