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The prostate cancer is one of the most widespread forms of malignant new growths at men. Brachytherapy I125 is a modern, hi-tech, effective, rather safe and easily reproduced method of prostate cancer treatment. In the Russian Scientific Center of Roentgenoradiology implantation of microsources I125 in patients with localized and widespread prostate cancer is carried out by since 2003. For the last period 689 implantations of sources I125 were spent. The tumor-specific survival rate after brachytherapy significantly didn't differ from a tumor-specific survival rate after radical prostatectomy. Thus, brachytherapy is a hi-tech, modern method of treatment in patients with prostate cancer and quantity of undesirable postbeam effects is less than after radical prostatectomy.



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Inflammatory breast cancer (BC) is a locally-spread unresectable primary diffuse form of tumor, occurring in 1- 6% of patients with breast cancer, and is one of the most malignant forms of cancer with a poor prognosis and a low survival rate.

The article describes the clinical case of successful experience in the application of repeated chemoembolization and one cycle of radical radiation therapy in patient with metastatic breast cancer (inflammatory form), resistant to conduct systemic chemotherapy (possibility to transfer tumor into operable condition).

Patient underwent three cycles of chemoembolization into right internal thoracic artery, followed by radical radiotherapy The combination of these techniques allowed to reach a complete response to treatment and subsequently perform a radical mastectomy. Postoperative follow-up period is 85 months of remission without specific therapy.



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