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A standard X-ray is still the most affordable method of evaluation of patients, including those with spinal diseases since 1895 when X-rays were found and were introduced into general practice. In the standard X-ray examination of the spine and all the anatomical structures located at different depths and different distances, projected onto x-ray film or a screen in the form of planar image. In order to neutralize these drawbacks and to improve visualization, various tomographic techniques have been developed. The most modern and promising diagnostic method is a multisection linear imaging (tomosynthesis), in which a single pass X-ray tube is a series of slices. Digital X-ray tomography with multislice linear are used as a rule, in the world, for examination of breast and lungs. The article presents data on the different types of X-ray tomography in evaluation of patients with tuberculous spondylitis.





We have analyzed 64 patients' MRI data: all the patients were after lumbar hearnioplasty, postoperative period from 2 to 14 years. Patients were divided into two groups, 1st - 46 patients with the presence of postoperative radicular cord compression pain (RCCP); 2nd - 18 patients without RCCP

18 of 46 patients from the 1st group had posterior disc hernias, situated in the overlying segment: 12 (26,0%) - in the underlying

Elastic protrusion (EP) at the level adjacent to the operated disc, was established in 25 (54,3%) patients in the overlying and in the underly-

ng segments. 11 patients (23,9%) had a combination of hernia and disc protrusion at other levels

There are general changes of the adjacent vertebral-motion segments (VMS) as later operation' after-effects: hypertrophy of the posterior ongitudinal and yellow ligaments, osteoarthritis of the intervertebral joints, intervertebral foramen stenosis, spondylosis deformans.



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