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The clinical case that is presented, demonstrates the need to sub-specialize radiologists in the field of mammology for a qualitative examination of the breast and timely diagnosis, including breast cancer. During last 8 years, the patient regularly (once every two years) underwent mammography in general-specialization medical facilities. According to findings of surveys conducted, nodal pathology of the breast was not identified. During the physical examination in the upper inner quadrant of the left mammary gland, a movable mass that was soldered to the skin up to 2.0 cm. When conducting a survey mammography in two standard projections in the lower inner quadrant of the left mammary gland, the nodal formation of the BIRADS 5 category was visualized. In a retrospective analysis of past mammograms, described above, nodal formation was noted on all presented mammographic images, the growth and changes in semiotic signs of the pathological focus were also observed. After additional diagnostic manipulations, a highly differentiated breast cancer with low mitotic activity was verified. 



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